

【作者】 翟东堂

【导师】 徐中起;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 民族问题是全球性和多民族国家的一个重要问题,少数民族经济权利得不到保障是相当一部分民族冲突的根源,通过给予少数民族权利的特别保障是能够解决民族问题的。新中国成立以来,国家在保障少数民族经济权利方面做出了积极的努力,取得了显著的成就,但也要看到,少数民族经济权利的保障仍然存在一定的问题。在“人权入宪”和“依法治国”的大背景下,中国少数民族经济权利要得到切实保障,需确立以法律保障为主导的多元保障机制。本文通过规范研究和实证研究、定性分析和定量分析等主要研究方法,进行少数民族经济权利法律保障的研究。少数民族经济权利法律保障研究的目的在于,在全社会树立少数民族经济权利法律保障的理念。少数民族经济权利法律保障的研究,既有重要的理论意义,又有重要的现实意义,从理论意义上讲,丰富初具雏形的民族法学理论,从现实意义上讲,为立法提供理论支持,指导法律实践,切实地保障少数民族经济权利,维护各民族的共同繁荣、民族团结和国家统一。本文主要是由导论、结语和五章组成。总体思路是从少数民族经济权利概念、性质以及少数民族经济权利法律保障的功能和价值等基础理论入手,分析中国少数民族经济权利的主要内容,法律如何在动态的运作中保障少数民族经济权利的,少数民族经济权利受到侵害时法律如何提供救济,最后针对存在的问题,探索解决问题的基本路径。每部分主要内容具体是:导论部分。提出本文核心命题是中国少数民族经济权利的保障需确立以法律保障为主导的多元保障机制;归纳和评析相关的研究动态,尽管相关研究取得了一定成果,但仍需进一步系统、深入的研究。介绍论文的基本研究框架和研究思路以及主要研究方法,分析论文研究的理论意义和现实意义。另外,对论文的主要观点、创新和不足之处进行归纳。第一章“少数民族经济权利的一般理论”。运用法理学等相关理论,界定少数民族经济权利的概念,着重系统分析少数民族经济权利的基本性质,探讨少数民族经济权利法律保障的功能和价值。少数民族经济权利从性质来说是较为复杂的,总体上说,少数民族经济权利是基本权利、特别权利、积极权利、公法权利,是集体权利和个人权利的统一。少数民族经济权利法律保障具有确认、规范和保障三个层次的功能,秩序、正义和效益是少数民族经济权利法律保障最为重要的价值。第二章“中国少数民族经济权利的主要内容”。以我国现有的立法为依据,理论上分析民族经济平等权、民族经济发展权、民族经济自治权、民族经济获得帮助权的相关内容,探讨各权利实现过程中所存在的问题。民族经济平等包括机会的平等和结果的平等、形式上的平等和实质上的平等,民族经济事实上的不平等是由多种原因造成的。民族经济平等权与绝对经济平均主义是有着重大差别的,完整意义上的平等原则是应该包括合理的差别原则,坚持民族经济平等必须坚持民族经济不歧视,反对民族偏见和歧视;民族经济发展权有着丰富的内容,作为民族经济发展权的客体利益,主要是基于少数民族集体或个人所可以获得的经济利益,民族经济发展权具有重大的功用;民族经济自治权具有权利和权力的双重性质,其内容包括财政税收自治权、外贸自治权、自然资源开发自治权、经济管理自治权;民族经济获得帮助权的具体实现形式主要有财政帮助、资源补偿、金融扶持和帮助、经济对口支援、扶贫帮助、资金帮助、民族贸易扶持和优惠、基础设施建设。第三章“中国少数民族经济权利法律保障的运作”。着力研究少数民族经济权利立法保障、行政执法保障、法律监督保障的相关内容。尽管立法、行政执法、法律监督在保障少数民族经济权利中发挥了一定的作用,但在运作中仍然存有问题。立法保障主要有保障少数民族经济权利、平等权、特别保护三大原则,行政执法保障须遵循依法行政原则、从属原则、效能原则,行政执法保障特殊表现形式主要有行政许可、行政奖励、行政征收、行政处罚和抽象行政行为,法律监督保障具有十分重要的功能,其构成一般包括法律监督的主体、客体、内容、方式和程序四大方面。第四章“中国少数民族经济权利的法律救济”。界定少数民族经济法律救济含义,分析权力滥用、权利冲突、权利滥用是少数民族经济法律救济的主要动因,介绍行政救济、民事救济、刑事救济、宪法救济等少数民族经济权利法律救济方法,从理论上分析法律救济应成为少数民族经济权利救济的主导方法,诉讼救济是少数民族经济权利救济的最后一道防线,并对中国少数民族经济权利法律救济中所取得的成就和存在的问题进行评析。第五章“探索解决问题的基本路径”。旨在从革新价值观念和完善法律保障制度两大方面着手,探索解决问题的基本路径。价值观念的革新包括树立保障少数民族经济权利的第一价值取向、集体权利与个人权利的并重、权利本位观念和祛除权力本位思想。通过加强和完善少数民族经济权利立法、行政执法、法律监督、司法保障等几个方面,完善少数民族经济权利法律保障运作。此外,需要法律保障方式与政策保障方式更好的协同、发挥民族社团的作用、重视少数民族的有效参与。结语部分。就本文上述各部分作一个纲要式的总结,点明文中所没有深刻讨论的问题以及未来对哪些相关的问题有待深入的研究。

【Abstract】 The problem of the ethnic groups is of vital importance for the whole world and the multi-nation countries. Most ethnic conflicts which mainly result from the fact that the economical rights of ethnic groups are not properly protected could be solved through giving special protection to the rights of ethnic groups. Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the state has done active efforts on the protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups and obtained remarkable achievements. Nevertheless, there still exist unsolved problems concerning the protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups. On the background of The human rights written into constitution and Administering country according to law, multi-protection-system dominated by the law should be established for the protection of the economical rights for Chinese ethnic groups. Employing the method of regulation study and case study, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, the current research mainly focuses on the law protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups. The research of the law protection for the economical rights of ethnic groups intended to fostering the thought of the law protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups throughout the whole society has both important theoretical and practical significance, which can theoretically enrich the neonatal ethical laws and practically provide theoretical support to legislation, direct law practice, and protect the economical rights of ethnic groups to maintain the prosperity, comity and unification for all the Chinese ethnic groups.The current dissertation is composed of seven parts: introduction, five chapters and conclusion. Starting with the foundation and review of the concept, character, function and value of the law protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups, the current dissertation mainly analyzes the contents of economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups, the protection of the economical rights of minority nationalities dynamically,the law redress when the economical rights of minority nationalities be violated and, finally, explores fundamental ways on solving existing problems.Introduction mainly proposes that multi-protection-system dominated by the law should be established for the protection of the economical rights for Chinese ethnic groups, sums up and analyses the interrelated studies which although have acquired certain achievements but also need further systematic research, introduces the basic framework and research methods of the current research, analyzes its theoretical and practical significance and also presents the main viewpoints, innovations and insufficiencies of the current dissertation.Chapter I, General theory of the economical rights of ethnic groups, mainly defines the concept of the economical rights of ethnic groups, performs emphatic and systematic analysis on the basic characters of the economical rights of ethnic groups to discuss the function and value of the law protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups. Generally speaking, the characters of the economical rights of ethnic groups are rather complicated, which mainly contain the basic right, special right, active right, and public law’s right. The legal protection of economical rights of ethnic groups has three kinds of functions, affirmation, criterion and protection. Order, justice and benefit are the most important values on the lawful protection of economical rights of ethnic groups.Based on the state’s existing legislation system and mechanism, Chapter II, The main contents of economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups, theoretically analyzes the interrelated concerns about the economical equal right, economical developing right, economical autonomous right, economical support right of ethnic groups and also explores the existing problems in its accomplishing process. The economical equality of ethnic groups include equality for chances, results, forms and substance, while the economical inequality of ethnic groups is mainly caused for varied reasons. The economical equal rightof ethnic groups differs a lot from the absolute economical equalitarianism. Generally speaking, the equality principle should include rational differential principle. The development of economical equality of ethnic groups must persist economical indiscrimination of ethnic groups and oppose national prejudice and discrimination. Being the object benefit of the economical developing right, the economical developing right of ethnic groups has abundant contents, which are mainly based on the economical benefit obtained by the colony or individual of ethnic groups and of great importance. The economical autonomous right of ethnic groups has double characters, right and power, containing the autonomous right of finance and taxation, foreign trade, natural resources’ exploitation and management. The form of realization for the economical support right of ethnic groups chiefly include the financial help, the resources’ compensation, the financial support, poverty alleviation, fund support, the support and preference of national trade and the reconstruction of basic facilities.Chapter III, The motion on the protection of economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups, emphatically studies the interrelated contents of the protection of legislation, the protection of law executing, the protection of lawful supervision on the economical rights of ethnic groups. There still exist some unsolving problems, though the legislation, law executing, lawful supervision have elaborated great achievements in the protecting the economical rights of ethnic groups. The protection of legislation chiefly has three principles of the protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups, equal right, unusual protection. The protection of the law executing must obey the principles of the administration according to law, subordinate principles, and efficient principles. The forms of the protection of the law executing chiefly has administrative permission, administrative reward, administrative levy, administrative punish and abstract administrative behaviors. The protection of the law supervision has perfectly important functions,mainly containing the main body, the object, the contents, the way and patterns of the law supervision.Chapter IV, The lawful relief of economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups, defines the lawful relief of the economical rights of ethnic groups, proposes that the causations of the lawful relief of the economical rights of ethnic groups are mainly the abuse of power, the conflict of right, the abuse of right, and introduces the methods of the lawful relief of the economical rights of ethnic groups about the administrative relief, the civil relief, the penal relief and the relief of the constitution. Based on the theoretic analysis, the current research agrees that the lawful relief should become the leading way of the economical rights of ethnic groups, which is a final defense line about the relief of the economical rights of ethnic groups, and also appraises the obtained achievements and existing problems in lawful relief of the economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups.Chapter V, The exploration of the basic routes on the settled question, means to explore the basic routes to settle the problems from the perspectives of values innovating and perfection for the lawful protection system. The innovation of the values includes establishing the priority of the protection of the economical rights of ethnic groups, paying equal attention to the group rights and individual rights, and dispelling the idea for power-orientation. The motion on the protection of economical rights of Chinese ethnic groups can be perfected by strengthening and perfecting the legislation, the law administering, lawful supervision, the protection of jurisdiction on the economical rights of ethnic groups, and, additionally, it also needs the cooperation between the lawful protection and the policy protection, elaborating the function of the national association and paying much attention to effectively participation of ethnic groups.The last chapter, Conclusion, mainly performs the summary of all the chapters, points out those questions which the dissertation hasn’tprofoundly discussed and the interrelated questions which need further studies in the future.


