

【作者】 彭春芳

【导师】 王远新;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 重叠既是一种构词法,也是一种是构形法,在许多语言及方言中广泛应用。本文以湖南省涟源市杨家滩话中形容词、动词、名词和量词重叠为研究对象,较全面地描写和分析了它们的形式、意义和功能,并对不同性别、不同年龄段、不同社区、不同群体形容词重叠式的使用情况做了社会语言学调查。本文的研究目的有三:第一,通过比较全面、系统的共时描写和分析,揭示出以上词类的重叠形式、意义和功能特点。第二,以点的资料丰富汉语重叠现象的研究,从而对汉语及语言的共性和类型学研究有所裨益。第三,以杨家滩话形容词重叠式的社会语言学个案调查为例,总结它们在不同性别、年龄段、社区及群体的使用特点,从而揭示其社会分化状况,预测其发展趋势,为重叠式的研究提供新的路径。汉语界对重叠现象的研究很不平衡,其中对形容词、动词重叠的研究成果比较多,研究的视角也比较广泛,除了形式、意义和功能的研究之外,还有音变、重叠条件等方面的探索;而有关名词、量词、数词、代词以及副词的重叠研究成果并不多见。另外,方言学界对不同方言区重叠现象的研究很不平衡,其中官话区的研究成果较多,其他方言区如湘方言的研究成果就比较少。本文主要分五个部分,其中前四个部分主要是对杨家滩话形容词、动词、名词以及量词重叠形式、意义和功能的描写和分析,第五部分是对形容词重叠式的社会语言学个案调查。通过以上研究,我们对重叠现象有了进一步的认识:(1)从重叠形式上看,杨家滩话以上四种词类都有完全重叠式和不完全重叠式。重叠形式既有四种词类共有的;也有某二、三个词类共有的;还有个别词类特有的。(2)从重叠的意义上看,除量词外,其他三种词类的重叠都可从构词和构形意义两方面去考察。构词主要包括两个方面:一是构成新词;二是构成固定结构。构形即语法意义主要包括两个方面:一是改变词性;二是调量。同一种重叠形式,可以表达不同的意义:既可构词,也可构形;而不同的重叠形式,也可以表达相同的意义。所以,重叠的意义没有明显的形式标记。(3)从重叠的功能上看,重叠式的句法功能和基式相比,既有限制,又有突破。(4)语言是一个系统,某一词类的重叠形式有向其他词类扩散、渗透的趋势。(5)完全重叠式AA有词调模式化的倾向。(6)从形容词重叠式使用情况的社会语言学调查上看,女性较男性较多使用重叠式,年老的较年轻的较多使用常见重叠式,普通话的形容词重叠式ABAB已有进入杨家滩话的趋势。

【Abstract】 Repetition is not only a word-building, but a kind of morphology as well. Repetition is widely practiced in many languages and dialects. This paper, through studying the repetition of adjective, verb, noun and measure word used in Yangjiatan, Lianyuan City, Hunan Province, describes and analyzes their forms, meanings and functions, meanwhile, investigates how repetition of adjective is practiced in different genders, ages and communities in the context of social linguistics. Aims: first, through comparatively comprehensive describing and analysis synchronically, the paper reveals the form, meaning and function of those parts of speech; second, it enriches the repetition research of Chinese language by the resources of local points, thus benefits the studying generality and typology of Chinese; third, taking the research of repetition of adjective used in Yanjiatan as example, it summarizes the using characteristics in different genders, ages, communities and groups, and reveals the social diversification of the repetition of adjective and calculates its developing trend, which brings new approaches to the research of repetition.Totally speaking, the research of repetition is a process of systernizing and deepening, although the researches of different parts of speech lack balance. Taking the example of notional words, the repetition research of adjective and verb is more easily seen and the approaches are also diversified. Besides the traditional research of form, meaning and function, researchers explored the sound phonetic change and the condition of repetition. Conversely, the research of noun, measure word, numeral and pronoun is less. As for function words, there is only a little research of adverb. Meanwhile, the researches of repetition among different dialect areas arenot balanced. In some dialect areas, the researches are fruitful, especially the official dialect area; in some other areas, the researches are less, such as Xiang dialect area.There are 5 parts in this paper. The first four parts describes and analyzes the form, meaning and function of the adjective, verb, and noun repetition in Yangjiatan; the fifth part conducts social linguistic investigation of the adjective repetition though case study.From the above study, we get a deeper view to repetition. Firstly, in term of the repetition form, there are complete repetitions and incomplete repetitions in the above four parts of speech. Secondly, in term of the repetition significance, except for the measure word, there are the significance of word-building and morphology in the repetition of the other three parts of speech. The former contains two parts, forming new words and forming new construction. The latter also consists two, changing the syntactical functions and morphological features of words, as well as "tuning". The same repetition form can express different meanings, and the same meaning can be expressed in different repetition forms. Consequently, there is no marked signal in both. Thirdly, the function of repetition has both limitation and breakthrough. Fourthly, every word’s repetition form has a trend to spread and penetrate into other words for language is a system. Fifthly, the repetition form AA in Yangjiatan dialect has a trend to stylize. Sixthly, through the social linguistic investigation of the practice of adjective repetition, women are more likely to use repetition, the elderly are more likely to use the common repetition there than the young. Meanwhile, the adjective repetition form ABAB in mandarin is on the wayto go into Yangjiatan dialect.


