

【作者】 周翔

【导师】 曾思奇;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文尝试从文化认同的角度来解读现代台湾原住民文学,文化认同即为个人对本民族文化归属的认知和情感依附。在当今全球化的背景下,关注文化霸权与文化身分、文化认同与阐释焦虑、跨文化经验与历史记忆,强调差异性、边缘性、少数人话语的文化研究已成为一种新的文学研究与文学批评方法。作为异于台湾主流文化——汉文化的台湾原住民文学,有其独特的南岛民族文化背景。台湾原住民是台湾岛最早的开拓者,几千年来,他们遗世独立,与世无争,沿袭着古老的部落氏族制度,形成了各具特色的文化系统。17世纪开始形成的大规模的汉族移民潮打破了他们的宁静,历经三百多年的民族角逐与历史变迁,原住民族逐渐丧失了主导权。面对资本主义商品经济大潮的冲击,传统社会无论部落结构、宗教信仰,还是传统习俗、语言文化都几近崩溃。面对着激烈的文化差异和文化碰撞,身处弱势地位的台湾原住民作家们开始对自身的“主体文化身分认同”和“主体地位与处境”进行思考:自己属于什么样的群体,以怎样的方式去认同自我?用怎样的思维方式、话语方式、言说方式来展示自己的声音?作家们对自我文化认同的寻求过程,必然在作品中得到体现。现代台湾原住民文学近40年的发展过程也可视为台湾原住民族文化认同的动态历程。被记录在文学中的自我文化认同,使台湾原住民族能够藉以自身为主体的文化身分的重新书写,确认自己真正的文化品格和文化精神,并成为民族的集体无意识和精神向心力。论文的绪论部分介绍现代台湾原住民文学的界定、概述已及论文的研究目的、方法和相关研究动态。第一章论述现代台湾原住民文化认同危机产生的历史背景和现实表现。主要侧重于国民党政府迁台之后所制定的以“山地平地化”为主要政策指向的一系列“同化”措施对台湾原住民传统的社会制度、语言文化、宗教信仰、姓氏命名权……等等方面产生的重大影响,从而使台湾原住民产生文化认同危机。第二章论述现代台湾原住民文学的现实意义。《高山青》的创办和台湾原住民权利促进会成立,整合了台湾原住民知识精英的力量,将一大批台湾原住民作家吸收到原住民运动的队伍中来。在一次次抗争行动中深化原住民的族群认同和文化认同,同时也凝聚成泛台湾原住民认同。他们的创作实现了审美层面和社会层面的双重价值。第三章论述现代台湾原住民文学与文化认同的关系。文学在建构民族文化认同中起着重要的作用。现代原住民作家们面对的是从未经历过的异常激烈的文化差异和文化碰撞,整个族群面临着从未有过的严重的文化危机和极度的弱势地位。当作家们直面危机,唤醒族群文化认同的同时也存在着对自身身分认同的焦虑,他们的矛盾与抉择会在作品中体现;严肃的文化自省是重建民族文化认同的必要准备;文化主体性重构的设想与实践是作家们努力的方向。第四章论述作家们回归传统,重植民族文化认同之根的价值和意义。以夏曼·蓝波安等作家为例,他们主动回归部落,从传统文化中寻找创作的灵感和源泉,还有部分作家因为对母语存在价值和意义的重视尝试着进行母语创作。致力于台湾原住民口传文学的搜集、整理的作家和学者也扎根部落,收获了一批研究成果,口传文学对于作家创作也有着重要的意义。结语是关于现代台湾原住民文学的几点思考与展望。在文化全球化时代,每一个民族的传统文化都面临着巨大的挑战,虽然作家们强调重塑民族的文化主体性,同时也要避免狭隘的文化阐释和文化民族主义。此外部分原住民作家过分强调创作语言必须为母语,是否有碍于文化的传播?原住民文学创作的题材也需要进一步拓宽。附录部分为台湾原住民作家作品年表。

【Abstract】 The dissertation analyzes the Taiwan aboriginal literature from the perspective of cultural identity. The cultural identity is that the individual cognition to the culture which he belongs to and the emotion adheres to. Under the context of the globalization, it is a new method on literature studies to focus and emphasize on the cultural hegemony, cultural status, cultural identity, explanation anxiety, trans-cultural experience, historical memory, difference, margin and minority discourse.Different from Han culture, the dominant one, Taiwan aboriginal literature has its particular background of the ethnic culture of Austronesian ethnic groups. Taiwan aborigines are the earliest exploiters in Taiwan. Since thousands year ago, they have been living there peacefully, inheriting the ancient tribalism traditions, and form their own unique cultural systems separately. The big immigration of Han people from 17 century broke their peaceful living. Taiwan aborigines lost their dominant status gradually after the wars among nationalities and the historical change through more than three hundred years. As the compact of the capitalism commercial economy, the traditional society, not only its tribe structures, religions and believes, but also traditional customs and languages, almost collapsed.Facing to the impact and difference of foreign culture, the Taiwan aboriginal writers, in vulnerable environment, begin to think their own cultural identity, status and social condition: Which group I belong to? How to identify? Which way of thought, speech and language I should to use to express myself? The trace of this cultural identity exploration must be presented in the writers? works. Almost 40 years history of Taiwan modern aboriginal literature can also be regarded as the developing history of cultural identity by Taiwan aborigines. The self-cultural identity recorded in aboriginal literature is the rewriting as the dominant cultural status by Taiwan ethnic groups, they use it to identify their own cultural character and spirit, and the self-cultural identity can be taken as the nationality collective unconscious and the spirit centripetal force.The introduction is about the definition and summary of modern aboriginal literature, introducing the research motive, method of this dissertation and some research trends of modern aboriginal literature.Chapter I discusses the historical background and the representation of the Taiwan aborigine抯cultural identity crisis. It mainly focuses on the big influence on Taiwan aboriginal traditional social systems, cultures and languages, religions and believes the right of naming and the others, by a series of assimilation policies established by Kuomintang after it immigrated to Taiwan. The plainlization is the main one in these policies, which forced the aborigines who live on mountains to change their culture to the one of Han people who lives on plain.Chapter II discusses the practical significance of Taiwan modern aboriginal literature. The creation of journal Gaoshanqing and the establishment of the Association of Taiwan Aboriginal Rights Protection integrate lots of Taiwan ethnic elites. During a series of the resistant movements of Taiwan Aborigines, the intellectuals deepened the Taiwan aboriginal ethnic group identities and cultural identities, and became the self-identity of whole aborigines in Taiwan. The value of both aesthetics and social level were presented in Taiwan aboriginal writers?works.Chapter III discusses the relationship between Taiwan aboriginal literature and cultural identities. Literature plays an important role on constructing the ethnic group cultural identities. What the aboriginal writers faced was the big cultural difference and the cultural impact they never faced. The whole ethnic groups faced a large cultural crisis and the most subordinative status. While the aboriginal writers awoke the indigenous people抯 ethnic group cultural identities, they also faced anxiety of self-identities. Their conflict and choice also presented in their works. Serious cultural self-reflection is the necessary to reconstruct a nationality cultural identity. The aboriginal writers? aim is to reconstruct the dominant culture.Chapter IV discusses the significance and value of aboriginal writers? travel back to tradition and the awaking of nationality cultural identity.Writers, for example, Syman Rapongan, travel back to their tribe on their own initiative. They seek their inspiration of writing in their traditional culture. Some of them try to write in their mother tongue writing system. The writers and scholars who focus on collecting aboriginal oral literature also regard their tribes as their base. And they get abundant harvest. Oral literature also provides them with lots of inspirations.The epilogue is about the thinking and prospect on Taiwan aboriginal literature. In the age of cultural globalization, each traditional culture of an ethnic group faces the challenge, while the writers try to reconstruct their culture as a dominant one, they should not go back to the parochialism of cultural explanation and the nationalism. Moreover, some aboriginal writers overemphasize to write in their own language writing systems, it will be an obstacle for communication and the cultural spread. And, the themes for aboriginal literature should be widened.The appendix is the list for Taiwan aboriginal works.


