

【作者】 梁卫东

【导师】 徐永志;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 关于清末基层社会控制的研究,是中外学术界长期关注的问题,并且取得了一系列的研究成果。但从总体上看,这些研究成果主要集中在内地的华北和沿江沿海等地,相对来讲对边疆少数民族地区的社会控制研究尚属薄弱。鉴此本文选取清末鄂尔多斯地区作为考察对象,对这一时期该地区的社会控制问题做一初步考察,以求丰富中国近代基层社会史的研究。本文运用国家与社会的分析框架,采用传统的历史研究方法,并兼用历史比较法和历史人类学的方法,从中央与地方、国家(政治)与社会两个层面,以官府、宗教(喇嘛教和天主教)、士绅(地商)和民众为视点来考察清末鄂尔多斯地区的基层社会控制系统演变的趋向及其特点。全文由绪论、正文、结语三部分组成,共分六章,其具体内容如下:第一章“绪论”。本章概述了本文的选题缘由以及研究思路和分析框架,并从清末基层社会控制研究和鄂尔多斯历史研究两个方面,对与本文有关的相关研究动态作了总结、归纳。第二章“清前期中央与鄂尔多斯的地方关系”。考察了清前期清政府与鄂尔多斯地方的关系,其内容涉及到:清政府对鄂尔多斯基层政权的设计以及清政府在鄂尔多斯实行的宗教政策。由此在鄂尔多斯形成了分别以蒙旗政权和喇嘛教为主体的世俗社会控制系统和宗教控制系统,并对这两个社会控制系统对社会的控制方式进行了考察。这两个控制系统既相区别又相联系。与同时期内地的基层政权相比,鄂尔多斯的基层政权具有较大的自主性。第三章“清末鄂尔多斯面临的变局”。由西方势力入侵引发的边疆危机和广大牧民反抗王公横征暴敛的运动,导致了清末鄂尔多斯社会的动荡。而汉族移民的大量移入和蒙旗吸纳汉民的局限性,对鄂尔多斯原有的社会控制提出了挑战,鄂尔多斯基层社会控制的重建成为历史的必然。第四章“中央与地方关系的重组:鄂尔多斯社会控制的新格局”。本章具体探讨了清末鄂尔多斯基层社会控制的构建。首先是蒙旗的基层政权通过调适,在一定程度上适应了形势的变化,但针对调适后的蒙旗基层政权的局限性,清政府不得不通过对鄂尔多斯基层政权的重建来弥补这一不足之处,这样鄂尔多斯出现了二元化的行政管理体制。清政府在鄂尔多斯基层政权的重建,导致了蒙旗自主权的部分丧失,引起了蒙古王公贵族的反抗。同时清政府宗教政策的改变,使得喇嘛教的社会控制力量逐渐降低。第五章“清末国家与社会的调适和互动”。首先分别考察了清末鄂尔多斯新的社会力量的产生及其社会活动空间的扩展;然后考察了清政府加强社会控制的努力。地商和天主教通过建立自己的社会控制系统、树立自己的权威、举办社会公益事业、维护社会治安等,扩展了其社会活动空间。由此,清政府采取措施加强对社会的控制,清政府加强社会控制的结果,一方面导致了绅权的蜕化;但是另一方面,由于天主教有不平等条约的保护,其势力呈现出进一步扩张的趋势,国家的社会控制力在天主教王国迅速流坠。第六章“结语——鄂尔多斯模式的总结”,对晚清鄂尔多斯的社会控制的模式进行了总结并从中概括出若干特点。清末鄂尔多斯社会控制的演变是以政治为先导的,集中表现为国家权力的下沉。此外,鄂尔多斯基层社会控制还具有控制主体的多元化和控制中心的分散化、行政管理体制的二元化、蒙旗原有社会控制的衰落、绅权作用的特殊性等特点。清末鄂尔多斯社会的动荡不安,体现了清政府在这一时期对社会整合的失败。

【Abstract】 For a long time, the control of the local society of China during late Qing Dynasty has been a problem concerned by the intellectual world home and abroad. A lot of relating researches on the control of the society have come up. These researches generally focused on North China and littoral and so on, but neglected the minority area. So this paper chooses ordox , where the minority of Mogolia live together , to research the control of the society in the minority area during late Qing Dynasty.This paper consists of there parts------introduction, content andconclusion and it is divided into five chapters of detailed analysis, which are listed out as follows:In chapter one, that is the introduction, firstly the author talks about why she do this research. Secondly she looks back and generalizes the research achievements of the intellectual world from the "the control of the society" and "the history of Ordos during the late Qing Dynasty ", and establishes the research pattern and frame of analysis.Chapter two looks back the local government and its authority designed by Qing Dynasty, the religion in Ordos during early Qing Dynasty. In this part also talks about the government and the religion howto control the society.To compare with the other area of China , the local government in Ordos had much privilege.Chapter three is the background of the paper. In this part the author reviewes the complexsition changed in Ordos during the late Qing Dynasty from three aspects. The aggression of the Occident and the resistence of the Mogolian people in Ordos leaded to the turbulence and crisis in the society. And the same time large emigration of the Han Nationnality came to Ordos. The finance of the Qing Dynasty dried up was the direct reason to lead to the change of the control of the society during the late Qing Dynasty.Chapter four discusses the change of the local government and the duality of the local government in Ordos during late Qing Dynasty. On the one hand the local government of Mongolian and its authority were adjusted. On the other hang some new local government were founded, which deprived the governments of Mongolian of their privilege in some degree.Chaper five discusses the new social power-------Dishang,Catholicism and Duguilong which was the organization of the Mogolian people appeared during late Qing Dynasty. Dishang and the Catholicism obtained some influence on the society by some ways.This limited the fluence from Qing Dynasty. Qing Dynasty took some measures to rob dishang of their influence. The people launched movement to resist theCatholism, for its influence expanded. Because the Catholicism was protected by the Occident and the imparity treaties signed by them, Qing Dynasty had to give in. So Qing Dynasty lost the influence on the society.Chapter six summarizes a model case of the control no the society in Ordos and indicates some traits. The change of the control on the society was origined politics. Qing Dynasty took back its influence from two ways . But Qing Dynasty could not gain its ends.

【关键词】 清末鄂尔多斯社会控制
【Key words】 late Qing DynastyOrdosthe control of the society
  • 【分类号】K252;K292.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】652
  • 攻读期成果

