

The Characteristics, Genetics and Resources Potential of Oil Shale in Dalianhe Mining Area of Yilan, Heilongjiang

【作者】 刘志逊

【导师】 张爱云; 黄文辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 黑龙江依兰达连河矿区为煤炭资源危机矿山,为了勘探开发矿区油页岩资源,本次工作运用盆地分析、层序地层学、沉积学、地球化学、有机岩石学、古生物学、工业评价等技术理论,结合区域地质、岩芯、测井等资料,围绕解决和研究科学问题为核心,从多个角度研究评价了矿区油页岩性质特征、成因及资源潜力。研究工作建立了矿区层序地层格架,并对层序体系域与沉积体系展布规律进行了研究,发现并证实了上煤层顶板存在油页岩密集段。研究表明矿区油页岩生烃母质主要来自以陆源高等植物为主,兼有藻类、细菌等低等生源输入的混合生源;大部分有机质来自泥炭沼泽。综合评价了矿区油页岩为好烃源岩,有机质处于未成熟—成熟阶段;煤层间中-下油页岩层有机质丰度高;有机质类型主要为I型、II1型,为弱氧化一弱还原、淡水湖沼相沉积;煤层顶部油页岩段有机质类型主要为II1型、II2型,淡水-微咸水深湖相环境。地球化学特征研究显示矿区不同层位油页岩稀土元素分布模式相似, LREE相对富集,HREE相对亏损。以球粒陨石为标准,均显示出Eu负异常,δCe异常不明显;矿区不同层位油页岩微量元素均未达到工业品位。评价认为矿区中-下油页岩适合低温干馏炼油,可作低热值燃料;煤层顶板油页岩段,目前尚不能干馏提油,但上煤层顶板密集段油页岩可以考虑作为低热值燃料。矿区油页岩灰渣适合作建筑材料、生产水泥的粘土质原料。煤层顶板油页岩段适合制备耐火粘土材料或高岭土,但中-下油页岩层铁质偏高,需有效除去铁质;矿区油页岩综合开发适宜采用炼油—化工—热电—建材联合生产途径。研究证实了始新世全球气候变冷过程在本区发生过,首次发现了油页岩段沉积时期古气候波动性很大,曾交替出现偏热与偏冷气候现象,影响油页岩含油率。提出了“油页岩成藏富集带”“油页岩富集中心”“油页岩富油带”概念,发现并研究了矿区内中~下油页岩成藏富集带与富油带分布规律。提出了断陷型盆地三种类型油页岩成藏,建立了矿区油页岩两种成矿模式。探讨和总结了矿区油页岩成藏规律,综合评价了矿区资源潜力,估算了研究区油页岩资源量456百万吨,页岩油29百万吨。指出矿区西南部勘探边界附近区域为有利勘探区,矿区深部(沙河子区)为找矿远景区。

【Abstract】 Dalianhe Mining Area of Yilan, Heilongjiang province is at the risk of coal resources exhaustion. To explore and exploit oil shale resources in this area, this research is on the evalution of its characteristics, genetics and potential from several aspects with relevant theories on basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry, organic petrology, palaeontology and industry evaluation technologies and incorporated with the data on regional geology, coring and logging. The goal is to study and resolve the science issues.This study discovers and confirms that oil shale exists on the seam top, which is based on the establishment of sequence stratigraphic framework and research on the sequence system and distributuion pattern of sediment system.The parent material of oil shale in this area gives priority to terrigenous higher plants with the input of some lower plants algae and bacteria mostly from peat swamps. The result is good source rocks comprehensively in the premature and mature stages. The middle and lower parts of oil shale among coal beddings have high organic abundance and mainly I and II type in weak oxidate and reduced fresh lake and marsh deposition environment, the top part are primarily II1 and II2 type in fresh water and brackish deep lake deposition environment.The geochemistry features display that the rare earth elements have similar distribution patterns in different layers with relatively rich LREE and hungry HREE and they don’t come to the production grade. Eu is in negative anomaly andδCe indistinctive anomaly with the criterion of chondrite.Oil shale in middle and lower parts can utilize to extract oil with low temperature distillation as fuels with low heat value. The top part can’t extract oil now but fit for apyrous clay or kaoline material preparation, however, the concentrated layers can use as fuels with low heat value. The dust is fit for building materials and clay raw material in cement production. The middle and lower parts of oil shale has higher iron that needs to remove. The unitized production ofextraction oil, chemistry, thermal electricity and construction is adopted in the overall development of oil shale.The research confirms that the global cooldown climiate in Eocene appeared in this area and firstly finds out there was large palaeoclimate fluctuation in the deposit stage of oil shale. It affects the oil-bearing rate of oil shale because the hotter and colder climates arised alternately.It also proposes some concepts: oil shale abundance zone, locus of concentration, rich oil belt and studies the distribution regularities of abundance zones and belts in middle and lower parts of oil shale in mining area. The research presents three types of oil shale accumulation in faulted basin, builds two mineralization patterns, summerizes the regularity and evaluates the resource potential comprehensively which amounts to 456 million tons of oil shale and shale oil 29 million tons. The favorable place for prospecting is adjacant area of southwest prospecting boundary and the area of interest is Shahezi Area.


