

【作者】 王涪宁

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 经济法责任是指经济法确认的违反经济法律规范所应当承担的后果。法律要求人们在追求自身利益的同时尊重他人利益,共同维护和促进社会利益、国家利益和集体利益。对应当维护的利益加以认定和规定,并以法律上的责任制度作为维护手段,这是法的责任价值的根本所在。我国对经济法责任研究肇始于二十世纪八、九十年代,由于受经济法理论发展过程的限制,尽管十几年来许多学者对经济法的问题进行了孜孜不倦的探索,但有价值的探索多集中于经济法责任的独立性问题上,对于经济法责任的主体、构成、归责原则等问题的探讨仅仅被少数学者关注。经济法责任研究的难点集中于责任的价值取向和责任的构成上。针对此问题,本文采用整体主义的法学研究方法论,将经济法责任研究放置于宏观法学的背景下,采用横向比较和纵向统筹的方法,将经济法责任与民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任进行了一一的分析和比较,集中解决经济法责任的价值和责任构成等难点,力求突破。本文分为三部分四个章节,分别从经济法责任的发生论、价值论和本体论的角度去阐释经济法责任。第一章节是经济法责任的发生论,此章节的重点在于对几个概念的界定,着重阐释“责任”、“法律责任”和“经济法责任”这几个关键概念的内涵和外延,厘清经济法责任和经济责任的异同。从语义的角度考察“责任”的涵义,“责任”一词在现代汉语中的意义主要表达为义务和谴责。而“法律责任”是指行为人由于行为违法而应当承担的法律后果,经济法责任是法律责任的下位概念。对于理性的反思与追求,体现着人类接近正义的渴望,因此,笔者在以历史归纳的方法总结了传统法学流派的理论对经济法责任的启发:理性和对权力甚至权利的控制是法律的本质要求。经济法是社会法,是以社会公共利益理论为理论依归,但经济法的社会公共利益的外延与公法或私法的利益外延不完全相同。经济法强调的以社会公共利益优先的精神,构成了经济法区别于民法和其它部门法的特征,也使得社会公共利益和个体利益在整个法律体系中处于同等地位。为了实现经济法的最终价值目标,需要采用经济法责任形式对违反经济法的行为进行处罚,这是本章的写作目的。本文的第二部分为经济法责任研究的逻辑起点和价值取向。本文认为经济法责任的二元性体现在研究的逻辑起点和本质属性上。经济法起源于政治国家与市民社会权力的博弈和权利的互动。经济法是为了适应国家干预经济的需要而产生的,为了防范与避免在资本主义世界曾经出现的大规模经济危机,经济法自从其产生之日起就成为执行政府宏观调控任务的力量之源。经济法责任的研究以政治国家与市民社会的运动为逻辑起点,通过追求两者间的力量对比的平衡性作为研究重点,通过探索经济法责任构成状态为研究终点,努力弥补与完善经济法责任传统分类方式的不足。经济法责任同时具有责任形态的独立性和从属性的二元性特征。经济法起源于行政法部门,它的产生大大晚于民商法、行政法和刑法,因此借助于成熟的法律责任体系来实现经济法责任是一条实践摸索的光明坦途。但由于经济法具备自身的独特性,因此,经济法责任也具有区别于其他责任形式的特性。首先就经济法责任的价值讲,经济法以社会公共利益为实现目的,但经济法与其他公法部门不同。经济法由于横跨公法和私法两个领域,不仅需要维护社会公共利益,而且还同时注重个人利益的实现。在两个利益博奕的过程中究竟哪个利益优先的问题,经济法给予了社会公共利益为更大的支持。原因在于不论从总量的积累还是从经济的稳定运行出发,以社会公共利益优先更为有利于实现政府的经济目标。其次,经济法追寻的不仅在于社会的公正和公民利益的实现,还应当保证实现公共利益过程中经济效率的最大化。如前所述,从宏观上讲经济法以公共利益为最终目标,但微观上的经济法责任的价值则集中于控权,并应通过程序机制来实现,以防止制约权力的滥用。对程序论证的意义引导出第三部分经济法责任的本体构成。本文以法律关系的构成要素为理论进路,依次厘清了经济法责任的主体、经济法责任的归责原则和构成形态等问题。经济法的主体包括两个方面,一方面是以国家及其机关为代表的管理主体,管理主体的对立面是以企业和其他经济组织为代表的受理主体,经济法责任主体的不同对经济法责任归责原则和构成形态的理论构建提出了更大的挑战。本文以权力的平衡性和制约性为理论主线,经济法的归责原则也必须体现此两种属性。因此,笔者总结出了责任法定、责任的平衡性等四条归责原则。由于经济法往往借助于其他法律法规来实现其法律责任,因此对于经济法责任应当以行为人主观上过错为原则,根据具体情况确立其应当承担的责任。对于理论界争议最大的经济法责任构成形态问题,本文在总结前人经验和立论的基础上提出了以经济法的民事责任、经济法的行政责任和经济法的刑事责任为实现主渠道的构成形态的观点来论证经济法属于“混合型”责任。

【Abstract】 Economic responsibility is the consequences of the Economic violations. The law requires that people in the pursuit their interests while respecting other people’s interests. The responsibility of the value of the fundamental law lies in identified and should safeguard the interests, and legal responsibilities of the system as a means of preserving. Economic responsibility’s studies began in the 1990s, because of the restrictions of Economic Theory development, Although many scholars have a tireless explorations in the past 10 years , their research focused on the issue such as the independence of Economic responsibility, the main responsibility for Economic, composition, etc. Economic responsibilities’ studies focused on the difficult responsibility of the structure of values and responsibility. In order to solve this problem, Economic responsibilities’ studies should be placed in the context of macroeconomic Law, horizontal and vertical co comparison, Economic responsibility and to civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability for the analysis and comparison of one by one, Economic responsibility to focus on the value and responsibility constitute the difficulties, seek breakthroughs.This paper is divided into three parts and four sections, to explain the perspective of ontology from the responsibility of Economic Theory, Value and Economic responsibility. Economic theory is responsible for the occurrence of the first chapter; the focus of this chapter is to define several concepts, focusing on interpretation of "responsibility "legal responsibility" and "economic responsibility" connotation and extension of this key concept. Economic responsibility and economic responsibility to clarify the similarities and differences. From this view of the semantics of "responsibility", this word meaning is the significance of obligations and condemned. "Liability" means the act is illegal and should be because of the legal consequences, Economic responsibility is the legal responsibility under the notion. Reflection and for the rational pursuit of justice embodied close to the desire of mankind, therefore, The author summarizes the methods summarized in the history of the traditional Law School Economic theory responsibility for the enlightenment : Rational rights and the exercise of power or control is the essential requirement of thelaw. Economic law is based on social and public interests in mind theory. The concept of public interest or private interests epitaxial not identical. Economic priorities emphasized by the spirit of social and public interests, which constitute the economic law, the characteristic that distinguishes the sectors to others law. In order to achieve the ultimate goal, we need the Economic liability for penalties for violations. This is the purpose of writing this chapter.In the second part, Economic responsibilities’ studies in this logical starting point and value orientation. This article is embodied in the dual responsibility of Economic research on nature and the logical starting point. Economic law had origin in power game between the political and the civil society interaction. Economic law intervention in the economy is to meet the needs of the country. In order to prevent massive economic crisis had emerged in the capitalist world, economic law since its formation on the day of the implementation of the government’s macro-control tasks become the source of strength. Economic responsibility of the state and civil society to the political campaign as the logical starting point, through the pursuit of the balance between the two forces as the focus of her research Economic responsibility for the condition to explore endpoints, Economic responsibility and improve efforts to remedy the inadequacies of the traditional classification. The independence of Economic responsibility from the dual nature of the attributes. Economic originated from the administrative departments, which have considerably later than the civil law, administrative law and criminal law. So using a mature legal system to achieve Economic responsibility is a responsibility to explore the bright smooth practice. However, due to economic laws have their own uniqueness; it is also responsible for Economic characteristic distinguishing it from other forms of responsibility. Economic law value on the first responsibility, the Economic community for the realization of public interests, But it has different departments from other law. Economic law across public and private law because the two areas, it is necessary to safeguard public interests. but also pay attention to personal interests. Game two in the interests of the process to find out which interests a priority issue, Economic law provide greater support for the social and public interests. The reason is that regardless of the total accumulated from the operation or economic stability, priorityto social and public interests are more conducive to the realization of the government’s economic objectives. Secondly, the pursuit of economic law is not only the realization of social justice and the interests of the citizens. Public interest should also ensure the realization of the process to maximize economic efficiency. As mentioned earlier, from a macroeconomic viewpoint Economic interests to the public as the ultimate goal, But microscopic focus on the value of the Economic and control responsibilities, procedures and mechanisms should be adopted to achieve. Restrictions to prevent abuse of power. Verification procedures to guide the significance of the third part of the body constituted Economic responsibility.Economic responsibility includes two main bodies: firstly, the state and its organs; secondly enterprises and other economic organizations. Based on the balance of power and binding of theoretical lines, the Economic responsibilities principles must reflect these two attributes. Therefore, the authors summarize the statutory responsibility, and the balance of responsibility for the four principles of attribution. Economic responsibilities often due to the help of other laws and regulations to achieve their legal obligations. According to establish their specific circumstances should assume responsibility. In this paper, based on previous experience and arguments of a civil Economic, Economic and administrative responsibility for the realization of economic law of criminal responsibility in form from the viewpoint of the main channel is proof Economic" Mixed "responsibility.


