

【作者】 于光君

【导师】 包智明;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 农村城镇化对于加快中国经济社会发展具有重大的意义。但中国的农村城镇化同时还引发了一系列的环境问题。农村城镇化能否实现持续发展,最根本的影响因素是环境的状况。因此,农村城镇化与环境问题之间的关系已经成为政府和学术界共同关心的问题。本文利用实地访谈资料、实地观察资料和文献资料对山东省于庄城镇化的背景、城镇化的发展历程、城镇化中的环境问题以及围绕城镇化与环境问题发生的组织与个人等进行了分析和论述,旨在考察农村城镇化与环境问题的关系。本文由六章内容组成。第一章作为导论部分,对本文的选题意义及相关研究趋势、分析框架和研究路径、研究方法和资料收集以及研究地点的选取进行了介绍。第二章论述了于庄城镇化的背景。分别介绍了于庄的自然条件与社会经济环境、于庄的经济与文化以及于庄企业的发展情况。第三章论述了于庄的城镇化。利用文献资料和现有的研究成果阐述了农村城镇化理论、农村城镇化与工业化的关系以及我国城镇化的发展历程。分析了于庄城镇化的动力及其进程。论述了于庄城镇化过程中的社会变迁。分析了在于庄的城镇化进程中起着重要作用的“能人”们。第四章论述了于庄城镇化进程中的环境问题,分别分析和论述了于庄人口集聚产生的环境问题、建筑垃圾造成的环境问题、水污染问题、噪音污染问题以及城镇化中的“线性”发展问题。第五章论述了于庄围绕城镇化和环境问题发生的组织和个人。分别分析和论述了政府及其职能部门、于庄的村级组织、于庄的村民和外来务工经商人员对待于庄城镇化进程中环境问题的态度和行为。第六章作为结论与理论探讨,在对前几章的内容进行总结的基础上,结合于庄城镇化与环境问题的研究,对关于城镇化与环境问题关系的两种解释模式进行了分析讨论,在更宏观的层次上对城镇化与环境问题的关系进行了思考。通过对以上各章的分析和论述,本文认为,于庄的城镇化与环境问题之间有着一定的相关性。于庄的城镇化在使原有物质资料匮乏时代的环境问题得到解决的同时,又产生了工业化时代新的环境问题。工业化时代环境问题的致害程度远远超过了物质匮乏时期所产生的环境问题的危害程度。于庄城镇化进程中产生的环境问题,通过地方政府和村级组织的努力,得到了不同程度的缓解,但并没有从根本上得到解决。问题是,为什么在推进城镇化的进程中,国家提出的科学发展观和可持续发展的路子不能得到落实?环境库兹涅茨曲线和史奈伯格的“政治经济学的解释”模式从宏观上描述了经济发展水平与环境问题之间的关系,史奈伯格的解释模式也强调了国家对经济的扩张欲望导致环境状况的恶化。这两种模式对农村城镇化与环境问题的关系具有部分的解释力。但他们都没有注意到社会力量作为一个重要变量在解决环境问题中的作用。中国农村城镇化在景观和经济指标方面发展得较快,但是作为城镇化主体的农民还没有成长为具有批判精神和较高法制意识、环境意识的市民。市场经济的发展是市民社会成长的物质前提,市民社会是公共领域的基础,公共领域的特征是公共舆论。成长为市民的农民可以通过公共舆论对国家的环境政策及其实践产生影响。市民社会的形成不是一个自发的过程,需要国家这一外在力量的建构。国家在建构市民社会过程中所产生的“权力悖论”和“权威悖论”的存在,滞缓了农村城镇化过程中市民社会的形成。本文认为由于农村城镇化过程中经济发展与市民社会形成的不同步性所产生的市民社会的缺位和公共领域的缺失是农村城镇化中环境问题的重要社会根源。市民社会的成长是一个漫长的过程。在现实的层面上,国家应该合理使用经济手段,加强环境生态法制建设。以此杜绝在城镇化中因“地方保护主义”、“部门利益”,而把保护生态环境的职责完全推向社会的不良行为。因此,完善环境立法体系,加强环境执法,对于环境问题的解决具有重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Rural urbanization is of great significance to speeding up the development of China’s economy and society. At the same time, China rural urbanization caused a series of environmental problems. Whether rural urbanization can get sustained development rests on environmental conditions. So the relations between rural urbanization and environmental problems have been the common concerns of government and academic circles.This dissertation analyzes and discusses the backgrounds, developing course of rural urbanization. This dissertation also analyzes and discusses the environmental problems in the course of urbanization, organizations and individauls encircled rural urbanization and environmental problems. The above analysis and discussions are on these on-the-spot interview materials, on-the-spot observation materials and document materials. This dissertation is to discuss the relations between rural urbanization and environmental problems. This dissertation consists of six chapters.As an introduction, this chapter introduces the meanings of subject selected and related study trends, analysis framework and study approaches, study methods, material collection and study place selected.Chapter two, discussing the backgrounds of Yuzhuang Village, introduces the natural conditions, social economical conditions, economy and culture of Yuzhuang Village, and the development of enterprises in Yuzhuang Village.The third chapter discusses the urbanization of Yuzhuang Village. Make use of document materials and present research achievements, expounding the theories of rural urbanization, relations between rural urbanization and rural indutrialization, and the developing course of China urbanization. Analyze the impetus and course in the urbanization in Yuzhuang Milage. Discuss the social changes of Yuzhuang "Village in the course of urbanization. Analyze the elites who play an important role in the course of urbanization in Yuzhuang Village.The fourth chapter dicusses the environmental problems emerged in the course of urbanization in Yuzhaung Village. Analyzing and dicussing these environmental problems caused by population accumulation, construction rubbish, water pollution, noise pollution, and linear development in the course of urbanization.The fifth chapter discusses these organizations and individualsencircle urbanization and environmental problems. Disscussing the attitudes and behavoirs of government and its function department, village-level organizations, villagers of Yuzhuang and outsiders towards the environmental problems emerged in the course of urbanization in Yuzhuang Village.As a conclusion and theoretical probe, the sixth chapter analyzes and discusses two explanation models concerning urbanization and environmental problems, conbining the study of urbanization and envirmental problems in Yuzhuang Village, based on summerizing the contents of above chapters. Consider the relations between urbanization and environmental problems on macroscopic levels.Based on the analysis and discussion of above chapters, this dissertation holds the view that urbanization and environmental problem must be mutually related in Yuzhuang Village.The urbanization of Yuzhuang "Village make new environmental problems in industrialization times appear while old envirmental problems emerged, in planned-economy times solved. These new ones are more harmful than the old ones.The environmental problems emerged in the urbanization of Yuzhuang Village get solved to some degree by the efforts of local governments and village-level organizations, but do not solve thoroughly. The question is why the outlook of scientific development and the sustainable strategy put forward by government is not practicable?Both Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and Schnaiberg political economy explanation model describle the relations between rural urbanization and environmental problems on macroscopic level. Schnaiberg political economy explanation model emphasize the desire of government economy enlargement lead to environment deterioration. These two models have partial explanation on the relations between rural urbanization and environmental problems.But these two models do not take the social forces as an important variable which play an important role in solving environmental problems.China rural urbanization develops rapidly on landscape and economical index.But peasants who are the main body of urbanization have not grown to citizens who have criticism spirit, legal awareness and environmental consciousness.The development of market economy is the material premise of civil society.Civil society is the foundation of public areas.The feature of public areas is public opinion.The peasants-turned citizens could exert effects on envirmental policies and practice by publicopinion.The formation of civil society is not a spontaneous course,which require the constrction of country as external forces. The power paradox and the authority paradox appeared in the course of country constructing civil society sluggish the formation of civil society in the course of rural urbanization. This dissertation holds the view that the vacancy of civil society and the weakness of public opinion caused by that economy development is not step with the forming of civil society is the important social source.Forming civil society is a long process. In reality, government should use economical means reasonably; strengthen the construction of ecological legal system.To stop the malbehavior of putting the function of protecting ecological envioronment to society due to the local protectionism and deparment interests.Perfecting environment legislation system and strengthening environment enforcement will be playing an important rule in solving environmental problems.


