

【作者】 张莉萍

【导师】 王远新;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 语言与性别问题已是语言学和社会语言学研究的一个热门,国内外的语言学家做了大量有意义的探索,并证明了不同性别在语言使用上的差异,进而阐述了性别差异产生的原因。作为语言词汇系统的一个重要组成部分,称谓语同样具有性别上的差异。不过,在我国语言学界,称谓语的性别研究基本上是一块尚未开垦的处女地。称谓语与性别之间的关系非常密切,二者不可分割。称谓语的变迁能够反映出社会文化对男性和女性的影响和不同的社会期望,称谓语的语义色彩能够体现出社会文化意识对两性的倾向性态度。同时,性别又对称谓语的产生和发展有制约作用。因此,称谓语的性别差异研究具有很大的发展空间。本文旨在把社会语言学的理论和方法引入称谓语性别研究,从社会语言学强调的“人和社会”的角度,审视性别差异在称谓语上的表现,探索语言性别研究的新领域,丰富该项研究的内容,同时进行方法上的探索,揭示称谓语体系中的性别特征以及两性使用称谓语的情况,探究其背后所隐藏的社会文化历史原因。社会语言学性别称谓系统的研究具有重要的学术意义和应用价值。从理论上说,它有助于我们加深对语言系统普遍规律的认识,能够拓宽我们的研究视野;有助于解释语言内部的发展变化,以及外部因素对语言结构本身的影响,揭示性别这种社会因素同语言变异之间的关系。从第二语言教学的意义上讲,重视性别称谓语的研究有助于克服学习者的跨文化交际障碍,从而促进汉语言教学的发展。从实践意义上说,它能帮助人们更清楚地认识男性和女性在语言使用上的异同,对两性之间的相互沟通和理解具有现实意义。从社会意义上说,称谓语的性别差异研究能够规范一些有争议的语言现象,在社会交际中起到正确的导向作用,对社会的精神文明和物质文明建设发挥积极的作用。面对纷繁复杂的称谓语现象,笔者用七章篇幅分别介绍了语言与性别、称谓语的研究现状,对亲属称谓语和社会称谓语中的性别表现特点进行了详细的阐述。汉语亲属称谓语的性别特点集中表现在内外有别、称谓词量不对等和男尊女卑三个方面。男性和女性在姓名的构成和使用上体现了各自的特点,反映了社会文化的时代背景以及两性社会地位的升降起伏。为了了解青年人称谓语使用的现状及其对称谓语的语言态度和行为倾向方面的差异,笔者在小范围内做了一次问卷调查。本次调查主要在以下两个方面展开:主要社会称谓语的使用情况调查;称谓语的态度和习得情况调查。由于本文是从性别这个角度来研究称谓语的,所以调查的重点是不同性别的被调查者怎么称呼不同的男性和女性。笔者通过问卷调查获得了有关社会称谓语使用性别差异的第一手资料和数据。最后,笔者以《红楼梦》中的人物称谓作为个案,探讨文学作品中所反映的权势与等同理论对称谓语使用情况的制约。本文的研究特点主要表现在三个方面:首先,选取的研究角度比较新颖,即从性别对比的角度调查和分析人际称谓系统。目前学术界虽然也有人从这个角度研究性别差异,但是还没有系统的、较全面的研究成果出现。过去,人们的关注焦点大多集中在称谓语对女性歧视方面,很少有人对男性和女性在称谓语使用上的差异进行问卷调查。笔者通过问卷调查,研究不同性别在称谓语使用上的特点和态度差异,希望这一研究结果能够丰富称谓语的性别研究。其次,就研究范围而言,过去,人们对性别歧视的分析多侧重于女性歧视方面。事实上,语言中也存在着歧视男性的现象,所以本文将对男性的歧视性称谓语纳入研究范围之内,希望能够抛砖引玉,促使语言爱好者更多关注这一方面。最后,在研究方法上突破了传统语言学研究的局限性。关于称谓语性别差异的研究,过去主要使用思辨法、介绍法、理论法和描述法,使用社会语言学调查法的成果比较少。本文采用了社会语言学的方法如访谈法、观察法、实验法、定性分析法、定量分析法,有助于得到科学性和可信度较高的结论。

【Abstract】 The study of address gender is a virgin land in the Chinese academia. The gender languange research has been a hotspot, many scholars have made a plenty of studies to prove the gender difference in languange and explain the cause of the differnce. Actually, as a part of vocabulary , address system also reflects the gender difference.Address system and gender are closed together. The transition of address could reflect the social culture how to influence both sexes, the adrress meaning hues could reflect the social tendentious attitudes to both sexes. The gender also could restrict the change of address system.The paper tries to inject the theories and methods of sociolinguistics into the study of adress gender difference, to examine how the gender differnces are displayed in the address system from the point of "Man and Society". The paper also tries to explore the new field of gender language research, to enrich the contents of the study, and also to explore the methods, to reveal the gender features of the address system and how the both sexes to use the address.The research of sociolinguistics gender address has great value.At first, it would help us to recognize the common law of languange system and to broaden our eyesight. It also can explain the inner change of languange and the outer factors how to influce the languangeconstruction. It can reveal the relationship of the social factors and languange variation.Secondly, the study of address could benift the cross-culture communication and the development of the Chinese education.Thirdly, the research could standardize some controversial languange issues, and help man and woman to connect and understand each other.Faced the complicated address phenomena, the author introduces the present situations of gender languange and address research, and also expands on the gender features of the kin address and the social address.The most important discrimination in the Chinese kin address system are the difference of the consanguinity and the relations by marriage, the address number of both are not reciprocally and sexism. Man and woman have different characteristics in the family name and given name.To comprehend the youth how to use the common spoken Chinese address and their attitudes to it, the author makes a small scope questionnaire. The questionnaire includes two aspects: how to use the social address and the attitudes to it. The paper studies address system from the gender point of view, so the emphasis of the quesionnaire is the both sexes how to address man and woman.In the end, the author makes a individual case to explore how the power and solidarity thory restrict the address in <a Dream in RedMansions>.The greatest innowation of the paper is the study point which is the gender contrast point of view. The study would broaden the research field of gender languange.The paper also pays attention to the languange discrimination against man, the author hopes more reseachers to follow with interest in this field.At the present day, most languange research in china seldom use expermental methods, they just list some examples or statistics. The paper uses sociolinguistics methods such as interview, observation, experment, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis to acquire more scientifically conclusions .

【关键词】 性别亲属称谓语社会称谓语性别歧视
【Key words】 genderkin adresssocial adresssexism

