

Research on the Female Writers’ Group from Soochow University (1938-1949)

【作者】 王羽

【导师】 陈子善;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪40年代的上海文坛,由特殊的历史条件所致,可谓新人辈出,佳作云集,尤其是涌现出一大批年轻的女作家,将这个异常敏感的时间段升华成为“五四”以来女性作品最为喷薄的重要时期。其中最优秀的当属今日已在专业研究领域与大众阅读层面都受到相当瞩目的张爱玲、苏青。随着对这一特定历史时期文学构成的进一步深入考察,更多早已如珠散落的女作家逐渐进入今日文化界的视野。包括施济美、汤雪华、俞昭明、程育真、杨琇珍、郑家瑷等人在内的“东吴系女作家”便是当时曾经风行一时的著名女作家群体。受来自于自身与时代的多重因素制约,她们在解放后数十年中一直没有获得重新“浮出历史地表”的机会。尽管如此,她们作为曾经与张爱玲、苏青等“同台献艺”的女作家,仍然被一些有心的文学史家和海派女性文学研究者投以注目。本文正是在已有的零星研究成果基础上,对“东吴系女作家”这一概念模糊、作品分散、历史印象十分苍白的女作家群体进行系统研究。全篇论文除导论之外分为上下两编,共七章,在辨析上海沦陷区特殊的社会环境基础上,展开对研究课题的审视与研究,希望能比较全面、深刻地探究这一女性作家群体的来龙去脉,为文学史填补一块小小的空白。上编基本上属于关于该课题的外部研究,是整个研究体系的起点,并为下编做好铺垫和准备。第一章是全文的基础,引入“东吴系女作家”这个在特定历史时期存在过的概念,厘清她们的成员构成、出现并且得名的原因。第二章着重论述“东吴系女作家”崛起的文学风土,即独一无二的时空条件为她们的文学实践活动得以成功展开所提供的历史机遇。第三章着重挖掘她们的成长背景和登上文坛、逐步成熟直至解放后销声匿迹的主要生活经历与创作道路。下编是该课题的内部研究,是全篇的重点,致力于对研究对象的整体文学世界进行深入剖析,客观评价。第四章主要对这个女作家群体有代表性的文学主题进行提炼和分析。第五章主要对“东吴系女作家”的艺术美学风格进行分析。第六章主要总结主要女作家截然不同的创作个性,从而揭示出这个群体趋于一致同时又充满多元元素的创作特色。第七章为比较研究,把研究对象放在整个海派文学的范畴之内,通过作品主题、人物类型以及内在精神等诸方面的比较,凸现这个女作家群的特异之处,从而为她们在中国现代文学史以及海派文学内部找到客观的历史位置。结语主要对全篇论文进行总结,提出这个女作家群在价值取向上的理想性,及其对今天中国文化界特别是女性文化发展的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In Shanghai literary circles of 1940’s , new writers and excellent works came forth in large numbers for abnormal conditions of society . A group of young women writers particularly sprang up , which raised this special period literary from the May 4th Movement . Eileen Zhang and Su-qing are the most famous ones in it , being warmly received both by research circles and common readers . In pace with a deep study of the literature in this unusual age , more forgettable women writers get into the field of vision of today’s cultural circles . "Women Writers from Soochow University" was a well-known women writer group at that time, including Shi Jimei, Tang Xuehua , Yu Zhaoming, Cheng Yuzhen , Yang Xiuzhen, Zheng Jiaai.Being restricted by historical conditions, they had no chance to be gazed at after liberation , and at the same time , some literature historian and research workers pay a little attention to them , who once enjoyed equal popularity with Eileen Chang and SuQing . This text devotes itself to make a systematic study of "Female Writers’group from Soochow University" which has no clear conception , scientific collection of works or sharp image in Chinese modern literature history .Besides forewords and epilogue, this thesis has two parts and seven chapters .The first part belongs to a kind of external study and the starting point of the whole study system , which fully and well prepare for the second part.Chapter I is the basis of the whole essay , pointing out this specific concept , making clear of the group’s members, name and arising reasons .Chapter II discusses the literature soil for the rising of "Women Writers from Soochow University" , which is unique space-time conditions.Chapter III makes a thorough inquiry on their main experiences of life such as family background , education background and creative working road .The second part is internal study and focal point of the whole thesis , devoting itself to analyze thoroughly and evaluate objectively the group’s literature word .Chapter IV summarizes and analyses representative subjects of their works .Chapter V analyses their aesthetic perception in their works .Chapter VI is comparing study , that is to say , putting "female writers’ group from Soochow University" in the whole literature of Shanghai style .The comparison in theme , characterization and spirit shows the group’s distinguishing features and their places in Chinese modern literature history .The epilogue gives a concise summary of the whole thesis , thereby points out that this group always in their idealism believed universal love can remodel society and which is of momentous current significance to today’s China cultural circles especially to women culture.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】778

