

【作者】 张丽剑

【导师】 许宪隆;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文是针对桑植白族开展的一项专题研究,在桑植白族身上所体现出来的散杂居特点和“民家”文化特色决定了本研究的独特性。但也正由于散杂居特点的影响,长期以来学界对桑植白族的研究较少,这也使得本研究具有创新性。通过对族群理论的梳理,本文选取族群认同为桑植白族研究的切入点,从而在散杂居和族群认同的大背景下更好地开展对桑植白族文化的研究。本文对桑植白族历史、文化的深入探讨无疑将推动该领域的深入研究。区域性研究中所涉及的散杂居背景下的生存问题和族群认同问题,是包括桑植白族在内的许多少数民族面临的共同性问题,文中的结论对于其他散杂居民族而言亦有借鉴作用,有助于正确处理散杂居民族关系,促进散杂居民族的发展。从研究方法而言,田野调查作为民族学的“看家本领”,无疑也是本文的重要研究方法,通过访谈、调查、走访等不同形式获取的第一手资料奠定了材料和立论的可信度;历史文献是追溯族源、考究历史的直接依据,地方志、史书、族谱、家乘等史料使得田野资料和文献资料相得益彰;对白族的任何研究,如果脱离它与大理白族的联系孤立开展,将带有很大的局限性,因此联系的观点和比较的方法也是本文的重要方法。本文基于民族散杂居背景下的族群认同和聚居背景下的族群认同有明显区别的假设,着重探讨了二者的区别与联系;散杂居背景下族群认同的层次、结构,范围,力图从理论的高度剖析桑植白族,并以此理论回应其它散杂居民族,指导散杂居民族关系的发展。文中主要观点有:散杂居民族面临问题高度集中地体现为生存问题,这种生存问题既包含了生物意义上的生存问题,即种的繁衍、民族的生存,这更多的是涵盖了物质的层面;更包含了文化意义上的生存问题,即文化的继承和延续,以及文化冲突、适应中的文化变迁,这更多的是涵盖了精神的层面;桑植是白族文化的最北边界。桑植可以被看成是白族影响所及的最边缘,是历史上白族先民由南向北扩张的最北界,也是白族文化的边缘地带;桑植白族文化既顽强地保有、传承了大理白族文化的部分内涵,同时也自觉、不自觉地吸纳、融合了桑植土家族、苗族、瑶族等民族的文化特点,生动体现了文化的再塑造过程,这个过程仿佛蚕虫出蛹、凤凰涅槃一般获得了文化的新生,塑造出一种崭新的文化,这种新生的文化既明显区别于土家族、苗族、瑶族等民族的文化,又在与大理白族文化有千丝万缕必然联系的基础上有显著不同,这种新生的文化就是桑植白族文化;桑植白族身上所体现出来的双重认同,既包括对白族和汉族的双重认同,又包括对大理和江西的双重认同。文中对桑植白族的语言、宗教、信仰、民居建筑等方面所开展的研究都具有开创的意义。此外,尽管本文探讨的主旨是族群认同而非其它,但闪光之点仍不时闪现,如:地理环境决定论已经过时,但地理、历史、人文等环境仍然对族群的地位和独特性有重要影响;尽管专论白族,也涉及白族文化和土家族文化的接触、交融,这对于共同生活在桑植的土家族而言也具有参考价值;本文也不是对文化的专题研究,但却从族群边界的角度生动论述了“文化是桥也是墙”。导论介绍了选题背景、意义、研究价值和对相关研究成果的追溯。第一章结合白族形成、发展的简况及其在全国分布的状况,论述了桑植白族的重要地位,指出仅停留于人口分布的层面,尚不足以充分揭示桑植白族在全国白族中的重要地位,还必须结合桑植白族的文化独特性才能全面认识其重要地位。该章论述不仅预留和设定了族群认同的展示空间,并为下文即将讨论的身份认同和文化认同作了必要的铺垫。第二章考究了“民家”之称的起源,说清楚了桑植“民家人”被确认为白族的发展过程,及其分布的历史与现状,并进一步探讨了由民族识别到族群身份的认定所引发的民族与族群之争,说明了族群身份的认同、民族成分的确认是族群认同的显著性特征。第三章基于泰勒对文化的界定,详尽论述了桑植白族的语言、宗教、信仰、民家建筑、婚丧节俗、舞蹈、音乐、民歌等文化的重要组成内容,说明了文化认同是族群认同的重要组成部分,也是族群边界形成的来源。第四章则在前述各章的基础上和散杂居民族的背景下进一步讨论族群认同的层次和结构,论证了本文观点对散杂居民族所具有的一定程度上的适用性。

【Abstract】 This article is a special study that aims at the Sangzhi Baizu.The diaspora feature and "Minjia"culture characteristic, which represents by the Sangzhi Baizu itself, have decided the distinctive speciality of this research. But also just because of the influence of the diaspora feature, since long ago the academe are less to research on the Sangzhi Baizu, this also enables this research to have the innovation. Through combing nationality theory, this article selects the ethnic identity as the spot of Sangzhi Baizu research, thus it develops the research of Sangzhi Baizu Culture well under the big background of diaspora and ethnic identity.This article to discuss thoroughly the Sangzhi Baizu history and the cultural will impel this domain to further research without doubt. The problems, involved in this article, including the survival problems and the ethnic identity problems are the common problems faced by many national minorities including Sangzhi Baizu. The conclusion of this article can be used as the reference or model function of other diaspora nationality. It helps to deal correctly with the relationship of diaspora nationality, and promotes the development of diaspora nationality.Taking as research method, field work as "the special skill" of the ethnology, also no doubt is the important research method of this article. Gaining the first material through different forms of visiting, talking,investigation and so on, has made the historical materials and field work double win. The historical literature is the direct foundation of tracing the nationality source and studying with textual. The history data of local chronicle, history book, genealogy, genealogy, etc. can make field date and literature date bring out the best in each other. One would not make great progress if he keep Sangzhi Baizu from the studding of Dali Bai nationality. Therefore, the related viewpoints and the comparison methods also are the important methods of this article.This article is on the assumption that there is the distinct difference based on the ethnic identity under the background of the diaspora and under the background of autonomous. It emphatically has discussed the two difference and the relation, and the level, structure, scope of ethnic identity under the background of diaspora. It tries highly to analyze the Sangzhi Baizu from the theory, and responds to other diaspora nationalities by this theory, and instructs the national relation development of diaspora. In the article, the major viewpoints have revealing the following: Faced problems by diaspora nationality concentratively represents the survival problems. This kind of survival problems has already contained in the biological significance survival question, what namely a kind of multiplication, nationality’s survival, more having covered the material lay, and also in the cultural significance survival question, namely the culture inherits and continues, as well asthe cultural conflict, cultural vicissitude on the adaption, more having covered the spiritual lay. Sangzhi is the most north of the Baizu culture, it may be regard as the most edge of Bai culture. It is the most north that Bai nationality expand from south to north in the history ,and also is the boundary zone of the Bai culture.Sangzhi Baizu culture tenaciously has kept and inherited the partial connotations of Daili Bai nationality culture, simultaneously has accepted and integrated the culture feature of Sangzhi Tujia, Miao, Yao, ect., whether having consciousness or not, and vividly has manifested the rebuilt process of culture. This process looks as if silkworm coming out the chrysalides getting the new-born of culture, shapes a brand-new culture. This new-born culture is distinctly different from the national culture of Tujia, Miao, Yao, etc., and also notably different on the basis of inevitably relating with Daili Bai culture. This kind of newborn culture was the Sangzhi Baizu culture. The double identity that represents by the Sangzhi Baizu itself, contains the double identity of Bai and Han, and also the double identity of Dali and Jiangxi. In the article, the research, which contains the aspects of Sangzhi Baizu’s language, religion, belief, common people residence construction, has the initiated significance. In addition, although the discussed major idea of this article is the ethnic identity, not others. But the flash spot still often flashed in this article. Such as: The geographical environment determinism already wasobsolete, but the environment of geography, history, humanities and so on still had the important influence to nationality status and the distinctive quality. Although monograph Baizu, also involved in the Bai culture and Tujia culture contacting and integrating, this has the reference value of common living on Sangzhi Tujia. This article is not to the cultural special study, but actually vividly elaborated "the culture is the bridge, and also is the wall" from the nationality boundary angle.The introductory remarks introduced the selected topic background, the significance, the research value and the related research results tracing.First chapter unifies Bai formation, the introductory development and the national distribution condition, elaborates the important status of Sangzhi Baizu, points out the level that only pauses to the population distribution, still is insufficient to fully promulgate the important status that Sangzhi Baizu holds in the whole Bai nationality, but also have to unify the Sangzhi Baizu culture distinctive quality enabling comprehensively to know its important status. This chapter not only reserves and establishes demonstration space of nationality identity, and pays the way for the coming discussed status identity and cultural identity in the following.Second chapter has examined the origin of "Minjia", said clearly the developing process that Sangzhi "Minjiaren" are used as Baizu, and itsthe distribution history and the present situation, and further discussed the national and the race group struggle which initiated from the nationality to recognize to nationality status identity to gain, and explains that the nationality status identity and the national ingredient confirmation are the distinct characteristic of nationality identity.Third chapter based on culture conception advocated by E. B. Taylor, exhaustively elaborates the important composition content that Snagzhi Baizu’ language, the religion, the belief, The inhabitant Architecture, the custom of wedding and funeral, dance, music, ballad, and so on ,explains that the cultural identity is the important constituent of ethnic identity, also is the origin which nationality boundary formed.Fourth chapter states to further discuss the level and the structure of nationality identity under the background of the above chapters and Sanzaju nationality, and proves that the viewpoint of this article to diaspora nationality has applicability to some certain.

【关键词】 白族散杂居族群认同桑植
【Key words】 Bai NationalityDiasporaEthnic IdentitySangzhi

