

【作者】 文革红

【导师】 章培恒;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 清初从顺治到雍正的93年间,虽然没有出现如《西游记》、《金瓶梅》、《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》那样伟大的作品,但在总体上,小说的繁荣发展的程度仍很引人注目。这时期出现新的小说(含新撰、新评两类)139部,其中有50部经过一次以上(含一次)的重刻;重刻的版本共93种,因而共计刊刻小说232种。本文从传播学的角度、以小说出版为中心来考察清初小说的发展。通过对清初各地区小说的刊刻者及其所刊小说的种类和数量的统计,并伴以大量的考证,获知清初共小说出版者161家,含苏州地区47家,杭州地区30家,江宁地区12家,其他地区合计28家,地点不能明确的44家;其中文人型出版者37家,共推出新的小说作品64部,重刻新的小说9种,非文人型小说出版者124家,共推出新的小说作品75部,重刻新的小说84种,而其重刻的新的小说中有41种原为文人型出版者所刊刻。由此得出了清初小说出版以苏州和杭州为中心(两地共推出新的小说98种,重刻新的小说38种)、文人型出版者在清初小说出版中发挥了重大作用的结论。再进而以苏州、杭州的经济、文化背景、文人型小说出版者的具体作为和相关情况,从传播学的角度来探讨清初小说繁荣发展的原因,归结为以下五点: 一、清初通俗小说出版中心的转移。 二、文人出版者的大量介入和刻、印的分工。 三、清初通俗小说出版者积极接受读者反馈的行为。 四、清初通俗小说出版者的促销活动。 五、图书租赁业的发展。

【Abstract】 In the ninety three years from Shunzhi to Yongzheng of the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty, there didn’ t appear great works like Travel to West, Jinpingmei, Unofficial History of Literary Men and Dreamers in Red House, but in the total, development and flourishing of novels were fare noticeable. This period appeared one hundred and thirty-nine new novels (including newly compose and newly review), among which fifty was republished one or more time (include one time), republished ninety three editions, so This period published two hundred and thirty two novels altogether.This thesis makes inspection on the development of popular novels in the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty from the angles of communication, taking the novel publish as centre. By statistics on the types and numbers of novels published by different regions in the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty with plenty of textual criticisms, obtains that there were one hundred and sixty one novel publishers in the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty, including forty seven publishers in Suzhou, thirty in Hangzhou, twelve in Jiangning , twenty eight in other regions, forty four in regions which names couldn’ t be found. Among these publishers, there were thirty seven scholar novel publishers, which published sixty four newly composed novels , republished nine novels; one hundred and twenty four non-scholar novel publishers, which published seventy five newly composed novels , republished eighty four novels among which forty one republished novels were originally composed by scholar novel publishers, so we draw the conclusion that Suzhou and Hangzhou were two publish centre of novels (this two regions published ninety eight newly composed novel and thirty eight republished editions), and the scholar novel publishers played a big role in the novel publish in the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty. Then this thesis inquires into the causes of novel’ s development and flourishing in the beginning of the Chi-Dynasty from the angles of communication in the respects of economic and culturalbackground, concrete operations by the scholar novel publishers and related circumstances, suras up as coining under five categories:First, publish centre transferring from Fujian to Jiangzhe.Second, scholar novel publishers involving in novels publish and print division from inscribing.Third, the publisher’ s positive accepting the reader’ s feedback.Forth, promoting sell activities by the publishers. Fifth, the development of book leasing industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1714

