

【作者】 刘正发(阿里瓦萨)

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 凉山彝族社会发展到今天,能够留下博大深厚而独特的民族传统文化内容;凉山彝族人能够形成与其它民族迥然不同的文化心理、文化性格和言行模式,最主要的原因就是几千年来的凉山彝族社会历史发展过程中有其独特的家支制度及其文化和等级制度的长期存在并发挥重要作用的缘故。凉山彝族家支文化内容包括家支观念、家支意识、父子连名谱系、亲属称谓、组织形态、婚姻缔结、祭祀祖先、神灵信仰、冤家战争、团结互助、立身处世、人伦道德教育以及传递神话故事、格言家训和科技人文知识等等,涉及凉山彝族的社会组织、宗教信仰、伦理道德、婚姻模式、战争缘起等各种民族传统文化的内容。本论文就是以教育人类学的视角来系统分析、研究和探索凉山彝族家支文化及其传承和教育选择的问题。本论文共分六章进行论述。论文在绪论部分阐释选题的缘起、理由和研究的意义,对相关的研究成果进行了介绍、综述和分析,阐明本论文主要采用的一些文化人类学和教育人类学的研究理论和研究方法以及本论文研究实施的步骤和一些术语概念。第一章,凉山彝族及其社会分结构。较为系统的论述了彝族的分布、起源、族称、语言和文字的基本内容,探讨凉山彝族和民主改革前的凉山彝族社会结构分层情况。第二章,凉山彝族家支文化的源流。释读了一些凉山彝族家支的概念及其与家族、宗族、氏族等概念的异同并界定了凉山彝族家支和凉山彝族家支文化的概念;系统分析了凉山彝族家支文化的起源、形成和发展以及凉山彝族家支的繁衍图示、亲属称谓、父子连名谱系、各个不同家支之间的关系和凉山彝族家支赖以存在的物质基础及其文化。第三章,凉山彝族家支文化的内容、特性和功能分析。详细论述了凉山彝族家支文化十二个方面的内容,即凉山彝族家支的组织形态、军事战争、宗教信仰、婚姻模式、团结互助、集会议事、伦理道德、人生礼仪、头人、习惯法、禁忌和尔普的内容;具体分析了凉山彝族家支文化八个方面的文化特征,即自然性、包容性、非性(婚)性、权威性、延续性、广泛性、封闭性、复杂性;系统阐释了凉山彝族家支文化五个方面的文化功能,即明确家支成员维护家支利益、调解家支内外各种矛盾、调节家支内外人伦关系、传递传统文化知识、教育家支成员。第四章,凉山彝族家支文化传承及其对人的影响。简要探讨文化传承的概念、传承机制、传承对象和传承模式,探索凉山彝族家支文化传承过程中对人的智力和非智力因素的影响以及获得科学知识、人文知识、生活知识和技能的影响。第五章,凉山彝族家支文化传承的田野调查和分析。采取发放问卷、个案深度访谈、深入田野参与观察、入户访问等方式,以云南省宁蒗县彝族自治县金古忍石家支为个案,以凉山彝族地区和彝族人为考察对象,对凉山彝族家支文化传承的情况进行全方位的调查、分析和研究,提出凉山彝族家支文化是凉山彝族人和凉山彝族社会存在和发展的基石之一,是凉山彝族优秀的传统文化内容之一;指出应当理性认识和看待凉山彝族家支文化的积极因素和消极因素,即发扬精华,舍弃糟粕。并结合现代社会的发展对凉山彝族家支文化进行调适、整合和发展,使其发挥更重要的作用。第六章,文化传承与教育选择——凉山彝族家支文化传承与现代学校教育的取舍。简要分析文化传承中进行的教育,认为凉山彝族家支文化传承至今依然在凉山彝族人的生产生活实践中成为“活着”的文化抑或还在发挥重要作用的原因就是文化传承和文化教育的结果。阐释凉山彝族家支文化教育及其模式和评价;分析现代凉山彝族地区多元文化并存和交融的状况以及凉山彝族学生文化信息获得和交流的内容,阐释一些凉山彝族学生文化适应与文化迷惘的现实,反思民族文化传承与现代学校教育情况,指出现代学校教育与凉山彝族传统文化教育有些相互脱节和现代学校教育评价中存在的一些误区和盲点,提出在现代凉山彝族地区的现代学校教育中应该考虑凉山彝族学生的传统文化背景,实施和实践凉山彝族优秀传统文化教育和多元文化教育相结合的道路,探索凉山彝族家支文化教育与现代学校教育调适整合的发展思路。论文的结束语部分简述本论文写作的思路脉络和几点再次强调的内容。

【Abstract】 LIANGSHANYI nationality develops to now days and leaves broad, deep and unique national traditional culture. Meanwhile, LIANGSHANYI people could form completely different cultural psychology, culture character and behavior model compared with other nationalities. The main reason lies in the long existence and the function of the unique JIAZHI System and cultural and the hierarchy during the social and historical development through thousands of years of LIANGSHANYI nationality. The LIANGSHANYI JIAZHI culture includes JIAZHI concept, JIAZHI consciousness, pedigree of special name arrangement between son and father, relatives titles, organization form, marriage settlement, ancestor sacrifice, sprit belief, enemy war, unification and mutual help, living principles, human moral education as well as transmitting fairy tales, maxims and family instructions, scientific and humanity knowledge, etc, involving social organization, religious belief, ethnical morality, marriage model, cause of war, every kinds of national traditional culture of LIANGSHANYI nationality. This paper analyzed, studied and explored systematically about the transmission of LIANGSHAN YI nationality JIAZHI culture and the problem of education choice from the view of educational anthropology. This thesis consists of six chapters to analyze and study the problems mentioned above.This paper explained about the cause, reason and importance of the research, doing introduction, summarization and analysis on the relevant research achievements, explaining about the theory, method, steps of the study and some terminologies used in this paper.Chapter one: LIANGSHAN YI nationality and its social sub-vision structure. This chapter outlined systematically some basic contents, such as the distribution, origin, the name of the nationality, language and characters. In addition, it explored about the LIANGSHANYI nationality and the classification of social structures of LIANGSHANYI nationality before the democratic reform.Chapter two: The origin of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture.Explaining about the conception of the LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI and the similarities as well as the differences compared with family, patriarchal clan and clan system. Focusing on analyzing the origin, form and development of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture, and the graph of multiply, relatives titles, pedigree of special name arrangement between son and father, the relations among the different JIAZHI of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI and its material foundation and culture, which assure its exist.Chapter three: The analysis of the content, character and the function of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture. Firstly, this part analyzed in detail on the contents of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture from twelve aspects, which are the organization shape of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI, military fighting, religious belief, marriage model, unification and mutual help, gathering for meeting, ethnics and morality, rituals for human beings, the leader, the custom regulations, taboos and the content of ERPU. Secondly, this chapter illustrated in detail on the eight aspects of the culture characteristics, namely, natural, forgivable, non-sexual, authority, continuous, extensive, closing, and complication. Finally, it explained systematically about five aspects on culture function towards LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture, namely, clearing JIAZHI family members, safeguarding JIAZHI benefit; adjusting various kinds of contradictory in and out of JIAZHI; adjusting ethnical relationships in and out of JIAZHI; transmitting traditional cultural knowledge; educating JIAZHI members.Chapter four: The transmission of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture and its influence on human being. On the one hand, this part explored briefly on the concept of culture transmission, the mechanism of the transmission, the object of the transmission, and the model of the transmission. On the other hand, it discussed about the effect towards human being’s intelligence and non-intelligence factors of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture during its transmission, as well as the influence on gaining scientific knowledge, human knowledge, living knowledge and techniques.Chapter five: The field investigation and analysis on thetransmission of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture. This study adopted the research methods of distributing questionnaires, deep inquiring and interviewing, joining in observation in the field, visiting indoors, etc, taking the JINGUREN JIAZHI in NINGLANG YI autonomous County in YUNNAN Province as an example, taking the LIANGSHAN YI areas and the YI nationality people as the object, doing an overall investigation, analysis and study towards the situation for the time being and the transmission of the LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture in LIANGSHAN YI areas, declaring that the LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture is the cornerstone for the exist and development of the LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI society. It is the outstanding traditional culture of LIANGSHAN YI. Moreover, this chapter pointed out that people should recognize and regard the positive and passive factors of LIANGSHANYI JIAZHI culture in a rational way, that is to say, people should carry on the essence and dispose the waste. Meanwhile, people should do some adjustment, rearrangement and development towards LIANGSHAN JIAZHI culture, combining with the development of modern society, and making it play more important role.Chapter six: The culture transmission and the education choice- the transmission of the LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture and the adoption as well as the elimination of the modern schools. This part illustrated briefly on the education carried out during the culture transmission, insisting that the reason why LIANGSHAN JIAZHI culture passes to now days and be still alive culture in the living practice of LIANGSHANYI people, or we may say it still play an significant role owns to the culture transmission and culture education. It explained about the cultural education of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI and its model as well as the evaluation. Analyzing about the situation of the co-exist and mixture of multi-culture in modern LIANGSHAN YI areas as well as the culture information contents of LIANGSHAN YI people receive and the realities of culture adaptation and culture puzzle. This chapter also thought back about the national culture transmission and the educational situation of modern schools, pointing out that the separation between the modern school education and the traditional culture education as well asthe misunderstanding and the blind spot during the educational evaluation. It put forward that the traditional culture background of LIANGSHANYI students should be considered during the modern education in the modem LIANGSHANYI areas. People should carry out and practice the outstanding traditional LIANGSHANYI culture and the way of education with multi-culture style, exploring about the thought to combine the education of LIANGSHAN YI JIAZHI culture with the modern school education.Accounting briefly about the thinking clues of the form and several contents to be emphasized again in the end of this paper.

  • 【分类号】C95;G759.2
  • 【被引频次】51
  • 【下载频次】2789
  • 攻读期成果

