

【作者】 唐皇凤

【导师】 林尚立;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 随着全能主义体制的松弛,作为社会匀质化力量的市场非但没有改变中国社会传统的“蜂窝状结构”特征,反而加剧了中国社会内部的地区化和部门化。那么,在中国日益成为一个人们所谓的“碎片化的威权政体”后,是什么因素支撑了中国社会相对平稳的制度转型?本文试图以转型中国的国家治理为视角,以社会治安综合治理组织网络为研究对象,以期对中国社会平稳转型的支撑力量和内在机理进行较深入的考察。中国相对平稳的社会转型的关键是解决了转型社会的秩序重建问题。社会转型对社会秩序必然产生深刻影响,社会转型就是社会秩序模式的更替,必然会出现一定程度的社会失序。但是社会对秩序的内生性需求表明,社会秩序既是社会存在的基础,也是社会发展的条件,秩序重建是任何现代化建设的基本前提,转型社会的秩序重建是国家治理的核心目标。犯罪率的高低被认为是衡量一个社会发达、繁荣程度的指示器和晴雨表,是转型社会的头号社会问题,社会治安问题是转型社会秩序危机的集中体现。因此,治理和控制犯罪问题,使之保持在“秩序”容许的范围之内,是社会平稳转型的基本保障。本文选择社会治安综合治理组织网络作为问题的切入点,这是基于综合治理已经成为转型中国基本的国家治理方式,作为一种独特的组织化机制和资源集中、动员机制,已经成为执政党和政府解决社会治安问题的基本方略。综合治理组织网络是执政党与政府主导转型中国公共秩序构建的产物,但是由于资源相互依赖性与扩充国家治理资源的需要,国家相对自主性在转型中国公共秩序的构建过程中仍具有其内在的局限性。因此,依托组织建设与组织网络渗透为主要内容的组织化调控来拓展国家治理空间,在调控中实现政党——国家——社会组织对社会治安等公共产品的协作生产是综合治理组织网络构建的基本历史使命。本文把综合治理组织网络的构建置于当代中国国家治理方式的历史演进之中,在社会转型与秩序重构的独特背景下,研究其内在结构与运作机理。认为在市场化改革的过程中,中国的社会结构、组织方式发生了巨大变化,由此引发了大量的社会问题,对国家治理提出了全新的要求和严峻的挑战。国家在回应与解决社会问题的过程中逐步进行政治转型,即对国家治理方式、策略与手段进行变革。因此,在社会转型先于国家转型的前提下,现有的国家治理体系为了应对快速社会变迁产生的大量社会问题,执政党主导和组织化调控仍然是有效治理的基本保障。一方面,充分利用执政党的人事控制权,在党内设立新的综合协调机构,或者利用和强化原有机构的功能并提升其政治地位等方式,来实现体制内资源的集中与动员。另一方面,面对改革开放以来体制外资源日益增生和社会调控体系缝隙日益增多的现实,执政党与政府力图通过综合治理机制把各种具有社会治安功能的新兴社会组织与市场组织纳入综合治理组织网络体系,在意识形态治理效能递减、制度资源依旧贫弱的现实条件下,通过组织的力量确保了有效的国家治理。因此,在转型中国,组织是社会调控体系的核心支柱,组织化调控仍然是支撑国家治理和社会转型的主导机制。当然,面对市场逻辑日益主导中国社会运作逻辑和现代社会逐步成长的现实,国家治理体系的适应性调整集中体现为支撑组织化调控的权力组织网络要素和结构开始逐步改变,适应市场经济的新兴社会组织与市场组织在国家治理体系中的地位稳步上升。最后,本文认为,中国的市场转型并没有像其它后共产主义国家一样,国家和政党权力大幅度回收后撤,反而在这个过程中不断强化了自身的权力组织网络,并以此维系了国家和社会的稳定。在转型中国,执政党和国家的相对自主性是构建公共秩序的主导力量,执政党在组合各种国家治理资源的基础上力图培育现代国家治理体系是中国社会平稳转型的基本经验,执政党主导的权力组织网络是中国社会平稳转型的根本保障力量。并且不断通过以组织建设和组织网络渗透为主要形式的组织化调控来拓展国家治理空间,组织化调控是支撑中国社会平稳转型的核心机制。当然,这种组织化调控的根本缺陷在于治理成本较高和政治风险较大,并且很难实现国家治理的常规化与弥散化,以控制为主导的组织化调控必将让位于以“规训”为主导的制度化调控。虽然对组织化调控模式的突破是历史的必然选择,但是对组织化调控模式的突破不是废弃传统的组织资源,而恰恰是充分利用传统的组织资源,在构建制度化调控模式的过程中充分发挥它们的支撑作用,确保中国社会平稳的制度转型,组织是支撑中国社会转型与国家治理的关键力量。

【Abstract】 With the totalitarian regime dissolving, the market as a socially homogeneous force hasn’t changed the honeycomb-structure which characterizes traditional Chinese society, but rather exacerbated localization and sectorization within Chinese society. What factors lay behind the relatively steady institutional transition of China as China is moving towards a so-called fragmented authoritarian regime? This dissertation is expected to make an in-depth exploration of the supporting factors and the internal mechanisms of the smooth transition of Chinese society from the perspective of state governance and with the organization network as the subject for the comprehensive governmentality to maintain law and public order.The key to the relatively steady transition of Chinese society lies in rebuilding order in a transitional society. Social transition which in other words is the replacement of social order patterns will inevitably make profound impact on social order and in a way lead to social disorder. But entophytic requisites indicate that social order underlies social existence and also acts as a requisite for social development. Reengineering social order is a precondition for any modernization drive. Reengineering social order in a society in transition is a core objective for state governance. Crime rate is considered as an "indicator" of or a "weatherglass" for social progress and prosperity and as well the Number one social problem for a transitional society. Public order issues are a concentrated embodiment of the social order crisis of a transitional society. Therefore, addressing and controlling crimes and making them fluctuate in a range of order, is a guarantee for steady social transformation. The reason why this dissertation penetrates into the question from the perspective of the organization network for the comprehensive governmentality to maintain public order is that the comprehensive governmentality has become the essential mode of state governance for China in transition and a basic tactic for the CCP and the Chinese government to tackle public order problems as a unique mechanism for organization 、 resource concentration and mobilization. The organization network is the product of the CCP and the government-dominating public order building process. But due to resource-dependence and the need for expansion of governance resources, the relative autonomy of the state still bears some intrinsic limitations in engineering social order. Hence, organized regulation-and-control characterized by organizational building and network-likeinfiltration is the prop of the expansion of space of state governance. It’s the basic historical mission for the network to achieve coordination among the party, the state and the society in terms of delivering public goods in regulation-and-control process.This dissertation places the building of the network in the context of the evolution of China’s approaches to state governance, and examines its internal structure and operational mechanisms within the unique context of social transition and social order reengineering. It argues that China has experienced great changes in social structure and organizational practice in the process of its market-oriented reform, which thereby has also triggered lots of social problems making new demands of and posing a big threat to state governance. The state is experiencing political transition in response to social issues which namely makes changes to state governance 、 tactics and instruments.Hence, under the background that social transformation came before state transition, the ruling party dominance and organized regulation-and-control are still the basic guarantee for effective governance as a response of the existing state governance system to large numbers of social problems induced by fast-moving social change. On the one hand, the ruling party took full advantage of personnel control, established new coordination institutions within the party or utilized and reinforced the functions of the established institutions and highlighted their political importance. In doing so, the party realized the concentration and mobilization of in-regime resources. On the other hand, facing the reality of the proliferation of resources outside the regime and of the increasing fissures within the system of social regulation-and-control, the ruling party and the Chinese government, by means of mechanisms for the comprehensive governmentality to maintaining public order, attempts to incorporate into the network for the comprehensive governmentality to maintain public order all kinds of newly-emerged social and market organizations likely to function in maintaining public order. With ideological influence declining and institutional resources remaining impoverished, the organizational force has ensured effective state governance. Therefore, in transitional China, organizations are the backbone of the socialized regulation-and-control system and the organized regulation-and-control continues to be the dominant mechanism in state governance. However, facing the reality that the market force increasingly dominates China’s social movements and modern society grows steadily, adjustments to the state governance system center on the fact that the elements and structure of theorganization nexus of power propping up the organized regulation-and-control begins to change, and the newly-emerged social and market organizations adaptable to market economy begin to enjoy a higher status in the state governance system.In conclusion, this dissertation argues that China’s market-oriented transition bear no resemblance to those post-communist countries where state power and party power retreated in a big way, but rather in China the party intensified its organization nexus of power by which to sustain the stability of state and society. In transitional China, the relative autonomy of the ruling party and the state is the dominant force in engineering public order. It’s basic experience for the steady transition of Chinese society that the ruling party tries to nurture the governance system for modern state on the basis of combining various kinds of state governance resources. The organization nexus of power dominated by the ruling party is the fundamental guarantee for the steady transition of Chinese society. Furthermore, the ruling party has managed to expand space of state governance by means of organized regulation-and-control characterized by organizational building and penetrative organizational network. Organized regulation-and-control is the core mechanism supporting the steady transition of Chinese society. Nevertheless, the essential pitfall of the organized regulation-and-control lies in high costs of governance and high political risk, and it’s difficult for it to achieve the routinization and dispersion of state governance. The control-dominating organized regulation-and-control has to give its way to institutionalized regulation-and-control characterized by discipline. Although it’s a historically inevitable choice to break through the organized regulation-and-control, the break-through is not to discard traditional organizational resources but rather to take full use of them and to exert its potential as a propping force in forging the institutional mode of regulation-and-control. To ensure the steady transition of Chinese society, organizations are the hinge on which China’s social transition and state governance moves.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】C912.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3107

