

【作者】 牛竞凡

【导师】 朱静;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 程抱一以及他的创作不是可以随意拆卸的机械装置,所有经历过的、学习过的、体验过的在他身上均发生了奇妙的化学反应,已经达到了水乳交融、骨肉相连的程度,从而形成一个不同于以往的新异个体。无论是语言上、思想上还是艺术上,他都具有两栖性、融合性。他努力在有着差异性和相似性的两种文化之间中寻找间隙。本文将以文本细读的方式进入程抱一的作品,具体分析他作品的主题思想和创作手法,从几个侧面、几种创作类型中寻找程抱一的创作特征和思想脉络(不是单线的,而是错综交缠的网状结构),从而试图走进他的内在精神世界以及解释他如何使中西方文化对话和融合在自己身上得以实现。本文将具体分为三章来论述。第一章对程抱一的整个创作经历进行历史性的回顾与疏理,结合目前搜集到的材料,对国内国外的程抱一研究及译介现状作出综述。重点在于指出,程抱一作品中的跨语言、跨文化特征。他努力实现两大跨越,跨越异质语言的障碍、跨越异质文化思想的障碍,他始终在与两种传统对话的道路中寻找两者的契合之处。第二章将焦点放在程抱一的小说创作以及小说中所体现出的他的文化历程与文化视角方面。《天一言》中的多重主题变奏,构成了小说内容和思想的丰富,从中可以看出程抱一对中西小说艺术的融合创造以及他的苦难意识与悲剧意识。《此情可待》则体现了作者的双重视界,小说中的一个中心主题是关于永恒至爱的理想,作者既从李商隐的诗歌中汲取了创作灵感,又对法国思想家、文学家波旁·布塞的观念做了创造性的发挥,他还让笔下的道家人物与基督教徒进行了智性的对话。此外,本章还将总结分析程抱一小说中的文化信息传递与跨文化视角特征。第三章着重对程抱一的法语诗歌创作进行细致分析,力图找出诗人的思想探寻理路。首先从诗歌的主题特征入手,他的全部诗歌的中心主题就是“对话”,与自然中生命的对话、与自我对话,通过自我的“物化”达到与宇宙生命的亲密无间。他在诗歌中对夜作了形而上的沉思,对爱以及人类的激情进行歌颂和反思。本文还通过表意文字系统的影响、词语的音乐性、法语词汇的创新、诗歌中的意象杂糅、诗歌的结构与节奏特征等方面,指出程抱一法语诗歌形式艺术中对话与融合的特征。最后,试图对程抱一法语诗歌中蕴涵的思想进行探寻。诗人言说自己心中之“道”,在世界万物、诗人的使命、文化对话等层面作出了可贵的探索。

【Abstract】 Lingering on the borders of two cultures, which are very different, yet somehow similar, Cheng Baoyi (Francois Cheng) spares no effort in seeking an interspace between them in the aspects of language, thought and art. With an approach of close reading, this dissertation gives a detailed analysis on the theme and literary techniques of Cheng’s works and tries to explore his traits and intricate thinking, thus enters his inner world to examine how he has made himself a peculiar blend of Sino-Western Cultures.This paper falls into three chapters. Chapter one makes a panoramic review of Cheng’s literary activities and those academic researches on him both home and abroad. And then this part mainly discusses the cross-language and cross-culture perspectives in his works.Chapter two concentrates upon his novel writing and the cross-cultural integration reflected in his works. Le dit de Tianyi, a poly-thematic novel, manifests Cheng’s artistic creation and his conceptions on tribulation and tragedy. Inspired by Li Shangyin’s poetry and Bourbon Busset’s ideas, L’ Eternite n’est pas de trop, with eternal love as its theme, demonstrates a dual horizon, which even made talks of wisdom between a Taoist and a Christian.The third chapter gives an exhaustive interpretation of Cheng’s poetry composed in French and tries to explore the poet’s idealistic and theoretical roots. "Dialogue" remains the motif of all his poetry. Conversing with lives in nature and with his inner self, the poet gets increasingly closer to the universe. Meditations on night and odes to love and human passion can also be seen in his poetry. The artistic features are examined in terms of the influence of ideogram, the musicality of diction, the innovation of French words, the image hybrid etc. The poet utters the "Tao" in his own mind, and makes meaningful exploration in world, poet’s mission and cultural communication.

【关键词】 程抱一跨语言跨文化探寻对话融合超越
【Key words】 Cheng Baoyicross-languagecross-cultureexplorationdialogueintegrationtranscend
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】545

