

【作者】 李飞

【导师】 庄孔韶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以北京电视台科教频道的《科教观察》栏目为主要田野点,对电视节目的文化生成过程进行了人类学的分析。本文从媒体人类学开始,结合传媒研究理论和相应的田野调查资料,在不同学科领域及中西比较的基础上,于方法和理论方面分别得出“本土契合性”和“细胞渗透”模式的解释结论。有赖于笔者的电视工作体验和人类学的学科训练,尝试进入“主流的”电视田野,不失为对传统人类学研究领域一次有益的尝试和挑战。基于对传媒研究尤其是我国新闻传播学研究面临的现状和困境,本文以人类学的视角对电视生成过程中的“文化”层面进行探讨,力图为传媒学界、业界提供人类学的视角。在研究方法上,仍旧以参与观察和深度访谈为主,对《科教观察》栏目组制作节目的全程,包括选题、拍摄、采访、编辑和播出等内容进行了多角度的观察和解释,包括人类学对组织的概念和观点、人类学对本土理念的诠释,并强调了对不同学科不同地域研究的比较。经过对传媒研究领域内容和方法的梳理,本文认为,人类学与传媒研究在研究范畴、研究方法上和而不同,这构成两者对话的基础;对西方主要是美国的媒体人类学家在媒介研究领域所做的具体个案、成果进行简述,指出其对传媒研究的理论方法贡献及研究现状的不足。通过铺陈田野资料,阐释了电视生产的逻辑,点明其核心是中国人综合传统价值观体系并加以本土运用的思维过程。将《科教观察》的制作过程与英国BBC和受英国文化影响的美国PBS进行比较,强调其中文化上的差异,在“本土契合性”的基础上得出了中国传统价值观体系要素,如中庸思想、家庭和伦理本位以及重直觉综合等非理性特征在电视制作中潜隐的渗透作用,并借用生物学概念,将该过程喻为“细胞渗透”。本文同时关照了电视人的“族群”认同、宗教与电视、受众研究等内容,并以文化直觉进行了引申的思考,前瞻性地提出了理论反思和研究意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the cultural aspect of television production, mainly based upon High-Tech Business Observer, one of the programs of the 3 Channel of Beijing Television Station through anthropological theory and method. Beginning with the anthropology of media, and then combining with fine work being done in area of media and my own field work, the paper draws a conclusion :"indigenous compatibility" and "molecular infiltration", which are separately from the method and theory, grounded on comparison of China & West and studies of different areas.Due to the TV experiences and trainning of anthropology, I tried to enter the field of TV as one helpful improvement and challenge to traditional researches. Especially regarding the present situation and trouble of domestic media studies encountered, the thesis discusses the "cultural" level of the producing process of program by anthropological approaches. In my research, participation & observation and depth-interview are still the main methods. Foremost, I argue that the multiple interpretation, and second highlight the indigenous ideology after analyzing the producing process of High-Tech Business Observer including idea, development, commissioning, casting, editing and transmission.The comparison of media studies with anthropology is the question the thesis addresses. Similarities and differences of both are the ground of discouse. As the foundation of the special cases and findings of west country especially American media anthroplogists, I point out the contribution and defect in the place. I emphasize the logic of production of TV program, stress the core which is the thinking process integrated traditional value system and practised indigenouly by Chinese. The dissertation focuses on the cultural differeces by comparing the producing process of High-Tech Business Observer with BBC and American PBS (which is influced by British culture). Thus, such a conclusion can be drawn naturally: Chinese traditional value elements such as the Doctrine of the Mean, family, ethic-rooted, intuition, and synthesis play a potential role in the production which is called "molecular infiltration "metaphorically borrowing from biology. In addition, the dissertation discusses some issues like ethnic group identity of TV staff, religion and TV, audience research involved, etc. At the end of the topic, I look forward to writing the cultural intuition as the extended consideration and rethinking of theory and study significance.


