

【作者】 罗骞

【导师】 陈学明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“现代性批判”为切入点研究马克思思想,实际上涉及到两个内在相关的方面,即在马克思的思想视域中探讨现代性问题,以及以现代性批判为视角重新阐释马克思的思想。论文主体部分由引论“马克思的现代与现代性概念”、上篇“马克思现代性批判理论的历史进展”、中篇“马克思现代性批判理论的逻辑结构”和下篇“与当代话语的批判性对话”几部分组成。“引论”在历史唯物主义视野中初步阐释了“现代”和“现代性”范畴,明确了马克思现代性批判理论的基本性质和基本方向。在引论之后分三篇九章具体展开阐释:上篇由三章组成。作者认为,由于没有现代性批判这一“总问题”的引入,历史上形成了从“历史”和“内容”两个方面对马克思思想的分化解读,从而遮蔽了马克思思想的总体性。因此,该篇以“现代性批判”为线索,以文本解读的方式探索和勾勒马克思思想发展的内在联系和差异,在对马克思现代性批判理论的再现中完成对其发展进程的重新划界。文章认为,《黑格尔法哲学批判》之前,马克思的思想具有启蒙现代性的基本定向,在《黑格尔法哲学批判》、《论犹太人问题》和《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》中,马克思已经在法哲学的视野中开始了现代性批判,并且初步形成了自己独特的“现代性”概念。从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》到《共产党宣言》,马克思的现代性批判全面展开,表现为哲学批判、政治经济学批判和政治学批判的内在融合和贯穿,逐步形成了批判现代性的历史唯物主义总体视域。在1848年欧洲革命之后,马克思的现代性批判以政治经济学批判的方式展开,但其基本的地位和意义应该在“现代性批判”这一论域中得到确定。中篇从几个相互关联的方面勾勒了马克思现代性批判理论的内在结构及其特征。第一章指出,马克思从批判黑格尔“理性”的现代性批判范式出发,进而批判了一般的思辨形而上学本身,由此走向对现实历史存在的批判和分析,理论的主要任务不再是批判现代性的哲学或者说哲学的现代性特征,而是哲学地批判“现代性”,“商品”、“资本”和“异化”由此成为马克思现代性批判的基本范畴。第二章以理论抽象的方式概括了马克思对现代性特征的深刻揭示。从马克思的思想立场来看,正是资本原则对存在的普遍抽象和全面贯穿才形成了现代性一系列的特征,诸如现代性的抽象性、流动性、矛盾性、世俗性等等。文章揭示了诸种特征之间的内在关系,并力图表明,当今现代性批判的一些基本主题,只有在马克思思想的维度上才可能获得更加合理、更加深入的理解。第三章归纳和阐释了马克思现代性批判本身的理论特征,通过这些特征的阐释彰显马克思现代性批判理论在纷繁复杂的现代性批判话语中具有的特殊性和重要地位。论文下篇总体上属于结论部分,目的在于,阐释马克思思想对现代性批判具有的奠基性意义,同时,通过与当今的现代性批判话语进行一种批判性的对话,揭示马克思思想的内在限度。本篇分成三章。第一章主要揭示了后现代语境中的“现代性批判”将现代性阐释为一种时代的意识形态特征和精神表现,现代性批判变成了观念论批判并逐渐在现实中失去批判效力,指明了马克思思想维度的缺失使得现代性批判遭遇的话语分裂及其困境。第二章,从“后现代语境”对马克思现代性思想的批判和反思角度出发,选择了哈贝马斯、吉登斯、詹姆逊、鲍德理亚为代表,勾勒了他们从各自立场对马克思现代性批判理论的反思,批判性地讨论了这些著名思想家阐释马克思思想的最新成果。结合以上两章提供的对话语境,第三章阐释了马克思现代性批判思想的重要意义及其限度,提出在马克思思想的基础上推进现代性批判的一些具体观点。

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes "the critique of modernity " as the angle of view to research Marx’s thought. That involves two inside related aspects actually, studying modernity problem in Marx’s thought and re- explaining Marx’s thought with the clue of critique of modernity. The main body comprises of Introduction "Marx’s Concepts of Modern and Modernity", Part one "The Development of Marx’s Critical Theory of Modernity", Part two "Logic Structure of Marx’s Critical Theory of Modernity", and Part three "Critical dialogue with contemporary discourse". Firstly, The Introduction explains "modern" and "modernity" in the visual field of historical materialism, and illustrates the basic character and basic direction of Mark’s critical theory of modernity.Three chapters constitute Part one. The author think, without critique of modernity as total clue, many explainers understand Marx’s thought dividedly, which covers the totality of Marx’s thought, so, this part takes "the critique of modernity " as clue to explore and summarize the identity and difference in the development of Marx’s thoughts. It’s agued that before The Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, Marx’s though has basic character of enlightenment modernity, in On the Jewish Question and Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, Marx already started to criticize modernity in the field of philosophy of law and developed his special "modernity" concept. From Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 to Manifesto of Communist Party, Marx’s critical theory of modernity maturedcompletely, which expressed in the inside fusion of philosophy, critique of political economics and critique of political thoughts, and gradually formed total historical materialism in critique of modernity. After 1848 European revolution, Mane’s critical theory of modernity expands in critique of political economics, but the basic position and meaning of his critique of political economics should get an assurance in "critique of modernity ".From several mutually related aspects, Part two delineated the inside structure and characteristics of Marx’s critical theory of modernity. Chapter four points out that Marx setting out from Hegel’s "rational critic paradigm" of modernity, criticized metaphysics generally, then turned to criticize and analysis realistic history itself. Marx’s main task isn’t to criticize modern philosophy but to criticize modernity itself through philosophy. therefore, "goods", "capital" and "alienation" become the basic categories in Marx’s theory. Chapter five elucidates the characteristics of modernity put forward by Marx. From Marx’s standpoint, it’s exactly because the capital principle’s abstraction widespread completely, many characteristics of modernity come into being, such as the abstraction, liquidity, contradiction, secularity etc. of the modernity. This chapter brings to light the inside relationship of these characteristics, and try to manifest that some basic topics in critique of modernity can be comprehended more reasonably and deeply in the dimension of Marx’s thought. Chapter six summarizes and explains theoretical characteristics of Marx’s critique of modernity. By explaining these characteristics, we show the special and important position of Marx’s critical theory of modernity in the numerous and complicated modernity discourse.Totally speaking, the third part belongs to conclusion. The purpose of this part lies in explaining the importance of Marx’s thought in critique of modernity. Meantime, dialogue with contemporary modernity discourse brings to light the inside limits of Marx’s critical theory of modernity. This part is divided into three chapters also. Chapter 7 maintains that the critique of modernity in post-modernity context takes modernity as characteristic of ideology and spirit expressing, so, critique of modernity becomes critique of ideology and gradually lose its effects in the reality. All of these indicate the abruption and difficult situation of modernity criticism without the dimension of Marx’s thought. Chapter 2, choosing J. Habermas, A. Giddens, F. Jameson and J. Baudrillard as representatives, summarizes their reflections on Marx’s critical theory of modernity from their own standpoints, critically talking about their new explanation on Marx’s thoughts. Based on the two chapters above, the last one explains the important position and limits of Marx’s thoughts on modernity, at the same time, puts forward some concrete points to advance critique of modernity on the foundation of Marx’s thoughts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】A811
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3338

