

From Housing Estate to Housing Block

【作者】 朱怿

【导师】 张玉坤;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 “居住小区”模式是我国城市居住区规划的理论依据和主要形式,它起源于计划经济年代,具有内向性和自完整性的特征。在当前我国经济体制和城市性质等方面都发生深刻变革的情况下,这种模式正日益呈现出多方面的弊端,如:占地规模过大,城市交通受阻;外围界面封闭,街道活力丧失;追求自我完善,公共设施低效;建设模式单一,城市风貌趋同等。这些弊端的实质,在于小区与周边城市环境的割裂,是对城市性的背离。这些问题显示了居住小区模式已难以适应当前的城市发展,尤其不适用于城市内部住区。论文系统总结了人居环境三个学科(建筑学、城市规划学和景观设计学)及社会学、房地产开发等领域在城市住区规划方面的理论进展,深入探析了居住小区模式与计划经济条件下“大街区——宽马路”城市格局的对应性,从城市道路结构及功能、小区规模、公建性质、配套设施建设方式、住宅类型、城市基层管理等方面归纳和提炼出多层次的策略,对居住小区模式存在的问题逐一加以破解。结合对北京城市建设及相关住区规划实例的调查,提出应对现有的住区规划设计从思想到方法上进行全方位的变革。新的住区规划设计应以城市的整体利益为出发点和归宿,遵循城市规划和景观设计为先导的设计原则,住区与城市之间形成网络化的组织结构。在城市规划层面,提出住区占地规模应适应合理的道路结构和路网密度,根据对有关城市道路交通规范的分析,结合国内外先进的城市建设经验,认为城市内部住区地块边长应在60~250米之间;在住区规划层面,认为应放弃将住宅与各项公共服务设施进行“捆绑”式布局的方式,而应区分公建的性质,采取不同的配置方式;在住区管理上,可从整体封闭改变为在基层封闭,将封闭区限制在一幢或几幢楼宇组成的群体之间;对于新的模式中出现的东西向住宅问题,从住宅性质和居住主体的多样性等方面提出了居住类型的多元化发展道路;在城市设计层面,论述了住区界面形态和功能与相邻道路性质的关联性,提出应采用住区界面——道路断面一体化的设计方式。建立在以上论述的基础上,提出从“居住小区”转变为“居住街区”的城市内部住区规划设计模式。新的模式不仅具有规模合理、功能复合和界面开放等特点,更重要的是对城市空间结构、用地模式和交通体系的综合考虑。这种模式协调了住区与城市、居住与生活的关系。在控制规模的前提下,它既可“纯居”,也可混合布局。居住街区模式适用于各种类型的城市建成区及新城建设,对于城市边缘和郊区住区,也具有参考价值。这种新的规划模式有益于住区自身及城市的发展,有助于形成多样化的城市风貌。

【Abstract】 The mode of“housing estate”is the fundamental principle and the main form of the planning of urban community in contemporary China. It origins from the era of planned economy. The trait of the mode is introverted and self-integrity. With the innovation of economy system and the change of the property of city, the pattern shows itself in much deficiency. Its capacious scale interrupts the road of city, the walled boundary make the atmosphere of adjacent street deserted, and because of the users are limited, the utilization of common facilities is in low-efficiency; and the scene of different city is similar under the influence of the rigidity of the mode. The reason of such deficiency in that the residential area is isolated from the peripheral section, and this type of community has no urbanity. These problems revealed that the pattern of housing estate couldn’t fit for the construction of urban community, and it could not be used in inner city particularly.Basing on the progress of some interrelative subjects, including architecture, city planning, landscape architecture, sociology and the field of real estate, and the investigation of several communities in Beijing, the article made the viewpoint that we should change the concept and method of the planning mode of community currently. The new concept eyes the community and the city as a whole, follows the frame of urban planning and landscape planning. The structure between community and the city is netlike. Based on the knowledge of city planning, the scale of urban community should fit for the structure and density of road system. According to the pertinent code for transport planning and urban road, and the practice of many pleasant city home and abroad, the length between 60 meters and 250 meters is an appropriate size of the block. From the angle of the community planning, we needn’t bind the housing with other public facilities in one plot. From the angle of the management of community, the walled community should be abandoned. The area of blockage should be controlled within one or several buildings. Many people don’t accept the situation when the housing faces east and west. In fact, the choice of different buyer is diverse, and someone prefers renting to purchasing. From the angle of urban planning, the paper discusses the relationship between the boundary of the block and the property of the road, and pointed out we should design the two parts in one phrase. Basing on these contentions, the article holds the view that we should abandon the pattern of housing estate, and set up the mode of housing block in the planning of urban community. The new pattern will suit for the progress of urban community, and contain the consideration of the spatial structure of city, the mode of landuse, and the system of transportation. The housing block is small in scale and open in its boundary. It is the combination of habitation and daily life with many parts organised in one district, such as housing, commerce, culture and servings. This kind of residential district will do good to city instead of disturbing it. We can arrange the habitation singlely or mixed with other function in one block. The mode will fit for many kinds of community when they situated in different parts of city, including inner city, the edge of city and suburbs. The new pattern will profitable for the planning of community and the city, and help for the diversiform of apperance of city.

【关键词】 居住小区居住街区规划设计规模界面道路街道
【Key words】 housing estatehousing blockplanningscaleinterfaceroadstreet
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】5210
  • 攻读期成果

