


【作者】 姜修宪

【导师】 吴松弟; 邹逸麟; 王建革;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要探讨开埠后福州港的贸易发展及其与腹地之间经济变迁的互动关系,同时,也从一个侧面探寻了闽江流域近代化的历史进程及其制约因素。在第一部分的绪论中,我们主要介绍与本文相关的一些学术概念、确定研究的区域和时间断限、本课题目前的研究现状及历史、使用的资料、方法及研究意义。同时,简要论述近代以来福州港及其腹地展开活动的历史舞台,即经济变迁所依赖的自然环境和人文条件。在第二章中,我们主要勾勒了福州港贸易的历史进程。我们将其分为两部分叙述,其中1861年以前因历史统计资料的限制,只能以文字描述为主。在本部分中,我们主要针对前人研究中的不足予以补充和纠谬。在后一部分中则主要通过海关贸易统计进行量化分析。在这部分中,通过对海关进出口主要货物——进口的鸦片、布匹、洋杂货、土杂货和出口的茶叶、纸、木材——的归纳整理,我们得以明了福州港主要贸易商品的发展历史进程;通过进口商品销售地和出口商品来源地的分析以明了福州港的大致腹地范围。同时,在本部分中,我们提出史界较少关注的洋货进口作用两面性的问题,并对影响贸易的因素作了一定阐述。在第三章,我们主要以“开埠为什么没有造成腹地经济的起飞”为学术关怀,主要探讨制约福州港贸易的环境因素。通过对福州城本身商业环境的考察,通过对福州港与其腹地间商品运输的主要渠道——闽江——运输环境的考察,指出不但福州没有为腹地进口商品的销售和出口商品的外销提供良好的市场环境,从而限制了福州港的进出口贸易,而且闽江恶劣的运输环境,也阻碍了商品的流通。而当时的福建地方政府的政治治理又趋于失灵和无效,从而无法突破环境的制约而促进内地经济的发展。第四章主要探讨了市场、商人、制度在福州进出口贸易中的作用。文中对市场变化对茶叶出口贸易的影响、中外商人对商权的争夺以及商业制度对进出口贸易影响诸方面都作了详尽的考察。其中在茶叶的出口贸易问题中,我们探讨了市场、公会、制度在茶叶贸易中的作用,提出了不少与前人研究不同的观点。在第五章中,我们主要依靠清代以来的方志,详细考察了开埠前后腹地地区各县的农业、手工业、商业和农家经济状况的变化,以探求开埠对内地的影响。文中指出,开埠后在闽江流域形成了新兴商埠与传统农业并存、手工业鲜有改良、商业鲜有实质性发展的状况,因此开埠对闽江流域内地的影响甚低。但同时也指出,腹地人民对外向型经济的依赖日趋加重的历史事实。第六章给读者提供了几个探讨政府与区域经济近代化的关系的实例。在文中我们指出政府的两面性问题,以及政府治理的失灵、政治决策的失策对地区经济近代化中的影响至大。论文第七章主要是通过以上各章的论述,从中就本区经济发展中环境、制度和政府的关系进行总体的考察。这是对本文予以升华的部分。最后的结论主要是从历史中探寻经验,指出目前福州港口发展中存在的问题,以及福建现代化过程中所面临的切而要的问题。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly discusses the trade development of Foochow Port and the interactive relationship of economic changes with its hinterland after its opening. At the same time, it also investigates the historical development of modernization and the restricted factors of Min River valley from one side.In Chapter One, Introduction, some academic terms related with this dissertation are introduced and the area and the time of this study are defined. It also introduces the previous and present study on this topic, data and methods used in the dissertation and the significance of the study. At the same time, it gives a brief discussion on the historical background of the activities performed by Foochow Port and its hinterland since 1840, i.e., the natural environment and humane condition of the economic changes.Chapter Two discusses the historical development of the trade of Foochow Port. It has two parts. The first part can only be described in words for lack of statistical data before 1861. Some weaknesses of previous study are corrected and some supplements are given in this part. The latter part makes a quantitative analysis by using the statistics of Maritime Custom trade. In this part, the developmental and historical course of the principal trade articles of Foochow Port is illustrated by listing the principal import and export goods of the Maritime Custom, such as the importarticles ------opium, cloth, foreign and native sundries and the export articles ------tea,paper and timber. The approximate area of Foochow’s hinterland is shown by the analysis of selling places of the import articles and source places of the export articles. At the same time, this part points out and discusses the problem of the two sides of importing foreign goods, which is paid less attention in the field of history.Chapter Three focuses on the problem: why did not the opening of Foochow lead to the economic development of the hinterland and discusses the environmental factors that restrict the trade of Foochow Port. It is pointed out that not only Foochow didn’t offer a good market environment to the sale of import and export articles in the hinterland, which restricts the import and export trade of Foochow Port, but also the bad transportation environment of Min River prevents the circulation of articles by investigating the business environment of Foochow City and the transportation environment of Min River, which is the main channel of goods transportation between Foochow Port and its hinterland. It is further pointed out that Foochow Port could not breakthrough the restriction of environment to develop the economy of hinterland because of the powerlessness and inefficiency of political administration by the Foochow local government at that time.In Chapter Four the function of government, guild and institutions in the trade of Foochow port is explored,and many opinions different from previous scholars are raised. For example, some responses are given to the present field of history on the problems of the control or anti-control of Chinese and foreign merchants, the profits of Chinese and foreign merchants and the function of foreign banks. It is also point out that the change of international market led to the decline of exportation of tea by analising market ,merchant and institution.Chapter Five explores in detail the changes in agriculture, handicraft industry ,business and peoples subsistence in the hinterland before and after the opening of Foochow by using the existent chorographyby since Qing Dynasty and investigates the influence of the opening on its hinterland. It is pointed out that the new-built commercial ports and traditional agriculture co-exist, the handicraft industry seldom changed and the business seldom developed in Min River valley after the opening of Foochow. So the opening of Foochow has little influence on the hinterland of Min River valley. But, at the same time, it is also points the increasing dependency on the extraverted economy of the local people.Chapter Six offers readers several examples of the relationship between government and modernization of regional economy. It points out the two sides of government and the effects of the inefficient governmental administration and the wrong political policies on the modernization of regional economy.Chapter Seven of this dissertation makes a general investigation on the relationship of environment, system and government in the economic development of this region by summarizing the above chapters. It is the sublimation of this dissertation. The final conclusion is mainly about some experiences from the history. It points out some problems in the development of Foochow Port at present and some demanding important problems in the modernization of Fukien.

【关键词】 环境制度政府福州港闽江流域
【Key words】 environmentgovernmentinstitutionsFoochow portMin-valley
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】K295.7;K252
  • 【下载频次】1037

