

【作者】 洪燕

【导师】 张晖明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治经济学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 中国经济在近二十多年来取得了引人注目的成就,经济保持了高速增长,改革开放释放出来制度创新力量是中国经济增长的原动力,特别是在经济特区政策示范效应下而诞生的开发区模式对于区域经济发展具有重要意义。开发区是人为构建的一种制度安排,开发区模式到底有着怎样的生命力呢?有人认为随着开发区制度普遍化开发区必死,是不是这样呢?本文借用了生命周期的概念并以生命周期相关理论为基础,从制度演变的视角探讨开发区发展模式。本文的内容是沿着以下思路展开的:首先,开发区是否具有生命周期?开发区生命周期的内涵和阶段性特征如何?本文开发区的生命周期是指开发区制度生命周期的演变过程,开发区初期依靠政策优惠和政策落差所产生的制度创新收益推动地区经济发展,随着开发区制度的普遍化和时间的累积,这种政策落差效应逐渐平缓,开发区的制度创新因素逐渐内化为区内企业集群的发展能力,即由集群而产生的企业间的学习能力、技术创新能力、市场创新能力,成为社会经济发展制度安排中的内生的稳定的自我发展的能力,这是制度蛹化,凤凰涅磐的艰辛历程。开发区尽管从名称或者形式淡化,但是开发区并没有因此而衰落。开发区的生命不同于自然界生物生老病死,它是一个经济组织演化的过程,是其不断自我更新和成长的过程,它是在全球经济分工、地区经济竞争中逐步演化而成的,不同的地区会逐渐形成具有地方特色的产业群落。尽管中国开发区的发展历史还不常,但是人们已经可以看到:在开发区发展的第一阶段,是通过政策落差推进区域经济的发展,促进某些区域企业聚集、产业群落产生。政策落差在短时间内所创造的经济增长在广泛的范围内产生了强烈的冲击和示范效应。开发区的各项制度在空间上扩散,这种扩散既有自上而下的政府推动,也有自下而上对制度创新的需求,各地方政府间对制度创新收益的竞争,各利益主体围绕着开发区所产生的利益而进行博弈,这种博弈也必然引起开发区制度的调整。随着经济体制的改革深入,政策落差所产生的示范效应和聚集效应逐渐扩散开来,从局部到全国,开发区逐步进入了“弱制度化阶段”。开发区生命周期的第二阶段是“弱制度化阶段”,外在的区域空间上的制度差异和政策落差伴随着整个经济体制改革的深化和市场的发展逐渐平淡,但是开发区的制度创新并没有停顿,区域间依然存在着一定的制度差异,或者说制度壁垒。由于初期积累的自我发展能力的差异,开发区发展路径分化,部分开发区获得一定的产业发展基础,自我增强的特征显著;部分开发区并没有从制度创新中获得自我发展的能力。这主要从进入各开发区的企业数量来判断,在一定时间内(如一个财政年度内)当开发区内入驻企业远远大于迁出企业,证明该开发区的聚集能力增强,反之当开发区内的企业陆续不断地迁到其他区域,说明该开发区在区域竞争能力下降,因此在“弱制度化阶段”从企业的迁入和迁出能够直观地反映出开发区发展能力的差异。开发区生命周期的第三阶段是“后制度化阶段”,即纯粹由技术进步和市场需求等所引致的产业升级所带动的区域经济发展,原先的通过人为的特殊政策赋予区域空间落差的制度因素逐渐弥散开去,成为社会化普遍采用的政策。但是,开发区制度创新所形成的对社会经济发展的推动力量并不会因为特殊制度安排的弥散而消散,开发区生命周期中的制度创新因素逐渐内化为区内企业的集群自我发展的能力。第二层面的问题是:开发区从一个阶段到另一个阶段,这种制度是如何演变的?这种制度演变反过来又是如何影响开发区的发展轨迹的?本文将开发区制度演变的机制分为利益博弈机制和成本收益均衡机制。尽管所有的博弈都是围绕着“利益”而展开的,但是本文中将利益具体化、细化、量化,当利益的总量变动到怎样的水平时,新的制度安排才会出现呢?把开发区整体视为一个可以通过投入—产出模型来分析的经济组织,开发区有其自身的“收益”来源,这种收益在不同主体之间进行分配,中央政府、地方政府、开发区内的企业,当然还有开发区的居民。不同主体之间的目标是不一致的,存在着明显的利益博弈,这种博弈将导致开发区制度重新安排,从而实现制度创新。开发区的核心制度是财税制度、土地制度、劳动力流动制度,因此开发区的利益就是来源于财税制度、土地制度、劳动力流动制度创新而带来的收益。开发区制度演进的另一个机制是成本收益机制,不同主体之间利益分配的对象是开发区的净收益。本文将开发区的成本和收益因素一一分解,尤其是开发区的隐性成本部分,隐性成本逐渐显性化,制约着开发区未来的发展,成本和收益的均衡点总是在变动中的。第三,开发区生命周期理论对未来中国开发区发展有怎样的启示呢?尽管在全国范围内地区之间的制度壁垒已经逐渐缩小,开发区之间所表现出来的区域竞争能力差距更为显著,一些区域在开发区及周边地区人才聚集、技术进步、本土中小企业的衍生,地区产业基础已经建立,开发区成为地区经济增长点。但是,我们也不无忧虑地看到,开发区发展存在的种种弊端,如盲目占用土地、资源利用率低下等等,并由此而给地方经济和社会发展造成隐患。在文章最后作者归纳了制约中国开发区发展的三个主要约束因素:制度约束、资源约束、成本约束,要通过创新突破这些制约因素,推动开发区自我更新。中国开发区应该立足于培育地区主导性产业的发展,孵化本土中小企业,培育地区一体化的要素市场,通过自生的制度、技术、市场的创新而不断发展。

【Abstract】 In recent 20years ,China has keeping surprising growth rate, the reform andopen policy bring great power which push economic growth, especially thedevelopment-zone model become regional development strategy under the specialdistrict model effecting. As designed institution, how long wills this model can belive?Some one said that this zone will die in the future when special arrangementbecome homogeneity. Does this model die sooner?Thus the first task is to answer whether development-zone has life cycle and what isthe feature of them in different stage.This article use the term "life cycle "and apply relative theory to researchdevelopment-zone model with the tool of institution analysis.In this paper development-zone’s life means that a evolution process whichexperience institution designation, institution adjusting and arrangement ,frominform institution to form, from part area to all area ,from special arrangement tohomogeneity institution. When the policy gap become smooth the development-zoneaccumulates continues internal self-develop power.Thus, development-zone life cycle is different the cycle of nature things .It isevolution process of an organization and a process of self-renew and growth, it live inthe global working divide and regional competition. Different district come to beingdivision industry cluster.From China experience, people have seen that different stage although it has shorthistory.The first stage is strong institution stage .In this stage institution innovation createinstitution barrier and gap which push development zone growth rapidly .Becauseof geographic connection, investors mostly come from Hongkang , Macao andTaiwan ,and lots of money was invested in the eastern and southtern area.Thesearea become growth plot. Institution innovation began to expand and be copied inbigger area for these strong effecting appeared in short time .This expand trend comefrom government and bottom demand. Interest competition between them and thiscompetition bring new institution arrangement .Therefore; the model effecting andaccumulation acquired from institution gap expand from part to all country. Thedevelopment-zone model enters into weak institution stage.In this stage, extra area institution gap become smooth as the deepening of economicreform and marketing reform, but institution creation do not stop, institutiondifference and institution barrier still exist. Due to self-development capacity isdifferent, development zones appear distinguish. Part of them have accumulatedindustry base and can self develop ,but part of them do not .This can be observed byenterprise go out-in-rate in these zones .If in certain stage such as a fiscalyear, companies which entered in development -zone are more than go outones ,it is said that development zone have great attraction ,on the contrary, it meansthat this area economic competition come down. So, in this stage go out-in -rate cantell us regional constant development capacity.The third stage is after institution stage. Special institution arrangement hasexpanded in all area; technology improvement and market demand boost regionalindustry growth. But development-zone institutionStrength will not die away when it be expand .Institution innovation strength cometo being industry cluster development strength which include learning ability andtechnology creation ability and marketing innovation ability.The second problem is how the special institution evaluated and how the evolutioneffect the development zone locus .In this article the author distinguishesevolution path to interest game and balance of cost - gains .We take the developmentzone as an economic organize which can be revalued by putting-earning model. Thegain from development zone will be shared by the center government, localgovernment, internal enterprise and also include local residents. Because everyone hasits own aim, they begin to compete gains from development zone. On the contrary, thecompetition will change some special institution, such as financial institution, landusage institution and labor flow institution which are key institution.As to the balance mechanism of cost-gain, the author split cost items and gain items, itlooks that the invisible cost is very huge and it will baffle the zone futuredevelopment.Thirdly, Apply the life theory to analyze China development zone .It testify thatinstitution is vital factor to those special development zones which has double effect.The author consider that China development zone have grown from the first stage tothe second stage .Local government should cultivate regional industry ,incubate small scale enterprise and unify the factor market .At the end the author summarize three vital factor which baffle these region development. Those factors are resources restriction, cost restriction and institution restriction. The development zone must conquer that restriction and fulfill self renovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】F127.9
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1703

