

A Comparative Study on Forestry Modernization in China Late Qing Dynasty and Japan Meiji Period

【作者】 于甲川

【导师】 董源;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 我国改革开放以来,随着社会主义现代化建设的蓬勃发展,史学界对近代化研究相应兴起。而林业近代化研究尚为少见。因此,本文确定林业近代化为研究课题,并以全球史观对同一历史时期中国晚清与日本明治社会林业近代化的地理环境、人为因素、演化进程、优劣得失,进行了比较研究。本文由引言、四篇、十三章和结语构成。“引言”,阐述了用现代理念和方法对林业近代化进行比较研究,为国家现代化建设提供历史借鉴的主导思想及目的。“绪论篇”三章,从基本理论上阐述了本课题研究的对象、涵义、范围、内容、方法和特点,属于统领研究的史论。“基础篇”和“演进篇”属于具体研究的史实。“基础篇”四章,展示了晚清和明治时期林业近代化之前,自古以来的历史条件——包括自然、经济和社会文化环境及其影响下的森林状况。“演进篇”五章,研究了1840年至1912年间中日两国社会及林业在近代化演进过程中,战争动乱、治林思想、社会变革、国民教育、革命斗争所产生的影响——有积极的和消极的、也有直接的和间接的。“现实篇”是林业近代化研究的深入和继续,将研究进一步引向现实社会,写下了“林业史研究的历史机遇与重任”一章。最后的“结语”,总结了林业近代化研究的感悟。论及了地理环境对林业发展的影响、人为社会因素对现代林业的作用和林业史研究进一步深化的思考。本文运用历史比较研究方法,以宏观比较研究为主线,进行了纵向与横向、宏观与微观的比较研究,从而较为充分地凸现出中国晚清与日本明治时期林业近代化的景象。在史料的运用上力求分析对比,史论结合,以史料说明理论认识,赋予其现实的生命力。本文对社会意义的追求和尝试是:通过林业史研究,为国家富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化建设服务;以林业近代化基本成因和规律的研究,印证人类社会必须走科学发展之路;以此历史研究,警示世人避免近代犯过的错误,居安思危,锐意进取,为中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up, the modernization research in historiography progresses with the modernization of the socialism. Meanwhile, there is not much research in forestry modernization. This dissertation studies the modernization of forestry, while comparing late Qing Dynasty and Japan Meiji government’s forestry modernization, in areas like geographical environment, human factors, evolvement, and history.The dissertation consists of a preface, four parts, thirteen chapters and a conclusion. The preface explains the main idea and objectives of doing a comparative research on forestry modernization in order to gain better historical reference for our country’s modernization construction.The "introduction part", consisting of three chapters, generally explains the targets, meaning, range, content, methods and characteristics of this topic on a theoretical base. The "basic part" and "evolvement part" become more detailed. The preceding part, including four chapters, showcases the historical conditions, like the nature, economy, social and cultural environment and forest condition being influenced by the previous factors, before the forestry modernization in late Qing Dynasty and Japan Meiji Period. The latter part, including five chapters, studies how Chinese and Japanese social and forestry evolvement is affected by human factors, such as wars and ferments, forestry thoughts, revolutions, social reforms and national education, in the period from 1840 to 1912, and analyzes whether these influences are positive or negative, direct and indirect.The "practical part", enhances the research of forestry modernization to the operation level in the real society, covering the chapter of "The Historical Chance and Responsibility in Forestry History Research".In the end, the conclusion summarizes the apperceptions of forestry modernization research anddiscusses the influences of geographic environment on forestry development, the role of human and social factors over modern forestry and thoughts on how to study the forestry history into a more depth.This dissertation adopts a comparative research method of the history, both horizontally and longitudinally, with micro- and macro-comparison (the latter more primarily). Thus, the state of forestry modernization in the Chinese Late Qing Dynasty and Japan Meiji Period is thoroughly displayed based on the comparative analysis of historical materials, with history and arguments integrated and theoretical realization achieved.With the desire for achieving a socially instructive effect, this dissertation is studied also in the sincere hope that:--Forestry history research can be served to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country.--The research on cause of formation and regulation of forestry modernization proves that human society should develop in a scientific way.--This history research can provide a useful warning for modern people against making the same mistakes in history, and the comparison between China and Japan can inspire Chinese people to strive for the great revival of our nation.

  • 【分类号】F326.2;F331.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】429
  • 攻读期成果

