

【作者】 马效义

【导师】 滕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本论文的撰写主要是缘于参与中央民族大学“985工程”、中国少数民族语言文化教育与边疆史地研究哲学社会科学创新基地、中国少数民族基础教育研究中心、2005年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《中国少数民族新创文字在教育教学中应用状况及存在问题调查研究》的研究,主要负责云南的哈尼族、傈僳族和纳西族新创文字在学校教育和扫盲教育的应用调查与研究。哈尼、傈僳和纳西族的语言从语言学角度上讲,同属于汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支;从三个民族的地理位置来讲,同属于云南省土著少数民族;另外,三个民族同在1957年创制了本民族的新创文字:哈尼族新创文字(哈尼文)、傈僳族新创文字(新傈僳文)和纳西族新创文字(纳西拼音文字)。本论文中主要以云南省的哈尼、傈僳和纳西新创文字民族作为研究重点,试图对上述三民族新创文字的创制背景、内容及在学校教育和扫盲教育领域中的推行进行历史梳理和总结,另外通过对三民族的田野调查做现状研究,尤其是在学校教育和扫盲教育领域中使用现况的调查与研究,总结出三个民族新创文字在不同发展阶段和时期的历史作用,并对现状的发展困境作了究因分析。笔者借助教育人类学的田野调查研究方法,通过文献综述、问卷调查、访谈、参与观察、个案研究、民族志描述等多种研究方法对新创文字的使用态度和使用现状作了详细调查并获得了第一手的资料;其次,借助社会学的结构功能主义的理论视角来阐释分析新创文字存在的必要性和意义,以及在文化变迁过程中新创文字的某些不可替换的功能性分析;借助冲突论的视角来分析新创文字在政治、文化、经济领域内面临的冲突与矛盾,在全球化与现代化中,少数民族新创文字面临着生存与情感的两难抉择,国家整合与文化多样性发展的两难困境等多重矛盾与冲突:国家主义下的课程与地方性课程、校本课程、乡土教材的开发、教学语言、教学模式的选择,这些都是摆在少数民族面前的新问题和新矛盾。本论文的内容结构分为七部分共七章。第一章为导论部分,介绍了选题的缘起与目的、选题的背景、研究价值和意义、研究相关动态与文献综述、本论文的理论框架与方法论、概念的分析与界定及田野调查。第二章为历史描述部分,围绕着哈尼、傈僳和纳西新创文字的历史发展和使用情况,对三种新创文字在历史上所取得的成就和存在的问题进行梳理和总结;就哈尼、傈僳和纳西族分别阐述,从历史背景、创制过程、推行和使用过程以及经验教训等几个方面展开,主要是在学校教育和扫盲教育领域进行了梳理和总结,另外也涉及到了在社会其他领域的应用,充分展现了在上个世纪新创文字所发挥的功能和意义。第三章是现状调查部分,主要通过文献分析、问卷调查、访谈、个案研究、参与观察、民族志描述等研究方法对云南省哈尼族、傈僳族和纳西族新创文字在学校教育和扫盲教育中的使用现状进行调查研究,重点关注三个民族语言文字的使用现状、使用态度倾向、对双语(双文)教学中的认识、文字发展前景展望等几个方面。第四章是问题分析和探讨部分,对新创文字使用的历史、现状和存在的问题进行总结,然后尝试分析了影响和制约新创文字发展的诸因素。第五章是理论阐释与探讨部分,借助结构功能主义理论视角阐释分析了新创文字在不同时期社会结构、学校教育结构、文化生态结构等发生了变迁,所发挥的功能随之也发生了变化,但从功能意义上来讲,仍具有存在的价值和意义;在此基础上提出了文化变迁中的文字符号功能替换的意义。在第六章借助冲突理论的视角,在更大的范围和领域里探讨新创文字的生存发展问题,寻求新创文字存在的意义根源,首先是新创文字在政治意识形态领域的探讨;其次是理想主义的意识形态与现实的矛盾与冲突,包括国家整合与民族文化多样性的两难困境、生存和情感一少数民族的两难选择、少数民族面临着传统文化保留与现代化的两难选择,在众多冲突和矛盾面前,我们的选择和发展目标是多元文化教育、多元文化整合教育与一体化的和谐发展。最后一章是本研究论文的结论、研究创新与贡献和对策建议部分。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is based on the participation in the project of ’Investigation and Research on the Current Use and Problems of New-created Writing System for Ethnic Minorities in Teaching and Education in China ’, and take charge of the investigation and research on current use of new-created writings systems of Hani, Lisu and Naxi ethnic minorities in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education in Yunnan province. From the view of linguistics, the above three ethnic languages belong to the same Sino-Tibetan language family, Tibeto-Burman language group, and Yi language branch; from the view of geography place, the three ethnic minorities belong to native ethnic minorities in Yunnan province; Another, it was in the same year of 1957 that the three new-created writing systems for the three ethnic minorities were born.The dissertation is trying to make historical review and summary on the above three new-created writing systems used in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education; on the other hand, make a current research on the above three new-created writing systems used in schooling and eliminating illiteracy education through fieldwork, and make an attributive analysis on three new-created writing systems play different roles in different states and development trouble. First, the author made a detailed fieldwork by virtue ofvaries of research methods such as literature, questionnaire, interview, observation participated, case study etc, and achieved the first-hand original data; Second, explain and analyze the existing significance and needs of new-created writing systems by virtue of structural functionalism theory; and analyze the conflict and challenge of new-created writing systems in spheres of politics, culture, and economics. New-created writing systems for ethnic minorities are facing conflicts and are in dilemma from survival and emotion, national integration and multi-culture, the choice of national curriculum and regional curriculum, teaching language and teaching model , which are all new problems and new conflicts for the development of ethnic minorities.The contents of this dissertation contain seven chapters. Chapter One is introduction, in which are discussed the origin and aim, background, research value and significance, research literature summary, theory structure and methodology, concepts analysis and definition. Chapter Two is historical description part, in which reviewed and summarized the achievement, experience and lessons encircling Hani, Lisu and Naxi new-created writing systems, to present the function and significance of the new-created writing systems. Chapter Three is the part of current fieldwork, focused on current use of new-created writing systems of the above three in attitude and action, bilingual education and prospect development in future. Chapter Four is the part of problems analysis and discussion, in which the author summarized the experience and problems, and tries to analyze the factors of affecting andlimiting the development of new-created writing systems for the above three ethnic minorities. Finally, the author applies the theory angle of structural functionalism to discuss the function changes with social structure, schooling structure, cultural and zoological structure change, in certain, affirm the value and significance of the new-created writing system. In Chapter Five mainly conflict theory discussed to explain the survival development of the new-created writing system for ethnic minorities in extensive sphere in seek of the root of survival significance; first, discussed in political ideology, second, discussed the conflict between idealist ideology and reality, including the troubles between national integration and culture diversity, survival and emotion, traditional culture and modern culture. However, our choice and aim is the harmonious development among multi-culture education, multi-culture integration education .In the last Chapter is the part of conclusion, research contribution and suggestions.


