

A Study of Principals Leadership in Vocational Schools

【作者】 傅建东

【导师】 马庆发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国目前正处于加快职业教育,特别是中等职业教育发展的关键时期,扩大职业学校办学自主权,增强其自主办学和自主发展的能力是国家的重要政策导向,中职学校校长因此被推到了极为重要的位置。校长是办好一所学校的关键,其最主要的职责是促使学生取得成功。校长的领导力关系到数千万人所受到的教育质量,因而也关系到我国经济发展中的劳动力质量,也就关系到我国中等职业教育的成败。本文分析了中职教育发展的政治、经济、社会和教育政策环境,在过去的二十多年里,我国政治稳定,经济快速发展,全球化进程加快,城乡居民收入保持较快增长,但传统观念和社会分层对中等职业教育发展却起着负面的作用。从教育政策来看,上世纪八十年代和九十年代前期政策非常有利,中职教育保持着快速发展的趋势,但随着招生和就业政策的改变以及高校的扩招、普高热的兴起,九十年代后期开始中职教育遭遇了非常大的困难。从2002年全国职业教育工作会议开始,中等职业教育受到了国务院的高度重视,发展环境得以改善。在环境不断变化的同时,中职学校数量和招生数量等也随之发生着较大的变化。这其中既有环境的作用,更与校长的领导密不可分。本文用质的研究方法,对中职校长的领导力进行研究。通过四位成功校长的故事,了解到他们的工作、生活、成长过程、所领导学校的特点以及他们对目前中等职业教育困难和校长培训的认识等。从这些故事中,发现校长们利用手中掌握的权力(职位权力和个人权力),去影响所有与学校发展相关的人。文中分析了校长拥有的权力类型以及这些权力对上级、下属和无上下级关系的人的影响力,同时也探讨了对校长权力的可能的制约因素。从四位校长的实际情况来看,他们所受制约较少,拥有着较强大的权力,而较强的权力对他们领导学校进行变革起到了很大的帮助作用。校长领导力的构成是有很大差异的,每位校长取得的成功都是其独有的领导力与所在学校特有的内外各种变量之间相互作用的一个结果。通过研究,还发现几位校长并没有特别关注教育和教学这两个重要方面,他们首先注重的是学校的生存,希望获取有利于学校生存和发展的稀缺资源,包括生源、优质师资、资金、设备、土地和政策等。几位校长从担任校长开始都着力领导学校进行了变革,在此过程中,确立学校发展方向、变革型思维、共享价值观、授权、激励和校长自身的人品等是领导学校走向成功的重要因素。本文运用领导学理论,尤其是以变革型领导理论为基础,对校长的领导实践进行分析的。巴斯(Bass)认为变革型领导和交易型领导是一个连续体上的不同点,这虽然比伯恩斯(Burns)的两极论更能揭示现实中的各种领导现象,但却不足以揭示纷繁复杂的领导世界。在对四位校长领导力研究的基础上,本文勾勒了一个新的领导力模型,以期能更好地揭示变革型领导、交易型领导和放任型领导之间的交互关系。本文还以为,为了加快中等职业教育发展,首先要加强中职校长队伍建设,而其着力点则在于校长的领导力建设。可以着手从以下四个方面进行:一、建立统一标准,夯实校长领导力建设的基础;二、公开招聘选拔,改进校长领导力建设的机制;三、激励校长,推动校长领导力的发展;四、加强校长培训,保障校长领导力的提升。

【Abstract】 Our country is now in a period of accelerating the growth of vocational education, especially that of secondary vocational education. The policy is oriented towards increasing vocational school’s decision-making power and towards increasing its capacity in self-managing and self-development. Principals in secondary vocational schools are thus put in a very important position. The principal plays a key role in running a school, whose main responsibility is to facilitate students’ success. The leadership of principals can affect the quality of vocational education that millions of people receive, and thus affect the quality of labor force needed in our economic growth, which indicates whether our secondary vocational education succeeds or fails.This dissertation analyzes the political, economic, social environment and the educational policy context, in which secondary vocational education develops. Since over twenty years ago, our country has been in a stable political environment. Economy has grown fast and the step of globalizing has been quickened. The income of citizens has risen quickly both in cities and in the countryside. However, Chinese traditional ideas and stratification of society plays a negative role in the development of secondary vocational education. In the perspective of educational policy, secondary vocational education grew quite fast when the policy was favorable in 1980s and early 1990s. But it encountered a great difficulty in late 1990s while the policy of recruitment and employment changed, and colleges recruited much more students, leading the booming of high schools. Since the national vocational education congress held in 2002, secondary vocational education has been highly valued by the State Council, and its development environment has been improving. In the process of environment changing, the number of secondary vocational schools and that of their enrollments have also been changing rapidly. To some extent it is the result of environment, but it is also closely related to principals’ leadership.This dissertation is mainly a qualitative research into the leadership of secondary vocational principals. From the stories of four successful principals, we know their growth, their work and life, and their characteristics in leading a school. We find that they influenced all those people who have some relationship with the development of the school with their power (both position and personal power) . Principals’ types of power, their upward, downward and lateral relations, and possible constraints are also analyzed. With regard to these four principals, they had strong power with little constraints, the power which facilitated them a lot leading the school to transform.There is a big difference among the constructs of principals’ leadership. Each principal’s success is the result of their unique leadership interacting with diversified variables inside and outside of their school. In the process of research, we also find that the principals did not pay special attention to the two important aspects: teaching and moral education. The highest priority was the survival of the school and the acquisition of rare sources including enrollments, capable faculty, money, equipment, land and favorable policies, which were key to the survival and development of the school. The four principals all led the school to reform when they were put into the position of principal. Setting a direction, transformational thinking, shared values, empowerment, motivation, and principals’ personal integrity were all important elements in leading a school to success.The analysis of the practice of principals is based on theories of leadership, especially on transformational leadership. Bass thinks that transformational leadership and transactional leadership are different points in the continuum of leadership, which can better explain various leadership phenomena than Burns’ idea which embraces that transformational and transactional leadership are opposite and mutually exclusive. However, leadership is too comprehensive and complex for the continuum theory to explain. A new model is proposed in the dissertation, which may explain the relationship among transformational, transactional and laisser-faire leadership.To accelerate the growth of secondary vocational education, the improvement of principals’ leadership needs to be accelerated. Following are four possible ways: 1) to set high standard for new principals in all types of secondary schools; 2) to invite applications publicly so that best candidates can be selected; 3) to motivate principals in the development of leadership; 4) to train principals to accelerate the improvement of leadership.

【关键词】 中职学校校长领导力
【Key words】 secondary vocational schoolsprincipalsleadership
  • 【分类号】G717.12
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2115

