

Study on the Symbol Theory of Traditional Chinese Furniture’s Ornament

【作者】 何燕丽

【导师】 林作新;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 象征是传统古典文艺美学最具有原创性的核心话语,具有复杂的意义结构。本论文在西方象征理论和中国传统“意象”说的基础上,描述西方的“象征”美学与中国传统的“意象”说在家具装饰设计方面相通的美学原则和思维特征,探索中国传统家具装饰的象征特征,从中国传统家具装饰符号的象征思维和观念表达两个角度出发,得出传统家具装饰中的设计动机和设计主题。论文的主要贡献是建立中国传统家具装饰的象征理论结构体系。通过对象征这一美学范畴的多角度考察,并利用聚类分析和主成分分析两种统计分析方法进行定量研究。主成分分析得出传统家具装饰符号的象征意义的九个主成分,构成了象征意义的观念表达体系:长寿观念、家庭观念、生殖观念、等级观念、富康观念、价值观念、宗教观念、自然宇宙观念和伦理观念,进而对这个观念表达体系进行聚类分析,得出三种类别系统,即个人生存观念系统、社会伦理观念系统和自然宇宙观念系统。对于传统家具的研究,大多从科技史和物质文明史的角度进行的。当代关于美学的人类学走向、史学更关心结构的研究现状,对于中国家具的文化艺术研究的具有很大的借鉴意义。通过当代传统家具消费观念动机的市场调查分析,可以认识到:当代人们在文化实践中对传统家具的消费是作为一种文化象征物而消费的,人们实是消费这些传统家具所象征的文化意义和艺术品位。论文的主文由三部分组成,首先是象征现象的心理需求,指出了观念对象征的决定作用,这也决定了不同的民族有不同的象征心理,进而形成了不同的象征模式,在这种模式下,象征以一定的方式和途径代代传承,形成了具有民族特色的象征体系;接着,归纳总结了装饰文化现象中的象征符号;对这些象征符号进行主成分分析、聚类分析之后,可以得到不同象征的观念表达体系,这些类别可以通过心理需求的三个层次来解释归类,形成了象征的深层结构。同时,文化观念对应于家具的装饰设计,必然存在对应的设计主题,这构成了象征理论结构的拓展层结构。随着文化全球化的深入,中国传统家具装饰的象征结构体系也面临着现代性的选择。在建设中国现代家具美学体系的过程中,经过现代化整合之后的象征思维,必将放射出耀眼的光彩,成为中华民族奉献给世界家具艺术设计创作的一颗思维的明珠。

【Abstract】 Symbol is the most original key discouse in Classical Aesthetic of Literature and Art. It composes of complicate implications. The thesis’s contribution will also be to quantify and quanlify the research to theorize the system of structure of symbol on traditional Chinese furniture’s ornament.Based on the west symbol theoris and traditional Chinese imagery theory, this thesis aims at symbl structure systerm of the tradional Chinese furniture’s ornament. As the marked character, symbol is an evergreen of Chinese classical culture trend of thought. Symbolism literature is the most influcing genre since modern Time. Imagery theory is composed of image, visualization and sense of image, which briongs up the uniquely design theoris of ancientry Chinese.And present, some point of view on traditional Chinese furniture is fastened on the science and technology and substance civilization. Anthropological idea of aesthetics and structuralism of historiography are use of refrence for study traditional Chinese furniture. As such, through a market survey in Beijing classical furniture market,we discovered that most of the respondent’s consumede motivation is interested in the symbol culture of the furniture. From the furniture, they expressed their sentiment, status and personality.The main of the thesis included three parts. Firstly, psychology demand of symbol indicated that conception idea is crucial factor for symbol, which is the national sense. Secondly, the symbol of traditional Chinese furniture’s ornament is concluded, which is the surface structure of the structure of symbol on traditional Chinese furniture’s ornament. Thirdly, the author analysed the meaning of the symbol by the method of Main component Analys and Heriticla cluster analys. The result is the component of the profound structure of the system of structure of symbol on traditional Chinese furniture’s ornament. Contemporary, the cultureis interalated with the design of furniture’s ornament, which is the outstecture of the system of structure of symbol on traditional Chinese furniture’s ornament.As the penefration of culture globalizational and west ideal of aesthetic, the structure of symbol theory on Chinese thaditiona furniture ornament faces an atermation of modernization, in the couse of formulacating modern Chinese system of aesthtics in literature and art. Symbolical wei exert great influence on modern literanture and art after its own modernization and conformation in a new era.

  • 【分类号】TS664.01
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2120
  • 攻读期成果

