

The Governance Research of Urban Historic Environment in Urban Renewal Period

【作者】 李宏利

【导师】 邢同和;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 论文试图通过管治理论借鉴、国外保护工作的历史回顾和太原市的实证研究,回答以下几个问题:城市更新中历史环境变化的根源和动力是什么?如何建立社会的合力机制,避免城市更新中对历史环境的破坏?太原市的历史环境存在的问题和转机是什么? 研究的创新点在于: (1) 首次将历史环境保护同公共物品管治理论相结合进行系统研究; (2) 通过实证调查探索历史环境破坏的深层根源; (3) 填补了太原市历史环境保护研究的理论空白。 论文分为上下两篇:上篇为问题的提出与理论探索,下篇为太原市的实证研究。 第1章引言,介绍本文的缘起,研究目标与理论创新,研究方法与过程,相关概念辨析。 第2章到第6章提出了研究的问题并引入公共物品概念。分析了转型期城市历史环境作为公共物品面临“哈定悲剧”难题,即由个体理性而导致的集体非理性问题。进而提出管治思路是解决这种难题的一条重要途径。通过对管治理论的借鉴,结合国外历史环境保护管治的演变过程,确定了运用管治理论探索解决城市历史环境问题的研究方向。 第7章到第9章回顾了太原市的历史环境演变及现存的主要问题,并通过实例研究对于太原市当前几种历史环境更新模式进行分析评价,提出需要构建管治思路指导下的多元和谐的历史环境保护和更新模式。以管治理论为基础探寻历史环境困境的根源。 第10章结论对论文全篇进行概括总结,并提出针对太原市历史环境保护的综合建议。

【Abstract】 With the reference of the Governance theory, the retrospect of foreign historic conservation, the positivism methodology and a stand closely related to the reality of Taiyuan, this study try to give the answers to the following questions: What is the origin and motivity of historic environment’s changing in Urban Renewal period? How can we build a mechanism to avoid the historic environment destruction in urban renewal? What are the problem and the opportunity of the historic environment in Taiyuan?The theory innovation of the study is: 1. For the first time, combine the historic conservation and the theory of public goods governance to study. 2. Search the deep reason by way of the positivism methodology. 3. Fill the blank of Taiyuan historic conservation research.The dissertation is composed of two parts: Part I is to put forward question and construct the framework. Part II is the positivism study of Taiyuan.Chapter 1, the introduction is the summary of the study origin, target and theory innovation, the way and the process of this study, analyzing of interrelated concept.From Chapter 2 to Chapter 6, the problem is put forward and the concept of public goods is introduced. The fact that urban historic environment, as a kind of public goods, is facing "Harding Tragedy", in which rational action of individual may lead to non-rational result of collectivity, is analyzed. Furthermore, it is put forward that Governance is the important method to reply this kind of problem. With the reference of the Governance theory and studying of foreign historic environment governance, the study framework is constructed.From Chapter 2 to Chapter 6, the historic evolvement and the main problem at present in Taiyuan is reviewed. From a stand closely related to the historic renewal model of Taiyuan, it is emphasized that a new series of historic renewal models which is harmonious in multi-subject and based on governance should be constructed. With the reference of the Governance theory, the reasons of historic conservation problemsare found.In the finality, Chapter 10 is the conclusion chapter, which summarize the whole dissertation and put forward general advices toward the Taiyuan historic environment conservation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1236
  • 攻读期成果

