

A Study on Gemology and Genesis of Dushan Jade in Nanyang, Henan Province, China

【作者】 肖启云

【导师】 蔡克勤; 何明跃; 江富建;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 独山玉在我国乃至世界玉石家族中属独一无二的品种,质优罕见,具有很高的科研价值、巨大的经济价值和独特的工艺价值,其矿床地质特征、成因产状及宝石学特征在国内外具有代表性。本文系统地研究了独山玉的矿物岩石学特征、宝石学特征、成因机理等内容。根据野外地质调查发现独山玉围岩普遍发生了变质作用,具碎裂岩化、糜棱岩化及强烈蚀变现象,独山玉以规律的脉状和多期多阶段侵入状产出;显微观察发现独山玉及其围岩受到了比较强烈的应力作用,其中的矿物形成是多期次的。本文查明了独山玉的主要组成矿物有斜长石(主要为钙长石)、黝帘石、角闪石、另有云母类矿物、榍石、电气石、葡萄石、磷灰石、方解石、绿泥石和不透明的铁质矿物(主要为赤铁矿、铬铁矿、黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿)等次要矿物,它们在不同颜色的独山玉中的含量变化较大。详细阐述了独山玉矿物组合及其结构特征规律,并从成因矿物学的角度总结了独山玉中的矿物生成顺序,发现并总结了独山玉的结构并系统研究了独山玉的岩石化学特征。以广义和狭义的方式对独山玉进行定义,提出以矿物组合为依据的分类方案,厘定了独山玉的质量评价标准,系统测定独山玉的宝石学参数并对独山玉的色度学进行计算,解释了独山玉呈色的某些原因。不同颜色独山玉常量和微量元素的含量存在较大的差别,微量元素Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe和它们的寄主矿物组合对独山玉的呈色起着重要的作用,独山玉都富集了高含量的Ba和Sr,经历了复杂的演化过程,与其围岩(超基性岩)有成因关系。从独山玉形成的地质条件、成矿物源、热液作用、玉化过程及成矿阶段等方面入手,对独山玉的成矿机理进行了深入探讨,即独山玉矿的形成是多种地质作用特别是韧性剪切作用综合的结果,成玉的总体过程表现为含科长石成分的岩浆后热液沿辉长岩中构造裂隙贯入,成矿表现为多阶段性,各阶段的物化条件和应力作用不同,从而形成不同结构、不同矿物组合的各色独山玉脉体,独山玉的形成温度大约在2300C-3300C,为中(高)温热液矿床。

【Abstract】 As one of the most widely used jade enjoying a long application history Dushan jade plays an important role in Chinese jade culture, and holds a unique position in Chinese colorful and magnificent jade culture. Dushan Jade is indispensable in Chinese gem industry because of its good quality and infrequence. Dushan jade is in a class by oneself in the world with high research and economic value as well as art level. What’s more, the deposits, genesis, occurrence and geological characteristics are representational home and abroad. This paper research the mineral combination, petrology characteristic, geological characters, genesis&mechanism and others related to Dushan Jade in details.On the foundation of detailed field investigation, Occurrence of Dushan jade’s wall rock of is veins and muti-phases form with prevalent metamorphism process. The cataclasm lithification, mylonite lithification and strong alteration phenomena is observed. At the same time, Dushan jade and its wall rock undertook strong stress, and the minerals were mutil-periodic.The main minerals are plagioclase(indianite), zoisite, hornblende, and the minor minerals were mica, sphene, prehnite,tourmaline, tremolite, calcite, diopside,apatite, opaque iron mineral ( hematite , chromite, pyrites, pyrrhotite ) and so on. But the content of these minerals in the Dushan jade varied with the colors of Dushan jade. Mineralogy analysis cleared about the minerals combination laws in different color Dushan jades. This paper summarized the crystallization order of the minerals in Dushan jade by the view of genetic mineralogy.This dissertation defined the Dushan jade according to broad and narrow sense, put forward the class method integrated with business and local vulgarisms based on the combination of mineral. Those provided scientific basis to restrict and promote the market development of Dushan jade. At the same time, the paper measured the gemological parameters of Dushan jade systemically.The paper firstly utilized the ICP-AES to test and analyse Dushan jade, the result showed that the quantities of main elements and trace elements contained in different colors of Dushan jade are different and the transition metal elements such as Ti, V, Cr,Mn and Fe had strong influence on cause of Dushan jade color. Dushan jade enriched high content of Ba and Sr. And the analysis indicated that Dushan jade was related with mantle original rock showed that Dushan jade came through complex evolvement.The paper discussed the genesis of Dushan jade based on the geological condition, hydrothermal effect, mineralization process and phases. The conclusions were that compositive operations of multi-geographical , especially ductility shear processes resulted in the Dushan jade.The staggered mineralization was because of staggered fractures and pulsant hydrothermal. Different physical-chemical condition and stress effect in every phase made for multicolored Dushan jade veins with different structure and different mineral combination. Research on inclusions indicated that the mineralization temperature of Dushan jade is between 2300C-3300C and belonged to middle-high hydatogenic deposits.

【关键词】 独山玉显微观察宝石学成因
【Key words】 Dushan jademicro-observationgemologygenesis

