

【作者】 何旭艳

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文以1921—1949年间的上海信托业为研究对象,从收集整理上海市档案馆未刊档案史料与民国时期财金类报刊资料着手,构建该时期上海信托业发展的基本脉络,分阶段梳理主要史实并归纳相应的特点,分析制约和影响上海信托业演变的经济、政治及社会等方面的原因。本文的基本结论是:上海信托业在近30年发展历程中,经历了兴起、沉寂、初步发展、畸形发达、日渐萎缩几个阶段。就信托机构的数量、规模、同业组织等外在要素而言,上海信托业固然可视作一个相对独立的金融分业。但如果从实际经营内容来考察,各个阶段绝大部分信托机构都不以信托业务为主业,民国时期上海虽然出现了一批批的信托机构,却并不存在一个其业务范围根本区别于银行业且独立承担起长期资金融通与财产管理功能的信托业。

【Abstract】 This paper tends to study on Shanghai Trust Industry from 1921 to 1949. Financial periodicals during the period of the Republic of China and other historical materials that had not been published have been sorted and collected in Shanghai Archives, thus organizing the network of the development of Shanghai Trust Industry during that period. Historical facts have been sorted clear and corresponding features been summarized. Economical, political and social reasons that influenced the change of Shanghai Trust Industry have been analyzed. This paper has led to the following conclusion: during the thirty-year development, Shanghai Trust Industry has gone through the periods of rise, fall, initial development, abnormal prosperity and gradual fading. It can be considered as a comparatively independent financial division as far as the number, scale and association are concerned. But in terms of its dealing in business, the majority of trust business was not focused on trust. There had been some trust companies during the period of the Republic of China. But there had never heen a trust industry which was different from banks and which could independently handle accomodative money trade and finance management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】618

