

On the Location of Arbitrators in Market Economy

【作者】 陈建

【导师】 沈四宝;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以当代经济学和法学两者的一些原理为基本理论依据,通过对仲裁员在不同历史时期和不同国家和地区的地位和生存状态以及生存环境的实证考察和研究,通过研究仲裁员的定位的变化和这种变化的规律,揭示了仲裁员在市场经济条件下演变成为提供私人裁判业务的民间法律服务商的地位实质。在市场经济中,仲裁员业务具有竞争性、排他性和不可分性;仲裁员提供的个案服务不具有外部性,不属于公共品或准公共品,而是私人品,完全应该由市场提供。由于经济资源普遍具有稀缺性,作为经济活动,仲裁员的业务活动必然受市场规律支配,仲裁员必然具备市场属性。在市场经济发展到一定程度时,仲裁员的劳务必然成为一种服务贸易。仲裁在公权力诞生前已经存在,是民间应有的权利形态和生态。仲裁员从事仲裁业务,是仲裁员行使民间私权利的过程,是一种客观的法权。由于信息不对称、仲裁市场秩序的外部性、不完全竞争这些市场失灵问题的客观存在,对仲裁员及其业务,不能完全放任由市场规律发挥作用,需要政府和法律介入仲裁员业务进行适度干预。对仲裁员的定位,需要在各个方面保持适当的平衡。

【Abstract】 This dissertation reveals the nature and status of arbitrators being private adjudicators providing legal services in market economy, by studying the living status and living environment of arbitrators at different historical times in different countries and regions, by studying the changes of the location and status of arbitrators and the relevant legal rules, employing the basic laws of modern economics and jurisprudence.Arbitrators in market economy have the quality of competition, exclusiveness and non-dividable ness. The service provided by arbitrators, individually speaking, does not have externalities, does belong to private goods rather than public goods or quasi-public goods, and should be supplied by private economic resources or the market rather than by public funds.Because of the general scarcity of economic resources, as a kind of economic activity, arbitrators’activities and arbitrators must be governed by laws of the market, and gradually become commercialized.Arbitration existed far before the existence of public powers. Arbitrators enjoy an objective private power. Arbitration is a process where the arbitrators exercise private power or right.Because of the failures of the market like the information asymmetry, the externalities of the order of market, and the imperfect competition, arbitrators cannot be governed by market alone. Rather, arbitrators must be governed by the government appropriately.A balance must be maintained in the location of arbitrators at various aspects.

【关键词】 仲裁员市场经济法学经济学
  • 【分类号】D925.7
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】701

