

【作者】 傅济锋

【导师】 谢遐龄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国哲学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 明末清初,经历了民族社会沧桑巨变与理学衰落的双重困厄,儒家学者沉痛反思社会治乱的根源与儒学未来发展的出路,普遍认为“学术不明”是造成社会衰亡之根源,而欲以复兴儒学为救治时艰之良方,或主张反王尊朱、或主张通经明道,理学批判与经世致用思潮交迭兴起;而在清初文教政策之下,朱子理学官方权威逐渐确立,经学考据也得到表彰,儒学的发展发生了复杂的变化。习斋哲学正是在明末清初社会历史与儒学发展的双重背景之下产生。习斋哲学切于对现实民生社会及儒学未来发展的关注,从孟子论治而悟古圣“学、教、治一致之道”乃在于顺性中度而制为礼乐,从而知宋儒之论学、论治背离周孔之正学、正道,其论性有违人性自然,故而学亡道丧、乾坤湮晦;在继承孔、孟性善论的基本立场并吸取明代自然人性论的理论成果的基础上,坚决批判了宋明理学静敬、空虚无用之学、教及其严重危害,并对造成这种学、教之理论根源进行深入的批判。如批判宋明儒之理气观、人性论及格物致知论等思想观点,提出并阐述了“理、气一致”的理气观、“气质性善”论的人性论思想以及以“习行六艺”为主调的格物论思想,论证了古圣儒学“道在六艺”、“六艺总归(?)礼”、“道即是礼”的观点;依据古圣“学、教、治之道一致”的原则,主张以“习行六艺”为学、教之根本内容,复兴儒学礼、乐教化,实学实习“六艺”之文,践形尽性以实体实行“六艺”之道;进而主张以复古“礼治”经济民生天下为旨归。最终形成了较为完整的“建基于气质性善论”的“习行经济”的实学思想。整个习斋哲学明显地遵循着“辨学”、“明道”、“致用”的内在逻辑理路,在每一个理论环节上都有完整的展开。习斋哲学切于现实民生社会的关注,坚持了儒学传统并吸取了前代哲学发展的理论成果,创造性地提出自己独特的思想理论,对当时代社会政治与学术的发展作了积极有效的回应,产生相当的影响。本文正是参照这一时代背景,循着习斋哲学“辨学”、“明道”、“致用”的内在逻辑理路,分别从“‘理、气一致’的理气观”、“气质性善论”、“以‘习行六艺’为主调的格物论”、“复古‘礼治’的思想主张”等方面对其作了全面深入的考察。最后本文还分析了习斋哲学复古“习行六艺”的思想对于探索儒学近代化、现代化道路的价值与意义。

【Abstract】 At the end of Ming and beginning of the Ch’ing dynasties, the Confucianism scholar experienced the dual dilemma both a huge change of social life and Neo-confuciananism’s decline, who learned to with reason, introspect deeply the society cured disorderly source and Confucianism’s future development, and widespreadly thought that "academic not clear"is to result in the source of the social decline, and desired with the renew Confucianism as a good method to cure the perils, and or laid claim to anti-Wang Yangming’s learning and emphasize Chu Hsi’s learning,or laid claim to ilustrate way through Classics. Under this background, the current of the thought of the criticing the Neo-Confucianism and putting knowledge to practical use to society have raised. And in the early Ch’ing dynasty ,the culture and education policy under, Chu Tzu’s Learning’s official authority was established gradually, the study of Confucian Classics also was given award to. The Confucianism’s development has taken place a turn. Hsi-chai’s philosophy was born under the dual backgrounds.The Hsi-chai’s philosophy had paid attention to the future development and to the realistic people’s livelihood society. He awaked that the consistent way of ancient saint’s "learning, teaching and governing" lies in rites through the illustration governning which was made by Master Meng. Thus knew that Sung Confucianists’ speaking theory, learning and governing had deviated from the true way and the true learning of Duke of Zhou & Master Kong’s and thought that was against the human nature, hence the learning annihilated and the way lost.Insisting in basic position inherited Master Kong’s& Master Meng’s theory of goodness of human nature,Hsi-chai absorbed the theory of natural human nature of Ming Dynasty, criticized Neo-Confucianist laid emphasis on earnestness and quience determinedly is empty and useless and endangers seriously,hence he further cricticed the resource of the theory. Hsi-chai criticed the Neo-Confucianists’ theories of the relative of principle and material force, of human nature, of investigating things to extent knowledge,put forward theories of "principle and material foce is consistent", "physical nature is well" and the theory of investigating things with "learn and practice six arts" as main content etc. Then he certified standpoints of "way lies in six arts", "six arts always return rite", "way namely is rite". According to the principle which the way of ancient saint’s "learning,teaching,governing" is consistent, Hsi-chai laid claim to take "learn and practice six arts" as basic contents of the learning and teaching, and renew Confucian enlightening by rite and music, actually to learn and actually to practice the writings of "six arts", actually to realize and actually to act the way of "six arts", labored man’s body to develop his human nature; and then laid claim to take reviving ancient "governing by rites" and conducting people’s livelihood and world as an aim to return. In the end, formed a nearly complete theories system which basised on "the theory of goodness of physical nature".The whole Hsi-chai’s philosophy followed the inner logic made of by "criticing learning", "ilustrating the way" and "putting knowledge to practical use". Clearly,there is integrity in the tops of each theories link launch. Hsi-chai’s philosophy pay attention to livelihood of peopple, inherited and developed the Confucian tradition and absorbed theories result of antecessors, and put forward the exclusive theory creatively, produced certainly influence.This text is exactly according to that time background, follows the inner logic of Hsi-chai’s philosophy, from "criticing learning" to "ilustrating the way", and to "putting knowledge to practical use". Respectively and overall investigated each one part deep, such as "the theory about relative between principle and material force", "the theory about goodness of physical nature", "the theory about investigating things with a main content of learning and practicing six arts ",and "renew governing by rites".At the end of this text, we will emphatically analyze the value and the meaning to the modern age turn, which Hsi-chai’s philosophy to revived the study of "learning and pacticing six arts" perhaps has.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】B249
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】366

