

【作者】 唐巧天

【导师】 吴松弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史经济地理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 上海1864年正式开埠后,很快便成为全国最大外贸口岸,并与全国主要口岸间形成密切的外贸埠际转运,成为全国外贸转运中心。本文以大量系统的海关数据、海关报告及英国领事报告为核心资料,从1864-1930年间上海外贸埠际转运在全国外贸中的比重、在全国影响范围的变化、与各区域主要口岸间的关系等方面对上海全国外贸转运中心地位的变迁进行了考察,并对这一变迁过程中体现出来的上海多功能经济中心地位进行了探讨。经过大量实证研究,笔者得出结论,认为19世纪下半叶是上海全国外贸转运中心地位的鼎盛时期,其外贸埠际转运对华北、东北及华中地区口岸均有强大影响,于全国对外贸易有牵一发而动全身之势。进入20世纪后,华北和东北口岸转向直接对日贸易,对上海外贸埠际转运由紧密走向疏离,1930年的上海已经由全国外贸转运中心缩减为华中地区的区域性外贸转运中心。与此同时,全国口岸贸易格局也发生了改变,形成了华中地区以上海为外贸转运中心,华南地区以香港为外贸转运中心,东北和华北地区则以各自区域中心口岸为主,再没有一个全国性外贸转运中心统领的新格局。在上海全国外贸转运中心的变迁中,体现出在对外贸易中上海工业中心对其外贸中心地位的强大支持,和国内埠际贸易中上海外贸中心影响力向工业中心影响力的转化,同时上海的外贸埠际转运也与上海作为全国金融中心、航运中心、商业中心的地位密切相关,体现了上海多功能经济中心的性质,及其不同经济功能之间的相互支持和促进。

【Abstract】 As the National Foreign Trade Center of China, Shanghai also became the National Transit Center of Foreign Trade of China with great influence on most China ports. It’s meaningful to explore the history of Shanghai’s transit trade to find whether Shanghai has always played such an important role.The data and materials about foreign trade and native trade recorded by Maritime Customs of China were of great value for this research. After analysis of these abundance data and materials combined with other historical materials, I drew my own conclusion. I considered that the last 40 years of 19th century was the height of Shanghai as the National Transit Center of Foreign Trade of China. The main ports and the wide inland of the Mid-China, North China and also the Northeast China all depended on Shanghai’s Transit Trade of Foreign Trade and influenced by it deeply. In the first 30 years of 20th century, the North China and Northeast of China turned to trade with Japan directly and no longer depended on Shanghai. By 1930, Shanghai has declined from the National Transit Center of Foreign Trade of China to the Regional Transit Center of Foreign Trade of Mid-China. This also changed the foreign trade pattern of China ports.The change of Shanghai’s role in China’s foreign trade reflected the relationships between Shanghai’s role as the National Center of Industry and National Center of Foreign Trade of China. In the foreign trade the former gave strong support to the latter, meanwhile, in the native trade the influence of the latter exceeded the former. Shanghai’s transit trade of foreign trade also reflected the importance of Shanghai as a multi-function center of economic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】579

