

Study on the Habitat Characteristics and Vegetation Succession of Mined Wastelands in the West of Beijing

【作者】 李一为

【导师】 周心澄; 赵廷宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 纵观国内外研究现状,尚无对北京西部矿业废弃地不同生境植被演替规律的研究报道。本论文通过对京西门头沟全区矿业废弃地生境、植被调查和分析,较为系统的研究了门头沟区矿业开采造成的生态环境影响、矿山数量及分布特征、矿业废弃地(采石场、煤矿)生境及植物群落特征,揭示了矿业废弃地植被在自然恢复状态下,其生境演变和植物群落演替过程。主要研究结果如下:(1)采用实地调查与地理信息系统相结合的方法,对全区矿山类型、开采方式、数量、现状、占地面积和分布进行了分析。结果表明:全区矿山以煤矿和采石场为主,共267个,占地面积1799.8hm~2。其中煤矿154个,占地面积1501.0hm~2,正在运营16个,已关闭138个;采石场1.13个,占地面积298.9hm~2,正在运营46个,已关闭67个;全区煤矿均为地下开采,主要开采方式为平硐和斜井两种方式。采石场按开采对象和开采方式划分,石灰石采石场102个,均为露天开采。页岩采石场5个,80%以上为地下开采。尼龙石采石场3个,均为露天开采。伊俐石、页腊石、玄武岩采石场各1个,前2类石料为地下开采,玄武岩为露天开采。从分布上看,煤矿主要分布在该区东南部和西南部,采石场则主要分布在东部6镇,分布密集。矿点在各个乡镇的分布极不均衡。(2)采用主成分分析(PCA)方法对矿业废弃地生境特征进行了分析,认为可将海拔和废弃年限2个主导生境因子作为2类矿业废弃地植物群落生境类型划分的依据。(3)采用双向指示种(TWINSPAN)分析的方法,将矿业废弃地样方进行了划分,结合实际情况把采石场和煤矿废弃地植被均划分为5个群落类型,并对应于相应的生境类型。(4)采用α和β多样性指数、植物生长型、生活型和植物种类变化、植被盖度减少率和土壤硬度增加率等指标和方法,对门头沟地区矿业废弃地植物群落特征进行了分析。采石场废弃地植物群落随着废弃年限的增加,物种种类逐渐增加,群落物种组成愈来愈接近周边植物群落,但其分布的均匀程度降低,表明个别物种随着废弃年限的增加逐渐占据群落优势种地位;各群落物种多样性指数均高于周边植物群落,认为是由于采石场废弃地微生境的多样化所导致;草本层α多样性指数在不同废弃年限均高于灌木层和乔木层。随着废弃年限的增加,灌木层α多样性指数增加明显,草本层和乔木层增加幅度不大。乔木层α多样性指数在不同废弃年限均明显低于灌木层和草本层。在植被自然恢复初期,一、二年生草本占群落多数。随着废弃年限的增加,多年生草本和灌木逐渐增多,一、二年生草本则明显下降。禾本科、豆科和菊科植物在不同废弃年限均是群落的主要物种。周边植物种类显著影响采石场自然恢复的植被种类。此外,随着废弃年限的增加,植被覆盖度减少率和土壤硬度增加率总体呈递减趋势。煤矿废弃地植物群落随着废弃年限的增加,α多样性指数呈增加趋势,物种组成愈来愈接近周边植物群落,16a之后,煤矿废弃地群落已趋稳定,但其多样性指数明显低于周边植物群落,表明煤矿废弃地对某些植被的定植有一定限制;草本层的α多样性指数在不同废弃年限均明显高于灌木层和乔木层。随着废弃年限的增加,草本层和灌木层α多样性指数上升较快。群落达到稳定阶段后,3个层次的α多样性指数均有一定程度的降低。植物生活型和植物种类变化规律与采石场废弃地基本相同。植被覆盖和土壤硬度变化规律与采石场废弃地相似。(5)根据TWINSPAN对采石场和煤矿废弃地植物群落和生境类型的划分及其特征分析结果,将不同群落类型划分为不同的演替阶段。采石场废弃地在山前丘陵区划分为1个演替阶段,即草本群落阶段,群落类型为牵牛-鬼针草群丛。在浅山区划分为3个演替阶段:第1阶段为草本植物群落阶段,群落类型为山榆-鬼针草群丛;第2阶段为草本群落向灌丛群落过渡阶段,群落类型为毛地黄-荆条群丛;第3阶段为灌丛群落阶段,群落类型分别为绣线菊-荆条群丛和杠柳-荆条群丛。煤矿废弃地在浅山区划分为2个演替阶段:第1阶段为灌丛群落阶段,群落类型为艾蒿-荆条群丛;第2阶段为乔木群落阶段,群落类型为羊胡子-臭椿群丛。在低山区划分为2个演替阶段:第1阶段为草本植物群落阶段,群落类型为铁苋菜-狗尾草群丛;第2阶段为草本群落向灌丛群落过渡阶段,群落类型为蒙古蒿-鬼针草群丛。在中山区划分为1个演替阶段,即草本植物群落阶段,群落类型为黄花铁线莲-鬼针草群丛。

【Abstract】 Taking a panoramic view of the domestic and foreign research status, there is no report on the vegetation succession rules in different habitats of mined wastelands in the west of Beijing. Based on the survey and analysis on habitats and vegetation in mined wastelands of Mentougou in the west of Beijing, this paper systematically researched the impact on the ecological environment and the characteristics of number and distribution of mines as well as the characteristics of habitats and vegetation community of mined wastelands (quarry and coal mine), revealing the process of habitats change and vegetation community succession under the condition of natural revegetation. The main results are as follows:(1) Using the methods of on-site inspection combined with geographic information system, the types, mining methods, number, status, floor space and distribution of mines were analyzed. The results showed that the main types of mine are coalmines and quarries with a total number of 267 and floor space of 1799.8hm~2 . The number of coalmine is 154 with floor space of 1501.0hm~2 , 16 of which are operating and 138 closed. The number of quarries is 113 with a total floor space of 298.9hm~2, 46 of which is operating and 67 closed. Coalmines are all underground mining with the two mining methods of tunnel system and incline shaft. According to the mining objects and the way of exploitation of quarries, there are 102 limestone quarries, all opencut mining. Shale quarries are five with more than 80% is underground mining. There are three opencut mining Nylon quarries.In addition, there are three different types of quarries: Iraq Cordero stones, p. Philip Stone and basalt quarries.The former two types are underground mining and basalt is opencut mining. From the distribution perspective, coalmines are mainly located in the southeast and southwest, quarries are mainly located in six towns in the east.Thedistribution of quarries is intensive and the sites in different towns are extremely imbalance.(2) Using the principal component analysis (PCA) to analyze the habitat characteristics of mined wastelands, the result showed that the two dominant habitat factors of elevation and abandoned years could be used as the habitat division basis of vegetation communities for the two mined wastelands.(3) Taking two-way indicator species analysis method (TWINSPAN) to divide the quadrats of mined wastelands, combining the actual situation, the vegetation was dividend into five coenotypes both in quarry and coalmine wastelands, and each coenotype has a habitat type correspondently.(4) Taking a diversity index, β diversity index, growth form, life form, change of species, reduction rate of vegetation coverage and increase rate of soil hardness, the vegetation communities characteristics were analysed.In quarry wastelands with the increment of abandoned years the kind of species rises gradually and the composition of species is becoming more and more similar with the surrounding plant community.But the evenness decreases which shows that individual species takes the position of dominant species with the increment of abandoned years.The species diversity index of each plant community is higher than that of the surrounding plant community which may be caused by the diversification of microhabitat in quarry wastelands.The a diversity index of herbaceous layer is higher than that of shrub layer and tree layer in different abandoned years.With the increment of abandoned years the a diversity index of shrub layer increases obviously while the herbaceous layer and tree layer increase slightly.The α diversity index of tree layer is lower than that of shrub layer and herbaceous layer apparently.In the early stage of natural revegetation annual and biennial herb occpuies the majority.With the increment of abandoned years perennial herb and shrub increases gradually while the annual and biennial herb decreases clearly. Gramineae, Leguminosae, and Compositae are the main species of plant community in different abandoned years.The plant species of surroundings affects the species of natural revegetation conspicuously. Additionally the reduction rate of vegetation coverage and the increase rate of soil hardness both show decrease tendency.With the increment of abandoned years a diversity index of coalmine plant communities rises.The composition of species is becoming more and more similar with the surrounding plant community.After sixteen years the plant community shows the trend to be stable, but the diversity index is lower than the surrounding plant community apparently which explains that the coalmine wastelands has restriction on some plant species. The a diversity index of herbaceous layer is higher than shrublayer and tree layer in different abandoned years. With the increment of abandoned years a diversity index of herbaceous layer and shrub layer increase obviously. When the community reaches stable stage, a diversity index of three layers all decreases to some extent. The change of life form and species are the same with the quarry wastelands.The variation of vegetation coverage and soil hardness are similar with the quarry wastelands.(5) According to the partition result of the plant community and habitat types of quarry and coalmine wastelands with TWINSPAN as well as the characteristics analysis, the different communities are divided into different successional stages. The plant community of quarry wastelands in hilly Piedmont is divided into one succession stage, namely the herb stage.The community type is Assoc. Pharbitis nil- Bidens parviflora.In a shallow mountain there are three successional stages: The first stage is herb community stage. The community type is Assoc. Ulmus pumila - Bidens parviflora; The second stage is the transition phase of herb community to shrub community.The community type is Assoc. Digitalis purpurea- Vitex negundo.The third stage is shrub community stage.The community types are Assoc. Spiraea salicifolia-Vitex negundo and Assoc. Periploca sepium-Vitex negundo.In the coalmine wastelands of Shallow Mountain, the plant communities are divided into two succession stages: The first stage is shrub community stage. The community type is Assoc. Artemisia lavandulaefolia - Vitex negundo.The second stage is tree community stage. The community type is Assoc. Eriophorum gracile - Ailanthus altissima. In the low mountain, the plant communities are divided into two succession stages: The first stage is herb stage. The community type is Assoc. Acalypha australis - Setaria viridis.The second stage is the transition phase of herb community to shrub community. The community type is Assoc. Artemisia mongolica - Bidens parviflora. In mid-mountain, there is only one succession stage, namely the herb community stage. The community type is Assoc. Clematis intricata - Bidens parviflora.


