

Research on Governmental Responsibilities on the Development of Rural Social Assistance in Our Country

【作者】 蒯小明

【导师】 庹国柱;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国社会经济快速发展的同时,城乡差距拉大导致社会出现不和谐因素,农村庞大的贫困群体需要规范性救助。开发式扶贫在我国农村的反贫困中取得了巨大成就,但其在功能上对反贫困有一定的局限性,农村社会救助是反贫困体系的一个重要组成部分。近年来,虽然我国农村社会救助取得了较快发展,但其覆盖面、保障水平仍然偏低以及城乡间、地区间存在较大差异等一系列问题,而国家责任缺失是导致这些问题的根本原因,所以本文选择我国农村社会救助发展中的国家责任作为主要的研究内容。本文首先从理论与实证角度来分析社会救助中的国家责任问题。理论方面,现代社会中,社会救助成为国家的一项必然责任,无论从国家的责任范围、人权理念的发展、社会的公平与正义,还是贫困的形成原因或经济发展等角度来看,都要求国家承担社会救助责任。从实证角度来看,国外发达国家社会救助事务的责任主体都是国家,国家首先通过立法方式,建立社会救助制度,并委托政府按救助法律的规定进行社会救助的具体实施,包括社会救助资金的财政性供给和社会救助的组织、管理与运行。本文随后关于我国农村对社会救助的需求与国家对社会救助的供给进行的实证分析表明,我国农村社会救助虽然近年来发展较快,但仍然面临着严重不足的问题,包括社会救助无法满足现实需求、社会救助在城乡间的全面差异和农村社会救助的地区性不均衡,而产生这些问题的根本原因在于社会救助制度性建设不规范所致。制度性建设不规范导致农村社会救助的配套资源供给不足,包括救助资金和救助体系组织运行等方面。由立法机构制定城乡统一的社会救助法是解决我国农村社会救助体系运行中存在问题的根本所在。建立城乡统一的社会救助制度以消除社会救助在城乡间的全面差异;社会救助立法是建立对农村各社会救助实施主体规范性进行资金筹集与组织运行管理的制度性约束,以确保农村社会救助制度的有效运行。在社会救助制度规范性建设的基础上,农村社会生活救助的主要问题是国家对生活救助项目的规范性整合与资金的合理供给。农村社会生活救助资金的需求量较小,国家财政供给不存在量上的问题,关键在于财政的转移支付与管理。在现有的医疗卫生服务体系运行效率低下的情况下,农村医疗救助缺乏有效实施的基础。医疗卫生服务的高价格导致绝大多数农村居民的医疗消费在可得性与可及性方面均存在严重不足,在此前提下,进行医疗救助会产生一系列困境,包括公平性缺失、负向激励、资金困境和医疗救助制度设计本身所面临的困境等等。国家对医疗卫生服务体系进行改革是实施有效农村医疗救助的基础和前提,在些基础上,对农村贫困对象实施基本卫生方面的救助和对部分大病进行救助。国家财政对教育经费投入的不足导致非义务教育特别是高等教育的家庭和个人负担过重,从而出现与农村医疗救助相类似的一系列困境。国家增加对教育的财政性投入,降低家庭和个人的非义务教育成本负担是建立有效教育救助制度的一个前提性工作。在此基础上,通过各种方式对农村贫困学生进行救助。农村社会救助供给不足的一个重要原因在于资金供给不规范,其背后隐含的实质是我国分税制财政管理体制改革后,财政管理体制运行不规范的结果,各级政府的事权与财权不匹配。社会救助属于地方性事务,但地方政府的事权大于财权,在政府转移支付不规范的情况下,部分地方没有足够的资金进行农村社会救助,从而导致农村社会救助供给总体不足和地区性不均衡。规范政府财政资金的转移支付,中央政府对中、西部地区进行资金的合理安排与供给,以解决农村社会救助资金总体性不足和地区性差异问题。建立有效的社会救助组织管理运行体系是农村社会救助工作有效开展的组织保障,现有的社会救助组织管理体系无法完全适应我国农村社会救助工作开展的需要。政府应该整合现有的社会救助机构,建立专门、高效的组织运行与监管体系,以保障农村社会救助工作的实施。

【Abstract】 Ever since the establishment of opening and reform policies, China has successfully achieved remarkable economic development. Nonetheless, the escalation of income missdistance among rural and city result in unharmonious ingredient turned-up in our community. Multitudinous rural necessitous people need for canonical government assistance. Rural social assistance is a very important component of anti-indigent system. Exploitation-type assistance has achieved remarkable accomplishment, whereas the disadvantages of its own hindered the favoring executive of anti-indigent works. Although rural social assistance is in highly development, there still exist serials of problem. Social assistance is the responsibility of the nation. To researching on governmental responsibilities in the development of rural social assistance becoming the main body of this argumentation issue.This article analyzed governmental responsibilities on social assistance from theory and demonstration aspect. As for theory aspect, social assistance is to a certainty the responsibility of the government. The government should take responsibility of social assistance whether because of scope of governmental responsibility, the development of human right, social equitableness and justice or because of the reason coursed the appearance of indigent. From demonstration aspect: in the oversea developed Countries, governments take responsibility of national social assistance. The government set up a social assistance system by establishing related laws and entrust the operation of social assistance to local government according to the law. The specific measures including the social assistance funds supplement as well as the management and operation of social assistance.This article analyzed the needs of rural social assistance and the actual social assistance supplied by the government and state a theory as follow: As of today, rural social assistance develop very fast, but there is still existing supply shortage such as the supply of social assistance can not fulfill the demand of actual needs, the all-around differentia supply of social assistance among cities and rural area as well as unbalanced supply in different regions, etc. The essential reason of above problems is rest with the establishment of irregular social assistance system. The irregular social assistance system lead to insufficient funds or recourse supply of rural assistance and the operation of social assistance organization and so on.To establish a unitized social assistance law by legislature is the key to solve the existing problem in operating rural social assistance. Establishing a unitized social assistance system can eliminate the supply differentiation which afforded by the government between cities and rural areas as well as rural areas among different regions. The substance of establishing a unitized social assistance law is to establish a system which can accomplish finance and administration of rural social assistance organizations, and it’s purpose is to ensure effective operation of rural social assistance system.In the process of establishing canonical social assistance system, the government should rearrange implemented living assistance projects and execute reasonable social assistance funds supply. The demand of rural social live assistance funds is low. The problem of national financial supply is not whether sufficient the supply is but the transfer payment and administration of public finance.In the situation of low operation efficiency of existing medical attendance service system, rural medical attendance assistance is devoid of effective operation basis. The high price of medical attendance service causes the serious shortage in medical consumption of majority of rural residents whether in acquirable or in accessible aspect. To perform medical attendance assistance under this right circumstance will face serials of problems including the unfairness among different beneficiaries, opposing stimulation of beneficiaries, medical attendance assistance funds shortage and design problems of medical attendance system itself either. Government reform the medical attendance service system is the foundation and precondition of performing the effective rural medical attendance assistance. Based on this circumstance, government should carry out basic health assistance and parts of big diseases assistance on rural necessitous residents to boot.The insufficient governmental financial input on education result in extra heavy burthen of individuals and families in the stage of non-compulsory education especially the individual and families in the stage of high education, thereby, a serials of problems that similar to the problems appears in the process of executing rural medical attendance assistance also appears in the operation of education assistance. The government increase the finance input on education, decrease the non-compulsory education costs of individual and the families is the presupposition of establishing effective education assistance system. Based on this situation, many kinds of methods should adopt by the government for assistant the rural necessitous students.A important reason of insufficient supply of rural social assistance rest with the irregular supply of funds. The essential hidden behind is irregular operation of the Financial Management System, the mismatching of business right and financial right exist in governments at any level after the reformation of our Revenue-sharing System. Social assistance belongs to municipal affairs whereas business right is bigger than financial right of local government. In the event that the irregular intergovernmental transfer payment, some local governments do not have sufficient fund to execute rural social assistance, thus the total supplement shortage and regional imbalance occurs in the rural social assistance. Governmental Financial Transfer Payment System normalization went with the central government take reasonable control of fund of central and western regions can help to ravel out the problem of rural social assistance fund overall shortage and regional diversity.To establish a effective Social Assistance Organization Management System is organizational indemnification of the effective execution of rural social assistance. The existing Social Assistance Organization Management System can hardly fit in with the needs of China rural social assistance works. The Chinese government should conform existing Social Assistance Institutes to establish a professional, highly active Operation and Supervision System in order to guarantee the successful operation of rural social assistance.

【关键词】 农村社会救助国家责任
【Key words】 rural areasocial assistancegovernmental responsibility
  • 【分类号】D632.1;F323.89
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1493

