

【作者】 姜佑福

【导师】 吴晓明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 “历史”对于马克思与黑格尔来说,都具有“真理”、“全体”和“绝对”的意味。因此,讨论马克思与黑格尔“历史观念”的差别,必然是、甚至首先就是对他们的哲学—存在论的基础的检审。由于黑格尔认为他的“历史哲学”第一次把握到了“历史本身”,而且是作为人类历史终结形态的“现代世界”本身,因此马克思对黑格尔“历史观念”的批判便具有“形而上学批判”和“现代性批判”的双重内涵。“理性统治世界”以及“思维与存在的同一”是西方文明古老的信念,正是这种信念使得以把握世界之“理念”为目标的古希腊哲学(柏拉图、亚理士多德)具有真正的“思辨”性质。“历史”取代“世界”成为哲学沉思的对象则源自犹太教—基督教传统,因此,“普遍历史”的明确观念首先是基督教哲学家给出的。但在黑格尔看来,要对历史中的“神明天意”即对“历史本身”作出真正的阐明恰恰要回复到古希腊“思辨”哲学的传统,而这一“回复”直接意味着西方形而上学传统的完成。我们从以下三个方面来考察黑格尔的这一“完成”:(1)通过对近代哲学——理智形而上学、经验主义、批判哲学以及直接知识论——的批判,揭示所谓“思维与存在统一”之“统一”本身乃是“纯粹思维”,而思辨哲学就意味着针对思维规定(范畴)本身询问其真与不真;(2)通过对“意识形式”自身的“意识”即“意识的自我考察”来展示一条扬弃思维的“主观性”,以通达“精神”概念的现象学之路;(3)在已经摆脱了“意识”的主客观对立的前提下,直接从思维自身的存在方式即“概念”出发进行范畴推演的逻辑学之路。在上述考察中阐明的“精神”概念以及“实体—主体”的原则,既可以看作是黑格尔“思维地考察”历史的思想前提,同时就“精神”(实体—主体)概念的充实了的内容而言,又可以说直接就是他所谓“世界历史”自身。而“历史哲学”与“法哲学”的关系,正如同“哲学史”与“哲学全书”的关系一样,前者是后者的一个历史导引,后者是前者内在的逻辑陈述。通过对“自由理念”的历史进程和逻辑环节的考察,我们试图表明:(1)“抽象法权”、“道德意志”和作为“伦理实体”的“市民社会”构成黑格尔现代国家观念即现实的自由理念的真正环节;(2)理论思维、实践意志和自然需要是黑格尔意义上的“人”的三重存在,而真正进入哲学视野的只是人的理性维度,即作为思维与意志的存在。因此,所谓理念的无限的方面只包括作为科学知识的“自然”和作为社会关系之思辨表达的“精神”。马克思对黑格尔“历史观念”的批判和超越包含着这样几个关键环节:(1)通过对黑格尔“法哲学”的批判,揭示了黑格尔法哲学和国家学说的“逻辑神秘主义”乃至整个黑格尔哲学的“逻辑图式化”,表明“现代世界”的矛盾本质和真实基础在于私人与公民的普遍对立以及市民社会中的利益冲突;(2)通过对黑格尔“辩证法”和“一般哲学”的批判,揭示了思辨哲学的“非批判的实证主义”和同样“非批判的唯心主义”本质,其积极的成果是以“对象性本身”和“对象性活动”的发现为标志的哲学—存在论原则的变革;(3)通过对政治经济学以及法国社会主义、共产主义思潮的批判,揭示了现代劳动的“异化”性质、“私有财产”的积极本质以及“人类历史”的感性(活动)基础。感性—对象性活动原则的发现意味着马克思对黑格尔历史观念的批判完全超出了所谓对“观念论”的单纯“颠倒”。正是在“感性活动”这一新的哲学—存在论原则的基础之上,马克思建立了完全不同于黑格尔的“历史”解释框架,并通过真正实证的“历史科学”开展了具有原则高度的现代性批判:(1)通过“物质生活本身”的“生产”而不是“思维”或别的因素来界定作为历史唯物主义理论起点的“现实的个人”概念,而关于“原始的历史的关系”诸因素的分析可以看作是对“感性活动”、“生产”、“实践”以及“现实的个人”等概念的深化表达;(2)通过“生产力”和“生产关系”、“经济基础”和“上层建筑”之间矛盾运动的“异化”性质,揭示了以“真正的分工”发端到“私有财产”的彻底完成这一人类社会“史前”时期的真实基础以及在后形而上学(意识形态)时代哲学存在方式的必然变革;(3)通过作为“历史科学”之初步尝试的“政治经济学批判”,揭示了资本生产方式自身的存在原则及其在人类发展史中的意义与限度。总之,本文的考察所力图表明的是,马克思与黑格尔“历史观念”的差别决不仅仅是对同一个事实的不同解释,毋宁说恰恰是“事情本身”的差别,既是哲学—存在论基础的差别,同时又标划着人类生存原则的历史性差别。这种生存原则之差别的现实过渡,或者说马克思哲学对黑格尔哲学的真正克服,须得依靠从“世界历史”去向“人类社会”的共产主义运动来完成。

【Abstract】 History possesses a crucial significance as Truth, the Wholeness and the Absolute both to Marx and Hegel. In this case, the discussion on the difference of "the Idea of History" between Marx and Hegel necessarily and firstly need review their philosophical-ontological foundation. Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s Idea of History bears two significances of "Critique of Metaphysics" and "Critique of Modernity", because Hegel thinks his "History Philosophy" hold the "History in itself as " The Modern World" in itself-the last moment of Man’s history."Nous governs the world" and "the Identity of Thought and Being" stand as Western civilization’s old faith. And it makes the Greek Philosophy (Plato and Aristotle) aiming at grasping the Idea of world possess genuine "speculative" character. The displacement of "History" over "World" as the object of Philosophical Meditation roots from the Judaism-Christian tradition. So Christian’s philosophers explicitly proposed the Idea of "Universal History" for the first time. But in Hegel’s eyes, the illustration of the Providence in History, namely "the History in itself, need precisely revert to the Greek speculative-philosophy tradition. We pursue the realization of Hegel’s "Revert" from three sides: (1) By his critique of the modernphilosophy-the Metaphysics before Kant, Empiricism, Critical Philosophy andImmediate or Intuitive Knowledge, clarify that the "Identity" in the "Identity of Thought and Being" is "Pure Thinking", and that the Speculative Philosophy just means quest for the truth or untruth of thought-determination (category) in itself; (2) Through the Self-inspection of "consciousness form", display a phenomenological road towards the Idea of "Spirit" in which the subjectivity of thought have been abrogated; (3) In the context of shaking off the opposition between subject and object, display the logical road of category-processing setting foot on concepts, i.e. the immediate existential manner of thought in-itself.The illustrated Idea of "Spirit" and Principle of "subject-substance" can be regarded as the thought premise of Hegel’s inspecting of history as well as the "World History" in-itself in terms of their enriched contents. Philosophy of History is the historical guidance of the Philosophy of Right, and the latter becomes the former’s logical content as well as the relationship between the History of Philosophy and the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Through inspecting the historical and the logical moments of "Freedom Idea", we tries to indicate: (l)that "Abstract Right","Moral Will" and the "Civil Society" as ethical entity constitute the genuine moments of Hegel’s Modern State as actual Idea of Freedom; (2) that, in Hegel’s eyes, thought, will and physical desire are three faces of the existence of human, and only Reason (the existence as thought and will) comes into the field of his philosophy, thereby the so-called indefinite moments of Idea only includes "Nature" and "Spirit".Marx’s critique of Hegel’s "Idea of History" contains some key moments: (l)Through the critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Marx shows the "Logical Mysticism "of Hegel’s philosophy of Right and the theory of State and the "logic formulation" of Hegel’s whole philosophy, and makes it clear that the essence or the genuine foundation of the antinomies in modern world lies in the universal conflicts between the individual and citizen and the conflicts of interest in civil society; (2) Through the critique of Hegel’s dialectic and general philosophy, displays the "non-critical positivism" and the same "non-critical idealism" of Hegel’s speculative philosophy, and Marx’s positive fruit is the revolution n of philosophical-ontological principle measured by the discovery of "objectivity in-itself" and "objectivity activity";(3) through the critique of Political Economy, Socialism in France and the theory wave of Communism, displays the alienation of modern labor, the positive essence of separate property and the foundation of human history as sensible activity .The discovery of sensible-objectivity activity principle predicates that Marx’s critique of Hegel’s idea of history exceeds the simple "Reversal" of "Idealism". It is precisely on the foundation of the new philosophical-ontological principle (sensible activity) can Marx builds up completely different interpretation frame of the "History" from Hegel’s, and completes the critique of Modernity at a principle altitude through genuine positive "Historical Science": (1) Through the "Production" of "Material Conditions of life" but not "thought" and any other elements, Marx positions the concept of "Real Individuals" as the theory beginning of Historical Materialism, and the analysis of "Primitive Historical Relationships" can be regarded as the broad expression of the concepts of "Sensible Activity ", "Production", "Praxis" and "Real Individuals"; (2) Through the clarifying of the character, as "alienation", of the contrary movement between "Productivity" and "Productive Relationship", "the Economical Foundation " and "Superstructure", opens up the genuine foundation of the prehistoric stage of human society which were from the "Genuine Division" to the complete realization of "Private Property", and shows clearly the necessary reformation of philosophy in post-metaphysics(ideology) age; (3) Through "the Critique of Political Economy "as the original attempt of "Historical Science",displays the existential principle of capital production manner in itself and capital’s significance and limit in the evolution of human history.In a word, this paper tries to elucidate that the difference in the "Idea of History" between Marx and Hegel can not be overlooked as some different interpretations of one fact; on the contrary, it belongs to the difference of "Thing in itself. And it is the difference of philosophical-ontological foundation as well as the difference of man’s existential principle and condition. The practical transition of this difference in principle or Marx’s really overcoming over Hegel must stand its (his) feet on the Communism movement which would make "World-History" turning into "Human-Society".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】B0-0;B516.35
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1300

