

A Study on Reservoir Characterization and Distribution of Remaining Oil of Complicated Faulted-Blocks, in Tai 190 Area, Da-Qing Oil Field, China

【作者】 江春明

【导师】 李宝芳;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文研究区位于松辽盆地大庆长垣南部的太190地区,是大庆油田中的一个小的复杂断块油藏,面积约50平方公里。含油层段为下白垩统中上部的葡萄花油组,厚约70m,主要由碎屑岩组成,油藏边界由断层组成。该区开采已有20多年,至2004年累计产油约82.9万吨。本次研究在构造精细解释、地震储层预测以及测井二次解释基础上,应用随机建模技术建立该区三维地质模型。综合分析各油层储量动用状况及开发现状,对油田进一步开发提出了参考性意见和建议。主要认识和成果如下:1)太190地区过去解释的断层数量很多,方向零乱,缺乏规律性。本次通过构造研究发现研究区葡萄花油层的断裂系统以NNE和NNW向延伸的断裂为主,与前人对本地区构造应力场研究的结论相符;2)姚一段与底部的青山口组和顶部的姚二、三段组成四级沉积层序,姚家组一段自下到上经历四次水进-水退过程,其中PI3、PI1沉积时期湖盆水体最深;3)以沉积学理论为指导,应用近几年发展起来的新技术:谱分解技术、地震波形分类技术、测井多参数反演技术,结合沿层地震切片技术和开发动态对储层薄砂体(3-5m)分布进行预测,预测效果明显。4)利用本工区和相邻工区取心井资料建立起本区测井多井解释模型,经检验误差较小完全适用于本地区。在研究工区声波测井系列不足情况下,利用SP、R025(微电位)回归孔隙度模型,经对比检验该模型完全适用于本地区。5)应用相控建模技术建立了太190油田随机三维地质模型,为进一步对太190油田进行油藏数值模拟提供静态模型;6)在三维地质模型基础上,进行油藏数值模拟,综合分析太190油田葡I油组各油层储量动用状况及开发现状,并总结出剩余油分布的控制因素,指明下一步调控方向。

【Abstract】 The study area lies in Tai 190 Area in southern Daqing Placanticline, Songliao Basin. With approximate 50 km2 in area, it is a rather complicated faulted-block. Consists of about 70 m thick clastic rocks and bounded by faults, the Putaohua oil reservoir is in the middle-upper part of Lower Crataceous. It has been exploited more than 20 years and 829 thousand ton oil has been producted. Owning to structure interpretation, seismic reservoir prediction and log secondary interpretation, the 3 dimension geological model is built up with stochastic modeling technology. Further more, some suggestions for further exploitation are given by synthetically analyzing the producing status of reserve and situation of production of each zone. The research conclusions and views are as follows:1) The structural interpretation in past showed that there were many irregular faults with straggling extension direction in Tai 190 Area. But according to the structural interpretation in this turn, the faults are extended to NNE and NNW directions, and this result is conform to the previous research conclusion of the stress field in the study area.2) The Yaojia Formation and the upper part of the underlying Qingshangkou Formation consist of a depositional sequence. From the bottom to the top 4 times of lacustrine eustasy occurred during the depositional period of the Lower Member of Yaojia Formation. The lacustrine water was deeper in the period of PI3 and PI1 than in any other periods of the Lower Member of Yaojia Formation.3) Under the guidance of sedimentology, the distribution of thin sand body with 3 or 5 meter is predicted by combining some new technologies in these years, such as spectral decomposition, seismic classification, parametric inversion and strata grid with reservoir performance.4) With the core data from the Tai 190 area and its adjacent area, multi-log interpretation models are built up. For the wells without sonic logs, the porosity model is built up by using the SP and micro-normal log. The two models are both fit in the study area.5) With facies orienting technology the 3 dimension geological stochastic model is built up as the static model for further reservoir simulation in the Tai 190 Area.6) On base of 3 dimensions geological model and simulation, the direction for further exploitation is given by summarizing the control factors of remaining oil and synthetically analyzing the producing status of reserve and situation of production of each zone.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】767

