

【作者】 赵应文

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 民主与选举有着必然的联系,选举是民主的本质。所以,“选举作为一种政治实践,是现代民主制度的基础。”民主问题的核心是权力授受,通过选举授受公共权力是权力获得合法性的必要途径。政党权力同样是公共性的权力,因此,也必须通过党内选举以确保党内权力来源的合法性。中国共产党的执政地位是人民和历史的选择。党要长期保持自己的先进性,增强自身的活力,巩固自己的执政地位,就必须加强党的自身建设,“通过发展党内民主,积极推动人民民主的发展”。而发展党内民主的安全通道就是不断改革和完善党内选举制度。通过改革和完善党内选举制度,使全体党员对党内事务有更多的了解和直接参与的机会,有利于增强全体党员的民主意识和政治责任感,使党员更有效、更充分地行使民主权利。从发展党内民主的视野看,改革和完善党内选举制度,既是为了保持党的生机与活力、提高执政能力和巩固党的执政地位的需要,也是我国民主政治发展的切入点和原动力。只有保持党的生机与活力,党才能领导人民建设一个富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化强国,才能实现中华民族的伟大复兴。论文分为导论、正文(七章)、结束语几部分。主体内容如下:在导论里,介绍了选题的根据、综述该课题的研究现状,介绍论文思路、研究方法和解决的重点难点问题。第一章:党内选举制度的理论来源和形成过程。总结论述了革命导师马克思恩格斯列宁创立的无产阶级政党党内选举理论是中国共产党党内选举制度的理论依据;阐述了党内选举制度的内涵、本质、制度构成、主体和客体,总结分析了政党党内选举制度的特征和党内选举制度的基本原则。这是认识中国共产党党内选举制度及其改革和完善党内选举制度的逻辑起点,为下一步总结分析中国共产党党内选举制度存在的问题和如何改革和完善这一制度奠定理论基础。第二章:党内选举制度改革的动力系统分析。论述了党应对执政环境发生的新变化是改革和完善党内选举制度的动力。这些动力包括:党内民主到人民民主政治发展、新型经济组织与新型社会组织分化、国外其他政党党内选举改革的影响等;论述了执政党执政意识的觉醒和执政党吸收国外政党建设经验,是改革和完善党内选举制度、加强执政能力建设的新要求。在论述党内选举制度改革的目标和方向以及党内选举制度改革要预期达到的目标时,提出了党内选举要实现民主化、科学化和法制化。第三章:现行党内选举制度实践评估。论述了党内选举制度本身存在的缺陷:党内选举制度不配套、程序不完善,与党内干部调配制度发生冲突,评价、考核和监督制度不健全、不完善;党内选举过程缺少规范:等额选举范围过大、差额选举范围和差额比例过小、候选人的提名、介绍与确定方式不科学等。同时分析了党内选举制度不完善带来的后果。第四章:党内选举制度存在问题的原因分析。在本章中较详细地论述分析了苏共党内选举制度对中共党内选举的影响,中国共产党对党内选举制度认识和探索不足,是党内选举制度存在问题主要原因。指出了我国经济民主缺乏,导致政治民主发育不完善,政治民主不完善导致党内民主资源稀缺,政治文化发育不完善导致政治民主不健全和党对制度建设认识不深刻是党内选举制度不完善的深层次原因。第五章:党内选举制度改革的条件和路径选择。首先对党内选举制度创新的主体因素与条件进行分析。总结了当前党内选举实践中出现的“公推直选”、“两推一选”、“双票制”新模式和新经验。第六章:党内选举制度改革实践。论述了改革和完善党内选举制度的思路及设想。具体包括:改革和完善候选人提名、确定和介绍制度;逐步健全党内选举竞争机制;建立健全党内选举考核、评议制度;坚持和完善党内选举“票决制”。第七章:完善党内选举制度实践。论述了建立和完善党内选举各项配套制度,即建立和完善配套的党内选举任期制、弹劾、罢免制度,建立健全对党内民主选举的监督,完善党内选举程序和评估制度。结束语中,对改革和完善党内选举进行前景瞻望。提出了改革和完善党内选举制度要与实施人才强国战略相结合,积极营造优秀人才脱颖而出的制度环境,永葆马克思主义政党的先进性。本文以马克思主义政治学基本理论为指导,坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的分析方法,综合利用政治学、社会学、经济学等学科的研究方法,包括比较分析、历史分析、统计分析、实证分析和网络搜索等方法,把科学原则与价值原则相统一;历史考察与逻辑分析的一致:批判原则与建构原则的并用;理论论证与案例诠释相结合,从历史与现实、理论与实践相结合的角度,对党内选举制度进行历史、客观、具体的考察、分析、评估,并提出改革的具体设想。

【Abstract】 Democracy has a kind of certain relation with election, and election is the essence of democracy. We can say that election is the base of modern democratic system as a kind of political practice. The kernel of democracy is the award and receipt of rights and the award and receipt of rights through election is the necessity to make the rights legal. The political rights are also public rights and so we should guarantee the internal rights of the Party legal through internal election.The ruling status of the CCP was chosen by the people and the history. In order to keep her long-time sophistication, strengthen her vital force and energy, and strengthen her ruling status, the Party should strengthen the construction of herself. The Party should promote the development of the people’s democracy by developing the internal democracy of the Party. The passage to develop the internal democracy of the Party is to reform and perfect the internal election system of the Party. By reforming and perfecting the internal election system of the Party, all the Party members may have a better understanding of the internal affairs of the Party and get direct-joining opportunities, and they may have better democratic ideas and sense of political duties, so they can perform democratic rights more efficiently. From a wider view, not only the reform and perfecting of the internal election system can keep the vital force and energy of the Party, improve the ruling ability and strengthen the ruling status, it is also the cutting point and the original power of the development of China democratic politics. Only do we keep the activities of the Party can she lead all the people in building a richer, more civilized and more democratic modernized socialist country and realizing the Great Revival of the Chinese people. This article is to research the reform and perfection of the internal election system of the Party from this viewpoint. This article is made up of the Introduction, Seven Chapters of main contents and the Conclusion. The main contents are as follows. Chapter One: Origin and formation of the internal election theory of the parties. It summarizes that the internal election theory of the parties created by Marx, Engels and Lenin is the theoretical base of the internal election system of the CCP. It generally talks about the content, the essence, the systemization, the subject and the object, and analyses thecharacteristics and the basic principles of the internal election system of the CCP. And it builds a base for later further analysis of the problems in the internal election system of the CCP and how to reform and perfect this system.Chapter Two: The analysis about power system of the internal election of the parties. Mainly talks about the power of reforming and perfecting the internal election system of the CCP facing the new changes of the ruling circumstances, which includes the internal democracy of the Party, the development of the people’s democratic politics, subtraction of new-type economic and social organizations, the influence from the reform of the internal election system of the parties abroad. And it also talks about the wake-up of the Party’s ruling ideas and abilities and the new demands for the ruling Party to absorb the construction experience of the political parties abroad and strengthen the ruling ability construction. It meanwhile tells us that the aim of the reform of the internal election system of the CCP is to realize the expectation, democratization, scientization and legislation.Chapter Three: The appraisal in practice to the system of internal election of the parties .The chart mainly estimates and the problems of the internal election system of the CCP, and demonstrates the defects of the internal election system of the CCP including unworthiness, procedure faultiness, encountering with the cadre allotment system, the imperfection of the system of appraise, examination and inspection, norm absence of election system, oversized boundary of notch election, undersized boundary of balance election and balance scale, the nomination, introduction and ascertaining being not scientific, and so on. And it also analyzes the effects of the imperfectness of the internal election system of the Party.Chapter Four : The analysis about the present problems in the system of the internal election of the parties.lt analyzes the causes and its history of the problems of the internal election system of the Party. It mainly talks about the for the internal election system of the Party by the internal election system of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, and it tells us that the shortage of recognition and searching for the internal election system of the Party is the main cause of the problems of the internal election system of the Party, and points out that the lack of our economicdemocracy leads to the imperfectness of the development of the political democracy, and the imperfectness of the development of the political democracy leads to the shortage of internal democratic resource of the Party, the imperfectness of the development of the political culture leads to the absence of political democracy and the deficiency of the Party for the system construction, and all these are the deep-level cause of the imperfectness of the internal election system of the Party.Chapter Five: The choice of course on how to reform and perfect the system of the internal election of the parties. It mainly tells us the practice searching and circumstance analysis of the reform and imperfection of the internal election system of the Party. It first analyzes the subject of the innovation of the internal election system of the Party, summarizes the present new patterns and new experience of Direct Election by Public, Election by Twice Recommendations and Double Votes in the internal election practice. Meanwhile, it also tells us that the reform and perfecting the internal election system should learn the election technology from other political parties.Chapter Six .The practicing reformation on the system of internal election of the parties. It analyzes the basic imagination. It talks about the clews and imagination of the reform and perfection of the internal election system of the Party, including reforming and perfecting the systems of candidates nomination, ascertaining and introduction, gradually making healthier the competitive mechanism of the internal election of the Party, building up and making healthier the election examination and appraise system, and keeping and perfecting the Ticket Decision System of the internal election of the Party.Chapter Seven: The system practicing on reforming and perfecting the system of the internal election of the parties. It is about building and perfecting the supporting systems of the internal election of the Party. It refers to building and perfecting the supporting fixed-term system, arraignment system and dismissal system of the election, building and perfecting the supervisory for the internal election of the Party and perfecting the election procedure and evaluation system of the internal election of the Party.The Conclusion is to make a profound looking forward for the internal election of the Party. This part talks about that we should combine thereforming and perfecting of the internal election system of the Party and the execution of the strategy of Strengthening State with Talents, building the system environment for excellent talents to show themselves and preserve the sophistication of Marxist political party.Directed by the basic theory of Marxist politics, by the analytical procedure of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, applying the research techniques of politics, sociology and economics comprehensively, including the methods of comparative analysis, historical analysis, statistical analysis, empirical analysis and net search, combining the scientific principles and value principles, according the history review with logic analysis, combining the critical principles with construction principles, adjoining the theoretical argumentation to case annotation, this article makes a historical, objective and concrete research, analysis and evaluation for the internal election system of the Party from the angles of history and reality, theory and practice, and gives some concrete reform imaginations.

  • 【分类号】D262
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1387

