

From Government Bank, Government-Private Joint Bank to Private Bank:Institutional Changes of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and Its Predecessors,1908~1937

【作者】 何品

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 浙江实业银行是近代中国重要的华资私营商业银行。其最早的前身是浙江官钱局,开办于1908年,系官办地方金融机构。1909—1910年间,浙江官钱局改组为浙江银行。1912年中华民国成立以后,浙江银行改组为中华民国浙江银行。至1915年,中华民国浙江银行改组为浙江地方实业银行。上述三家银行均系官商合办的股份制银行,具有地方银行职能,并兼营商业银行业务。在浙江地方实业银行时期,官商股东间长期存在矛盾,1921年为了银行增加资本并修改章程,官商股东矛盾升级,关系进一步恶化,并从银行内部股东矛盾上升为银行与省政府、省议会的外部矛盾。经过长时间对峙僵持后,由于分歧无法消除,官商股东最终于1923年达成协议,取消官商合作,拆分股本。官商合办的浙江地方实业银行被分割为官办的浙江地方银行和商办的浙江实业银行。浙江实业银行成立以后,制度日渐完善,管理趋于正常,业务连续发展,实力不断加强,不求规模经营,赢利相当可观,与另二家总行同样设在上海的私营商业银行浙江兴业银行、上海商业储蓄银行关系密切,被银行业界合称“南三行”。从1908年至1937年,浙江实业银行及其前身在30年左右时间内发生的历史变迁具有极其丰富的内容。本文从制度的层面考察浙江实业银行及其前身的历史变迁,探究从官办的浙江官钱局,到官商合办的浙江银行、中华民国浙江银行、浙江地方实业银行,再到商办的浙江实业银行,在这段复杂的历史变迁过程中,银行制度在章程规则、资本结构、组织机构、人事、业务、会计等各个方面的变化和传承,以期较为全面而深入地揭示浙江实业银行及其前身的历史发展面貌。

【Abstract】 The Chekiang Industrial Bank was one of Chinese important private commercial banks in Modern China. Its earliest predecessor was the Chekiang Government Bank, the local banking institution launched by the Chekiang (Zhejiang) Provincial Government in 1908. At the end of 1909 or the beginning of 1910, the Chekiang Government Bank was reorganized to be the Chekiang Bank. After the founding of the Republic of China in 1912, the Chekiang Bank was reorganized to be the Chekiang Bank of the Republic of China. And in the year of 1915, the Chekiang Bank of the Republic of China was reorganized to be the Chekiang Industrial Bank (former). All of those three banks above mentioned were government-private joint banks with the sharecapital system, they had the functions of provincial bank and operated the business of commercial bank. During the time of the Chekiang Industrial Bank (former), the lasting interior conflict between the private (or commercial) shareholders and the government (or offical) shareholder increased because of the capital-increasing and the constitution-modification, and later upgraded to be the exterior conflict between the bank and the provincial authorities including the government and the parliament. In the year of 1923 after a long stalemate, for the reason of divergent views unremoved, the private shareholders finally signed an agreement with the Chekiang Provincial Government to finish the coorperation between both sides and split the bank sharecapital. As the result, the Chekiang Industrial Bank (former) was divided into two parts, a government bank named the Chekiang Provincial Bank and a private bank named the Chekiang Industrial Bank (latter). Since its establishment, the Chekiang Industrial Bank (latter) advanced steadily with its improving institution, normalizing management, developing business and growing strength. The bank never pursued a large-sized organization, while its profit was frequently quite high. With close relationships among each other, the three private commercial banks whose head offices all in Shanghai, the Chekiang Industrial Bank, the National Commecial Bank and the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, were called the "Three Southern Banks" by the Chinese banking circle.The historical changes of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and its predecessors had therir abundant content in almost 30 years from 1908 to 1937. This dissertation investigates the institutional changes of the bank and its predecessors, and explores the changes and the heritages of the banking institutions with aspects such as constitution and regulation, capital structure, organization, personnel administration,business and operation, and accounting, during the complicated evolution course that from the government bank, then to the government-privat joint banks including the Chekiang Bank, the Chekiang Bank of the Repulic of China and the Chekiang Industrial Bank (former), and finally to the private Chekiang Industrial Bank (latter). The author expects it could illustrate the historical development of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and its predecessors entirely and deeply.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】K257;K258
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】811

