

【作者】 杜慧敏

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 在中国翻译史上,晚清时期正处于第二次翻译高潮——大规模译介域外文学的高潮之中。目前,晚清翻译文学研究开始得到学界越来越多的关注,但在整体上还远没有充分展开,研究者多将目光集中在梁启超、严复、林纾等大家身上。然而在此研究领域中还有更为薄弱的环节,那就是对晚清小说期刊译作的研究。作为晚清时期译作主要媒介载体之一的小说期刊,是一种新兴的近代化、社会化的文学传播方式,是当时社会文化生活中最为突出的文学文化现象。它的出现标志着文学传播方式的一次历史性的转换。而晚清小说期刊译介,就是当时域外文学通过此一新兴媒介进入中国文化圈、与中国社会及普通读者发生接触的一种独特方式,是全面了解晚清翻译文学的一个基础性、代表性的组成部分。本论文将晚清五种主要小说期刊的上百部(篇)译作作为一种独立的文学文本进行研究,结合比较文学译介学、翻译研究、接受美学等理论和晚清小说期刊译介的实际,提出“译入文体”、“演述”、“译述”等晚清翻译文学研究的新概念,从文体、译介方式、译介策略、翻译观等方面深入分析晚清小说期刊译作作为“译入语文化产品”的生成过程,揭示其作为一种通俗的“翻译文学”在参与建构中外文学文化关系上的意义。第一章首先梳理和辨析晚清小说期刊译介活动的理论背景,然后从译入语和译入文体角度,参照中国古典小说的类别特征对译作进行分类。这样的类型网络能够将这些译作分类整合,从而反映出晚清小说期刊译作的文体概貌。第二章按短篇和长篇两大类别逐一检视各类译作译入文体的特征及其形成的来龙去脉,分析译作与同类型小说期刊创作之间的关系。这同时也是从译作细部对译入语一方的文学传统如何操控译作文本构成以及译作又怎样反过来启发创作的考察。第三章舍弃了不能准确反映晚清小说期刊译介方式特点的“意译”等术语,深入到译作文本内部,根据译者在译作文本内外的身份和活动(而不是译作与原作的关系)提出,晚清小说期刊两种主要译介方式为“演述”和“译述”。第四章从译作文本内部转而考察小说期刊编者、译者和读者等外部因素,全面分析晚清小说期刊以读者为主导的译介策略,并最终确定其翻译观为“戏谑的重写”。在此研究过程中晚清小说期刊译作显示出来的“不透明”性及其在建构中外文学关系中的作用,对此一时期的中外文学关系研究也有启发性。晚清小说期刊译作的性质是翻译文学,本论文则是从比较文学译介学视角展开的一次翻译文学研究的尝试。希望本文不仅能够在晚清翻译文学研究方面开拓新的领域,还能为翻译文学研究和中外文学关系研究提供新的思路和视角。

【Abstract】 In the translation history of China, late Qing Dynasty was in the second climax of large-scale translation-introduction of foreign literature. Although the research on translated literature of late Qing Dynasty is getting increasingly attention recently, it hasn’t been fully developed because the focus of most researchers are narrowed down to the great masters such as Liang Qichao, Yan Fu, Lin Shu. It is the research on translated works in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty, however, that are far from enough in that area. The novel periodical, as one of the main media of translated works of late Qing Dynasty, was a new kind of modernized and socialized communicating way of literature, which became the most recognized literary and cultural phenomenon in the cultural life of the society at that time. Its emergence symbolized a historical conversion in the communication of literature. The translation -introduction in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty is a unique way by which foreign literature entered into Chinese culture and got contact with Chinese ordinary readers, making itself a basic and representative part of translated literature of late Qing Dynasty for us to get a general idea of translated literature at that time.The thesis attempts to make a research on hundreds of translated works in five main novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty as a kind of independent literary texts and puts forward some new concepts in research on translated literature of late Qing Dynasty such as "target genre", "yanshu", "yishu" etc. by combining with media-translatology of comparative literature, translation studies, reception aesthetics and the fact of translation-introduction in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty. Through an in-depth analysis of how the translated works in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty became a "cultural product of target language" in terms of genre, translating-introducing ways, translating-introducing strategy and concept of translation etc., the thesis reveals its significance in its contribution in the establishment of the relationship between Chinese and foreign literatures and cultures as a kind of common "translated literature". Chapter 1 reviews and differentiates the concept background of translation-introduction in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty and then classifies the translated works with reference to the genre and characteristics of China’s classical novels from the angles of target language and target genre. The network of genre makes these translated works classified and reorganized, reflecting the general situation of genre of the translated works in novelperiodicals of late Qing Dynasty. Chapter 2 classifies the translated works into two main kinds according to their length and checks one by one on the characteristics of genre of all kinds of translated works and how they formed and analyzes the relationship between translated works and native works in novel periodicals of the same kind. It is also an exploration of how the literature tradition of target language controls the constitution of text and how the translated works affect the creation in turn from the details. According to the identity and activity (instead of the relationship of the target text and source text) of the translator inside and outside the target text, Chapter 3 puts forward two main kinds of translating-introducing ways—"yanshu" and "yishu" by following up a research on the inner part of the target text without adopting glossaries such as "free translation" as they cannot reflect the translating-introducing way of novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty. By a comprehensive analysis of the reader-oriented translation-introduction strategy from inner part of the target text to outer factors such as editors, translators and readers of the novel periodical, Chapter 4 finally establishes that its concept of translation is "Rewriting with Banter". The "opacity" of the translated work and its role in establishment of the relationship between Chinese and foreign literatures found in the process of the research will also be heuristic to the research on the relationship between Chinese and foreign literatures of that time.The nature of the translated works in novel periodicals of late Qing Dynasty is translated literature. The thesis tries to study on translated literature from the perspective of media-translatology of comparative literature. The writer hopes that the thesis will not only widen the scope of the research on translated literature of late Qing Dynasty, but throw a new light on the research on translated literature and the relationship between Chinese and foreign literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【下载频次】1315

