

Study of Scale Business of Commercial Plantation in China

【作者】 曹华

【导师】 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文对我国人工用材林经营方式的变革做了初步的理论研究,核心思想是以人工用材林一体化经营方式实现人工用材林规模化经营。本文的研究方法主要包括比较分析方法、案例分析方法。分析层次及主要内容:(1)依据研究背景提出了我国人工用材林规模化经营的目的、意义;(2)在对比分析了国内外人工林经营方式后,结合我国人工用材林经营的现实情况,从我国林产品国际化经营、提高林产工业竞争力、林产工业均衡生产的角度对我国人工用材林规模化经营的必然性进行了研究;(3)阐述了林工贸一体化的理论内涵,运用价值系统论、分工论、交易费用理论分析了林工贸一体化实现规模化经营的内在机理,并对人工用材林一体化经营的概念及内涵进行了界定,阐述了林工贸一体化形成的资源供应体系对林产工业提高竞争力的理论和现实意义;(4)在人工林林工贸一体化经营形式和运行机制的设计方面,共分三部分内容。第一部分研究了人工用材林基地、林产工业和贸易方式、市场结构等方面的现状,存在的问题,通过分析,认为我国林产品贸易近年来快速发展,但在发展中由于受到资源约束的限制,使林产工业原材料对外依存度高,削弱了林产工业的国际竞争力,据此提出了相应的解决对策,即林产工业国际竞争力的提高,除加强自身建设外,还应采用林工贸一体化经营,通过产业间的协同作用,带动人工用材林基地实现规模化经营,从而解决林产工业资源约束,提高林产工业的国际竞争力。第二部分研究了人工用材林林工贸一体化经营组织形式的设计,依据一体化经营的一般类型,提出了人工用材林一体化经营组织形式,并对不同组织形式从契约联结到产权联结的不同经营模式进行了分析,提出了现有“公司+农户”经营模式应从契约联结逐步过渡到产权联结的股份合作模式。第三部分研究了人工用材林一体化经营的运行机制,指出利益机制是运行机制的核心,包括如何创造利益以及如何分配利益,而利益分配机制是由不同的利益分配形式实现的。在利益分配形式的选择上,提出了各地一定要有时间概念,要循序渐进,针对不同情况,在一体化经营的不同发展阶段采用最适合的形式,而且应随着一体化经营水平的提高,组织形式和经营模式的变化随时调整利益分配方式。最后提出建立和完善人工用材林一体化经营运行机制的主要措施。(5)提出了林工贸一体化组织形式的建立和运行机制的实施,需要发挥政策体系、社会服务体系、市场体系的支持作用,由此引出了林工贸一体化经营的支持系统设计。通过以上分析,为我国人工用材林规模化经营提供了一个基本完整的理论分析框架,该理论分析框架可以作为我国各级林业部门和林产工业企业实现人工用材林规模化经营的理论指导。

【Abstract】 This paper is to theoretically study the reform of commercial plantation management in China, based on the relevant foreign experiences. The core is the accomplishment of scale business of commercial plantation through integrative management.Two measures comparative analysis and case study were chosen in the paper, revealing the main themes as follows: (1) the research of the purpose and the significance of scale business of commercial plantation based on the related research background ;(2) via the comparison with the foreign measurements of commercial plantation management and the link with the reality of China, the study of the necessity of scale business of commercial plantation is presented; (3) reasoning the theorem of integration management of forestry industry and trade, utilizing theories of value system, labor division and transaction cost to analyze the operation mechanism, and defining clearly the concept of the integrative management of commercial plantation, and explaining its significance in elevating competitiveness of China’s forestry industry; (4) Regarding designing of mold and mechanism of scale business of forestry industry-trade integration, three parts are represented. The first part concerns the currant situation and problems of the plantation bases, forestry industry and trade modes, market structure, etc. analysis represents that in recent yeas china’s forest product trade has experienced a rapid development, while the restriction of recourses supply leads to a high dependence on foreign recourses, thus weakening the competitiveness of forestry industry. On this base, a set of solutions are formulated that beside the enhancing of the self-construction, it is necessary to use the integrative management of forestry, industry and trade, through which coordination of work among industries can play an important role and promote the scale management, and the purpose of elevating the industry competitiveness can be achieved. The second part is the designing of running formation of the integration of forest resources, industry development and trade. Via the research of the usual modes of integrative management, the new forms of integration of forest resources, industry development and trade of commercial plantation are put forward. Variety of running forms (such as contact relationship and ownership relationship) are estimated, and it is held that the current "companies + tree farmers" should gradually shift from contract relations to ownership relations with the specific running mode of "joints-stock". The last part is about the research of the running mechanism of integration of forest resources, industry development and trade of commercial plantation, which has a core of interest mechanism that can be concluded as "how to create profit" and "how to divide the profit". The interest distribution mechanism is embodied through different forms. How to choose the right form is an issue related with time and places, and different situations, development phases, the level of integration, organization frame and running mode should also be considered. Finally a set of measures of supporting and improving the integrationmechanism is formulated. (5) it is held that the achievement of the successful foundation and running ofintegration of forest resources, industry development and trade of commercial plantation needs thebackup of policy system, social security system and market system. There after, the planning of thesupport system is proposed.Through the analysis above, the intact theoretical frame of scale management of commercial plantationis set up, capable of supervising forestry departments at all levels and being a directory for theachievement of scale management of commercial plantation.


