

【作者】 付畅一

【导师】 余源培;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 《哲学的贫困》是马克思主义的经典文献中发表最早的一个文本,马克思主义的新世界观与马克思主义政治经济学中“决定性的东西”就是通过这一文献公开问世的。因此,对该著作进行研究具有重大的理论意义。本文立足于马克思哲学发展史的视野以及对蒲鲁东《贫困的哲学》一书思想的探讨,试图对《哲学的贫困》作出比较深入的文本解读,凸显该著作在马克思哲学发展史上的地位。论文要点如下:第一,基于思想史的视阈对马克思与蒲鲁东在19世纪40年代中期以前的理论关系进行了比较系统的考察。1840年,蒲鲁东以《什么是所有权》中对资产阶级经济学的前提——“财产”的挑战进入法国最杰出社会主义者的行列。从《莱茵报》到《哲学的贫困》,马克思对蒲鲁东的评价经历了一个从肯定到批判的转变过程。论文通过该转变过程的论述以及对转变原因的剖析,得出如下结论:这一时期,蒲鲁东理论的消极方面逐步彰显;而马克思对蒲鲁东评价的转变则标志着他唯物史观思想从不成熟到成熟的转变。第二,对蒲鲁东的《贫困的哲学》的主要内容进行了梳理与评析。《贫困的哲学》不只是一部经济学著作,它同时也是一部哲学著作。蒲鲁东的本意,是要通过给经济学提供一种哲学理论的框架,建构一种新的“社会科学”,为他的社会改良方案提供理论支撑。与以往的空想社会主义学说相比,这种尝试有一定的积极意义。但是,由于他承袭了黑格尔的唯心主义历史观,应用于经济学之建构的“系列辩证法”也只是对黑格尔辩证法的一次不成功的模仿,这就注定了蒲鲁东的体系只能是经济范畴在他头脑中的主观排列。蒲鲁东提出了“构成价值论”,认为只要商品交换严格按照其中所包含的劳动时间进行,就能消除资本主义的罪恶,实现平等。这种观点的实质不过是对李嘉图理论的乌托邦式的解释。以构成价值论为理论基础的社会改良方案也不可避免地陷于空想。第三,从马克思哲学发展史的视阈以及与《贫困的哲学》的对照中,对《哲学的贫困》作了较为深入的解读。论文主要论述了这一著作在如下四个方面的成果:对黑格尔唯心辩证法的批判改造;唯物史观的公开问世;马克思主义政治经济学的开端;科学社会主义学说的初步形成。论文的最后对马克思与蒲鲁东理论的相似点与本质区别进行了初步分析,并阐述了《哲学的贫困》在马克思主义发展史上的地位和意义。

【Abstract】 The Poverty of Philosophy, containing historical materialism and "the decisive viewpoint" of Marxist economic theory, is the first published Marxist classics. Therefore, a thorough study of this book from the perspective of development of Marx’ philosophy and with regard to the understanding of Proudhon’s The Philosophy of Poverty is of great theoretical significance.Three essentials are fully discussed in the dissertation.Firstly, the theoretical relationship between Marx and Proudhon before mid-1840 is investigated from the perspective of thought history. In 1840, What is Property made Proudhon the most outstanding French socialist. From 1842 to 1846, Marx’ appraisal of Proudhon changed from approving to criticizing. After a detailed study of the process of change, the author comes to the conclusion that from What is Property to The Philosophy of Poverty, the negative aspect of Proudhon’s thought increased; and that Marx’ historical materialism underwent a process from immature to mature during the same period.Secondly, the dissertation makes an analysis of The Philosophy of Poverty. The Philosophy of Poverty, as its name shows, is not solely an economic book, but a philosophic book as well. Proudhon tended to provide a philosophic base for his economic theory so as to found a "new social science". His attempt failed because of historical idealism inherited from Hegel and the unsuccessful transformation of Hegel’s dialectics. Proudhon also presented a "new" kind of value theory, which takes time of labor as evaluation of price. He believed that the evil of bourgeois society could be eliminated if his theory of value was complied with. Such an idea is nothing but a Utopia explanation of Ricardo’s theory. Consequently, his program of social transformation was only an idle dream.Thirdly, the dissertation makes a thorough study of The Poverty of Philosophy from the perspective of the perspective of development of Marx’ philosophy and with regard to the understanding of The Philosophy of Poverty. Four important achievements are discussed: the transformation of Hegel’s idealism dialectics; the first published historical materialism; the beginning of Marxist economic theory; and the formation of scientific socialism. At the end of the dissertation, a tentative comparison is made between Marx and Proudhon’s theories, and the significance of The Poverty of Philosophy is revealed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】B0-0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1521

