

【作者】 王向民

【导师】 孙关宏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 本文通过研究民国政治学的“三个研究领域"得出“两个价值诉求”,并分析了此两个价值诉求和政治学生成的政治社会原因,最后探讨了政治与学术的关系。本文的问题是:第一,民国政治学怎么样:怎样发生、讨论哪些问题,得出哪些结论;第二,民国政治学理论呈现何种政治价值原则,为何有此种政治价值原则;第三,民国政治学的政治社会生成空间如何。第一个问题是历史学的再现,后两个问题是政治学的分析。本文的研究对象主要是教研于各个大学政治学系的教授和中国政治学会的会员,他们的撰述及活动都属于本题的研究范围。本文的研究时段以1930年代为中心,前后各有时延,并不指明具体的时间。因为政治学研究政治的常态,非常态政治理论不具有普遍性指导意义。对于南京政府而言,1927—1937年是公认的“黄金时期”。同时,之前的研究为1930年代的政治学研究提供了必要的基础,之后的出版成果则是1930年代政治学研究的继续。本文所使用的资料,主要包括以下几类:第一,各种校史、系史、教育史等史料;第二,民国政治学家的撰写的著作及发表在期刊杂志上的政论文时论文;第三,民国政治学家的自传、书信、日记、传记、回忆录,以及友人弟子后辈撰写的评论纪念性文字;第四,民国政治史档案、统计数据,等等。论文的结构,除绪论和结语外,共分六章。绪论厘清本文的分析性概念(民主与集权)和作为研究对象的概念(现代西方政治学),并且综述学术界研究现状与成果。第一章从历史角度描述民国政治学的各种外在规定性的展开。第二章总结并分析民治与集权两个政治价值诉求的政治社会原因。第三章至第五章分别就民国政治学家中的国家理论、政府理论和政党理论展开具体分析。第六章分析民国政治学的政治生存环境。结语对政治与学术的关系做一分析,认为保持政治与学术的必要张力是国家建设理性化进行的重要推动力量。本文研究结论如下:第一,就民国政治学理论形态而言,体现出民治与集权的“合奏”特征。因为国家理论、政府理论和政党理论在价值倾向和制度安排上最终都指向“集权”诉求,然而在政治过程(尤其是四项政权)和制度安排(分权制衡)中却要求民主政治。从整体上看,民国政治学研究呈现出多元一体、互相影响与竞争的繁盛格局,自由主义政治学、国家主义政治学和马克思主义政治学三足鼎立。以上民国政治学理论形态主要由以下三个因素造成:第一,晚清民初的民主政治理论遗传、政治学家的欧美自由主义教育背景,以及自认为中国政治是西方政治进化链之环节而不是断裂,使之认可并修正西方民主政治理论;第二,国家建设之集权逻辑、中国支撑性阶级阙失,以及历史经验教训,使之具有集权诉求;第三,近代中国革命保有“社会自由”的独特逻辑、国民党自身成员特征,以及威权党治形态客观上形成弱势独裁的“悖反性多元政治”,从而为多元政治研究提供了生存空间。同时,因为民国政治学没有相应的现代经济基础和社会阶级基础,故而当国民党实行独裁政治压制学术研究后,民国政治学亦轰然崩塌。

【Abstract】 This dissertation firstly presents two political value orientations by examining three political research fields in the period of the Republic of China (ROC), then analyzes the political and societal causes of the formation of the value orientations and political science, and finally deals with the relations between politics and academy.The issues dealt with in this dissertation are as follows: First, what is the politics of the ROC like: How does it form? What does it discuss? What conclusions does it come to? Second, what are the political value principles that constitute the political theory of the period of the ROC and how do they come into being? Third, what are the political and societal conditions where that politics is generated? The former issue is the representation of the history, and the latter two are focused on the analysis of political science.The objects of the research include the professors and scholars engaged in political research during that period, their works and activities. The time of this research is confined to the years around 1930s but without specific beginning and ending points. As political research is mainly focused on the normality of politics and abnormal political theories bear little universal guiding significance, 1927-1937 is the well-known "golden period" for our research as for Nanking Government. Meanwhile, however, the researches prior to 1927 serve as the basis for the 1930s’ political research, and the political research publications after 1937 are its continuation.This thesis draws on a wide range of data, including, first, historical documents about diversified universities, their departments and education, etc.; second, those theorists’ and scholars’ works, political and current affairs comments; third, their autobiographies, letters, diaries and memoirs, fruitful memorial materials—memorial remarks or comments written by the friends and the pupils of those professors; fourth, related files and data about the political history of the ROC; etc..This paper consists of six chapters as well as introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, key concepts (democracy and centralization) and basic concepts (modern western political science) are defined, and an overview is given of the status quo and findings of the political research of that period. The first chapter gives a description of the evolution of the political settings of political science of the ROC from an historical perspective. The second chapter summarizes and analyzes thepolitical and societal causes of the formation of the two political value orientations, namely, namely, democracy and centralization. In the third through the fifth chapter, the state theory, government theory and political party theory of the ROC are clearly demonstrated and illustrated in turn. The sixth chapter elaborates the political settings of political research of the ROC. And the conclusion deals with the tension between politics and political academy and emphasizes its significance as a vital force in promoting the rational state construction.This paper concludes that: firstly, the political theoretical paradigm of the ROC is an ensemble of democracy and centralization, for the state theory, government theory and political party theory are all centralization-orientated in values and institutional arrangement and, nevertheless, are focused on democracy in the political process (especially in the Four Political Institutions) and institutional arrangement principles (Decentralization). Generally, the political research of the ROC displays a prosperous general layout where plural political researches coexist, compete and interact and forms a triangle situation of liberalism politics, nationalism politics and Marxism politics.The above-mentioned political theoretical paradigm of the ROC results from these three causes: First, the political theoretical legacy succeeded from late Qing dynasty and the beginning of the ROC which insists subjectively that Chinese politics is not an exceptional but a common point of west political evolution chain, political theorists’ western liberal educational background which made them recognize and correct west democratic politics; second, the values of centralization due to the centralization logic that state construction needs, the lack of pillar classes in the ROC, and historical experiences and lessons; third, the traditional ideology of social freedom in China, some KMT’s statesmen’s personalities, and the paradoxical plural politics of weak dictatorship stemming objectively from authoritarian politics controlled by single party, which provides plural political researches with living space. Meanwhile, for the lack of corresponding economic and social bases, the political research of the ROC collapse after KMT’s dictatorship suppressed academy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】D693;K258
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1909

