

Studies of Relationship between Hydrocarbon and Ore-forming in Fluid Flow and Its Application for Ore-exploration

【作者】 徐庆鸿

【导师】 毛景文; 陈远荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、矿床学、岩石学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 自然界中烃类组分赋存空间之广、范围之大超乎人们的想象:地表和近地表各类岩石和土壤中普遍存在烃类组分;研究证据表明现代海底烟囱、海槽现代活动热水区和火山喷发气体中也含有烃类组分;现代大陆、大洋深钻手段已证实在地壳8~12km的深度仍存在大量含烃类的高盐度流体;幔源基性——超基性岩以及玄武岩的包裹体中也发现有烃类组分的存在;甚至在陨石(碳质球粒陨石)中同样发现了包括烷烃组分在内的各类有机化合物。对烃类组分的研究不应局限于石油、天然气和煤炭等能源矿产,而应该推广到金属矿床及其成矿流体的研究中来。烃类气体具有组分多元化和性质稳定的特点,更重要的是烃类各组分间的相关特征和配分规律是其地质流体演化过程的重要参数,所以通过对烃类组分的研究,可以更好的了解成矿物质来源、流体演化和成矿模式,从而指导今后找矿新方法的研究和应用。为了将流体演化过程中烃类组分的细微变化用直观的方法和手段表现出来,本文提出了建立烃类组分标准化背景并将各类烃类组分进行标准化处理的思路,其意义类似地球化学中球粒陨石作为标准化稀土元素背景的建立。探索性将具有幔源流体特征的峨眉山玄武岩作为烃类组分的标准化背景,应用效果证明该方法手段可将不同类型地质体烃类组分的差异性和演化的规律性非常直观的表现出来,使研究方法从以往单纯的烃类组分宏观异常特征归纳,发展为对烃类组分的叠加改造、配分模式以及相关特征的微观规律研究;将以往烃类组分仅作为有机质参与金属成矿的表征现象,发展为一种应用于成矿物质来源、成矿流体演化及成矿作用和规律的研究工具和手段。烃类组分与金属成矿关系密切,从矿质的初始富集到活化转移、富集成矿、直至矿体形成后的变质改造整个过程,烃类作为重要的伴生组分始终参与其中并在不同的演化阶段表现出不同的特征。所以全面而系统地研究烃类组分在各类金属矿床以及不同地质体上的宏观和微观特征,一方面有利于成矿流体来源性质、成矿特征和成矿模式的理论研究,另一方面在实际金属矿产勘查方面也有非常大的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The space and scope of hydrocarbon existed in the nature are so extensive. It widely existed in many kinds of rock of earth’s surface(or near earth’s surface) , also occurrences in chimney of modern sea bottom, hot water area of modern sea slot movable and volcano gas. It has been make sure that great quantities of high salt degree fluid containing hydrocarbon existed in the earth’s crust of 8~12 km depth. The researchers also discovered hydrocarbon in inclusions of basic-ultrabasic rock and basalt from mantle of the earth ,even various organic compounds(include hydrocarbon) had been found in the meteorite(carbonaceous chondrite). The research works on hydrocarbon shouldn’t be limited only in the energy minerals such as petroleum, natural gas and coal etc,in fact it should be expanded to the research of metal mineral and mineral fluid. Hydrocarbon has a set of diversification and the property stable characteristics. And the relativity and distribution coefficient for each unit of hydrocarbon are more important parameters of the geologic fluid evolution. So the research works on hydrocarbon could be helpful to comprehend mineral source, fluid evolution, metllogenic mode and give guide to the new method seeking for mineral exploration .For the purpose of directly embodiment for the fine distinction of fluid evolving of hydrocarbon, the author offers a proposal to establish standardized background for hydrocarbon. Its significance is same as establishment of standardized background for REE with chondritic meteorite. The standardized background of hydrocarbon is experimented to be established with the hydrocarbon of Emeishan basalts which have the characteristic of mantle source fluid. The effect has been attested that the otherness of difference kind of hydrocarbon and the regularity of fluid evolution could be embodied clearly by this way .It not only actuates the research on hydrocarbon from pute macrofeature to microscopic feature, but also expanded the research methods from surface phenomena that hydrocarbon being simple participant in metallic ore forming to the important tool and instrument for researching source of ore , evolving of ore solution, regularity of mineralization.It has intimate connection between metallic ore forming and hydrocarbon in the whole process: from mineralizing fluid preliminary enrichment , activity transfer ,metallic ore forming,until the metamorphism and alteration. As associate component, hydrocarbon is the important active participant and had different characteristics during the metallic ore forming. So the systematized research of hydrocarbon including macro feature and microscopic features from different geologic bodies would be helpful not only to the theory study of mineral source, fluid evolution and metllogenic mode, but also to the actual metallic ore deposit exploration.


