

Study on Mineralogy and Gemmology of Balin Stone

【作者】 王小慧

【导师】 蔡克勤; 任进;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 宝石学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 巴林石是中国四大名石之一,石质细润、质地光洁、色彩绚丽、种类众多,在国内外的知名度越来越高。本文通过现代测试方法对巴林石的矿物学特征、宝石学性质、岩石化学特点、矿床成因等进行了研究,使巴林石的研究进一步系统、科学、完善。 主要矿物组成的研究表明:巴林石的主要矿物成分为高岭石族矿物,具体为较有序高岭石、较有序地开石、高岭石—地开石过渡矿物。通过计算X射线衍射分析中的结晶指数和红外吸收光谱中的A/B值,认为从高岭石~高岭石—地开石过渡矿物~地开石,结晶指数由高~低~高(即有序度由高~低~高),A/B值逐渐降低。研究中发现,当地俗称的“刚玉”的主要矿物成分为明矾石和石英,硬度较高不适做雕刻石。 鱼子冻、水草冻、鸡血石是巴林石中的珍贵品种,经研究发现鱼子冻中的“鱼子”为硬水铝石,水草冻中的“水草”为赤铁矿和黑辰砂,鸡血石中的“血”为辰砂,巴林石中常见的黑色不透明矿物主要是黄铁矿。 测定了巴林石的宝石学基本性质,对巴林石进行了系统的分类与命名,建议以“类别+题材”的方式对巴林石艺术品进行命名。对巴林鸡血石、福黄石、冻石、彩石、图案石分别进行了质量评价,提出了评价要素,并进行等级划分。 颜色成因的研究,认为白色系列的巴林石,矿物成分为较纯净的高岭石族矿物,几乎不含致色元素;红色系列的巴林石为矿物颗粒间分布的赤铁矿呈色,若是较淡的粉红色,则是由于Fe和Mn类质同象替代高岭石中的Al而致色;黄色系列的巴林石,由颗粒间浸染的大量褐铁矿呈色,Fe3+进入高岭石矿物的晶格中,由于电子跃迁和电荷转移,也可以产生黄色;黑色系列的巴林石是由于含有黄铁矿而致色。 运用透光率测试、扫描电镜分析和粒度统计等测试方法对巴林石透明度的影响因素进行了研究,认为无色或浅色巴林石,其颗粒度和主要矿物组成是透明度的重要影响因素,如冻石类平均颗粒度小,矿物组成纯净单一,透明度较高。而彩色巴林石,内部含有的暗色次要矿物对透明度起主要作用,暗色矿物越多,透明度越差。 区域岩石化学分析表明,区域火山岩为亚碱性系列的钙碱性岩系,岩石化学特征表明区域岩浆活动经过了分异结晶或同化混染作用。巴林石及围岩的稀土元素特征分析及稀土配分曲线大致相似,表明巴林石的成矿物质来源于流纹岩。 测得了巴林石的氢氧同位素组成,认为巴林石矿床为热液蚀变型矿床,估算其成矿温度约在200℃~230℃,成矿热液来源于大气降水。巴林石的成矿与火山期后热液作用密切相关,热液活动具有多期多阶段的特点。强烈的硅化以及明矾石化、高岭石化、黄铁矿化是巴林石的重要找矿标志,辰砂化和黄铁矿化是巴林鸡血石的找矿标志。 在巴林石矿区东部的白音沙那地区新发现了一种艳蓝色、蓝紫色的石料,经电子探针,X射线粉晶衍射、红外吸收光谱等分析,确定其主要矿物组成为蓝线石、石英和叶腊石,新发现的蓝线石岩属巴林石的一个新品种。

【Abstract】 Balin Stone is one of the "Chinese Famous Stones " with sleek texture, flowery color and various category, and is well-known at home and aboard. This thesis has done some research on mineralogy, gemology, petrochemistry and deposit genesis of Balin Stones by modern testing methods. So the Balin Stone’s study will be more systemic and scientific.Study on mineral composition indicates that the main mineral compositions of Balin Stone are ordered kaolinite, ordered dickite and trasitional minerals of kaolinite and dickite. The HL and A/B have been calculated to testify the structural order is higher when mineral compositions are kaolinite and dickite, but lower when it’s kaolinite’s and dickite’s trasitional minerals. We have discovered the main mineral compositions of some samples which are called "Hard Stone" by indigene are alunite and quartz. It is too hard to be carved.The "roe gel", "float grass gel" and "chicken-blood stone" is rare and costly. Study on subordinate mineral indicates that the "roe" in "roe gel" is diaspore, the "float grass" in"float grass gel" is hematite and black cinnabar, the "blood" in "chicken-blood stone" is cinnabar and the black and opaque mineral in Balin Stone is mainly pyrite.Having mensurated the basal gemological characters, on the basis of which classified and named Balin Stone systematically and suggested to name Balin Stone artworks with "category and subject matter". Quality evaluation indicates different evaluation factors with five categories.Colouration mechanism is studied to explain that white Balin Stone is pure kaolinite mineral with little colorgenous elements. Lots of hematites exist in red Balin Stone and work for redness, whereas, the pink is due to the isomorphous substitution of Fe and Mn. Abundant limonites occurring in intergrain can explain the yellowness, and Fe3+ can enter into crystal lattice to help for yellowness by electron transition and charge transfer. Black and opaque pyrites in Balin Stone induce blackness.Transmissivity test, scanning electro-microscopy observation and grain size analysis are adopted to study the influencing factors of transparence. The results show that average grain size and main mineral composition are the influencing factors of transparence to light-colored Balin Stone. The smaller average grain size and the purer main mineral composition are, the better transparence is. But to chromatic Balin Stone, dark and opaque subordinate minerals are the main influencing factors of transparence.Analysis of regional petrochemistry shows that regional volcanic rocks belong to the cale-alka-line series of subalkaline series. Characters of petrochemistry indicate regional magma generates fractional crystallization or assimilation and contamination. REE analysis and homoplasy of chondrite-normalized REE patems of Balin Stones and its surrouding rocks indicate that rhyolite is Balin Stone’s source of ore-forming materials.Balin Stone deposit is proved to be hydrothermal ore deposit by testing the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of Balin Stone. The ore-forming temperature is estimatedto be from 200℃ to 230℃ and mineralizing fluid is derived from meteoric water. The mineralization associates with volcanic hydrothermal alteration which has been experiencing a long and complicated process. Silicification, alunitization, kaolinization and pyritization are the important exploration indications to Balin Stone, and cinnabaration and pyritization are the exploration indications to Balin Chicken-blood Stone.The dumortierite rock is cobalt blue and blue-purple, and it’s a new discovery at Baiyinshana east to Balin Stone mining area. The mineralogical research was made by electronic microprobe analysis. X-ray diffraction and IR spectra to confirm it is composed of particulate quartz, dumortierite and pyrophyllite. The dumortierite rocks belong to a new category of Balin Stone.

【关键词】 巴林石矿物学宝石学岩石化学矿床成因
【Key words】 Balin Stonemineralogygemologypetrochemistrydeposit genesis

