

【作者】 朱鸿博

【导师】 倪世雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 冷战结束后,美国在拉丁美洲的优势地位进一步得到巩固,其拉美政策也发生了很大改变。本文力图对其冷战后政策的演变进行较为深入的梳理和研究,并尝试以理想主义和现实主义的理论框架来对此进行政策分析。全文共分五章,加上导论和结语,共有共七个部分。在导论中,主要介绍本文选题的由来和思路,以及主要内容和研究观点。并就国内外就此相关问题的研究现状进行了评述。第一章对冷战前的美国拉美政策进行了简单的回顾。文章认为门罗主义奠定了美国拉美政策的基础,既有地缘政治意义上不允许欧洲列强干涉的一面,也有意识形态上保护美洲新生共和国的积极意义。“天定命运”是门罗主义的发展,也是一种扩张主义政策。冷战时期则支持亲美的拉美独裁军人政权来对抗前苏联的影响,是一种现实主义色彩浓厚的政策。威尔逊主义、卡特的人权外交等,则是一种理想主义色彩浓厚的政策。第二章论述了老布什政府的拉美外交政策与后冷战政策的形成。老布什政府前期的拉美政策,主要是继承里根的政策,在中美洲等地区对抗前苏联的影响,促使热点地区的降温和和平解决。这一政策,理想主义与现实主义色彩都较为浓厚,较好地进行了融合,取得了较好的效果。老布什政府的“美洲倡议”,以及之后建立美洲自由贸易区的政策成为冷战后美国拉美政策的中心内容。第二章义探讨了克林顿政府时期的美国拉美政策。其政策继承了老布什美洲倡议的理想,将建设美洲自由贸易区和扩展民主作为目标,但是对拉美事务不太重视,采取了一种实用主义的政策,这也导致了其拉美政策不甚成功,错过了冷战后的有利时机。文章主要论述了其建立“美洲自由贸易区”所遇到的挫折,在海地和古巴等地区扩展自由民主的政策,以及在禁毒和拉美社会问题所遇到的挑战。第四章讨论了小布什政府第一任期内的美国拉美政策,文章认为:“9·11”事件之后,美国“新保守主义”特点在于将扩展民主的理想置于国家利益与安全之上。其拉美政策的特点是在民主问题上更加强硬,将推动美洲自由贸易区作为政策的中心和解决问题的关键。新自由主义的拉美政策同时面临拉美左翼运动兴起的挑战以及中国在拉美影响力日渐增加的问题。美国认为中拉经济关系的发展会带来政治上的影响,但也承认中国在拉美的存在尚未对美国构成威胁,美国暂时还不会对拉美政策做出大的调整。第五章论述了第二任期内小布什政府的拉美政策,文章认为其政策特点是趋于务实。其对外战略已经将推广民主理想和对国家利益的考量放在一起。其政策变化还体现在:从强调民主选举改为重视民主治理;推进美洲自由贸易区的步伐放慢;政策重点转到中美洲和加勒比地区等。同时文章还指出,拉美在其新国家安全战略中的地位开始趋于上升。在第四届美洲国家首脑会中,小布什总统力求推进美洲自由贸易区谈判的努力收效不大,但是也取得了一些成果,例如再次排斥了古巴的参加,重申了在西半球巩固民主的诉求等。结语部分对全文主要内容和观点进行了总结。冷战后美国拉美政策的演变,说明了其政策一直在理想主义和现实主义之间转换和摇摆的特点。随着国内外形势的变化,其政策有时理想主义色彩浓厚一些,有时现实主义又占上风。

【Abstract】 After the Cold War, U.S. hegemony in Latin America was more solid than ever and its foreign policy towards Latin America has undergone great change ever since. This thesis tries to give an intensive description and a deep research about the evolution of U.S. foreign policy towards Latin America. At the same time, the paper intends to analyze this policy in a theoretical paradigm of idealism and realism in order to deepen the research in the future.The paper is divided into seven parts, including introduction, conclusion and five chapters. In introduction, it is told how and why this topic is chosen, what the main contents are, which new arguments the author will give. The research context and academic background would be given and analyzed in this part as well.The first chapter looks back to the history of U.S. policy towards Latin America before the Cold War, which is built on the foundation of Monroe Doctrine. In the author’s view, Monroe Doctrine was against the interference of European powers in terms geopolitics on the one hand, and it defended the newly -born republican democracy of Latin America in terms of ideology on the other hand. The Manifest Destiny, which was the development of the Monroe Doctrine, was a kind of expansionist policy. In the period of Cold War, U.S. policy was centered mainly on defying former Soviet Union in Latin America with a realistic foreign policy of supporting Pro-America right-wing military dictatorship in Latin America. President Wilson’s policy and President Carter’s "Human Rights" policy were considered as more idealistic than realistic.The second chapter deals with the policy of Old Bush Administration and Post-Cold War policy towards Latin America. Like President Reagan, President Old Bush tried his best to solve the war and conflict peacefully in the hot spot of Central Latin America in order to combat former Soviet Union. His policy was successful with the combination of idealism and realism. President Old Bush launched the "American Initiatives" and started the process of FTAA, which was the main and central topics of Post -Cold war Policy towards Latin America .The third chapter deals with President Clinton’s foreign policy towards Latin America, which like his predecessor’s policy , was focused on Building FTAA and expanding freedom and democracy . President Clinton’s policy is considered as losing many opportunities and as being not so successful with his opportunism policy and neglecting Latin American issues. President Clinton’s expanding free trade policy in Latin America, with FTAA as the center failed. This chapter also deals with President Clinton’s Policy of promoting freedom and democracy in Latin America, with the case study of Haiti and Cuba, and the challenges from drug-trafficking andother social problems in Latin America.The Fourth chapter discusses the Bush Administration’s first term foreign policy towards Latin America, which has changed greatly after "9.11" incident. With the development of the new conservatism, which was characteristic of considering democratic ideals to be more important than national interests and security. President Bush was harder than his predecessor in the democratic issues and his policy was still focused on promoting FTAA. Bush Administration’s policy was facing more and more new challenges from emerging Latin American leftist movements and China’s increasing presence in Latin America. The United States is afraid that China’s growing economic influence and ties with Latin America will result in negative political influence against U.S. National security in Latin America. Meanwhile, the United States also believes that China’s presence in Latin America has not yet posed a threat to the United States, and will not make big policy adjustments for the time being.The fifth chapter deals with the trend of policy toward Latin America in Bush Administration’s second term, which became more pragmatic and began to combine the ideals of promoting democracy with national interests. This chapter summarizes several changes of the policy towards Latin America in Bush Administration’s second term, stressing that democratic governance is more important than democratic elections , slowing the pace of promoting FTAA, paying more attention to the Central American and Caribbean region. Latin America’s position has begun to rise in the new national security strategy of Bush Administration’s second term. In the fourth Summit of the Americas, President Bush’s efforts to promote the FTAA negotiations were unsuccessful. But he succeeded in excluding Cuba from the summit and reaffirming the commitment of promoting democracy in the Western Hemisphere.Last, the conclusion part gives the contents and basic views of the paper. The evolution of the Post-Cold war U.S. policy towards Latin America is characteristic of a swing between idealism and realism. Along with the changes in the domestic and international situation, its policies sometimes are more idealistic, and sometimes are more realistic.

【关键词】 冷战后美国拉丁美洲政策
【Key words】 Post-cold warU.S.Latin AmericaPolicy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1190

