

The Quandary of Architectural Language and Meta-Language

【作者】 程悦

【导师】 莫天伟;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计与理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本论文以建筑语言为研究课题,对涉及建筑与语言关系的许多困惑进行理论上的辨析和澄清。论文从“建筑是不是一种语言”这一颇具争议的论题出发,归纳比较了现有的三种典型观念模式(类比、肯定、否定),并通过对图象与符号性质的深入考察,提出了第四种模式,即认为建筑语言中既有图象因素、也有符号因素,但它们都以更深层次的元语言作为共同基础。论文不仅在建筑范围内讨论语言现象,还回溯现今语言学和符号学理论,对语言的基础问题进行了反思与批判,试图在语言绝对主义和语言相对主义的对立中寻求建构主义的第三条道路。论文在康德的先验哲学、胡塞尔的先验现象学、维特根斯坦的图象论、分析哲学中的元语言理论、以及结构主义共时性理论等的基础上,以新的方式解释了元语言概念,认为元语言也就是现象学的本质直观,它体现为“说出”和“显示”这两种最基本的意向方式,体现为语言时空的相互作用。由此在现象学的意义上提出元范畴和语言时空的概念,并对哲学和其他领域中的相关难题作出了回答。主要涉及到对元语言性质、数学语言性质、艺术语言性质的阐述,索绪尔与皮尔士符号理论体系的联接,以及对皮尔士的符号学系统和康德的先验范畴表的解释等。在此基础上,论文进一步提出完整的语言之树的模型,讨论了语言与自由、元语言与语言的辩证关系等,以更严格的方式表述了卡西尔的文化哲学思想,并由此上溯,对康德的先验哲学进行了语言学意义上的重构。 论文还联系语言转向对于现代哲学的意义,揭示了半世纪以来建筑语言研究缺乏批判性和反思性的弱点,指出由此引起的相对主义最终会使作为一门学科的建筑学失去意义。作为语言反思的结果,论文建议区分建筑语言和建筑学语言:前者体现在内容层次,即具体的建筑风格和建筑作品(相当于言语),后者体现在形式层次,是像功能语言这样的普适性的规则系统(相当于语言),但两个层次之间又需要另一种逻辑性的元语言来打通。论文根据以上研究,对建筑元语言的性质进行了定性描述,并对元语言的可能形式提出了自己的设想。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the research topic of architectural language, this dissertation attempts to theoretically differentiate and clarify quandaries that touch upon the relations between architecture and language. Beginning with the disputed question of "whether architecture is a kind of language", the dissertation categorizes and compares with three typical conceptual modes: analogy, affirmation, and negation. Through in-depth investigation of characters of image and sign, this dissertation brings forward the fourth mode: architectural language contains both image element and sign element that based on meta-language in a deeper level together. The dissertation not only discusses language phenomenon in architectural field, but also retrospects to current theories of linguistics and semiology. The difficulties caused by the application of linguistics and semiology in the architectural field, represent self-deficiency of these theories. The negative influences caused by relativism in architecture cannot be eliminated if the fundamental problems of language were not reflected and criticized. Based on theories of Kant’s transcendentalism philosophy, Husser’s transcendental phenomenology, Wittgenstein’s Picture Theory of Language, meta-language theory of analytical philosophy, and synchronic theory of structuralism, this dissertation interprets the concept of meta-language in a new approach, and argues that meta-language is the essential intuition of phenomenology that embody two most fundamental ways of intention with "be spoken" and "be shown" as well as the interplay between language time and language space. This dissertation thus sets up meta-category theory and language temporal-spatial theory in a sense of phenomenology. Furthermore, this dissertation answers the related questions in philosophy and other areas, mainly involved the explications of characters of meta-language, mathematical language and art language, the connection of sign theory systems between Saussure and Peirce, and the explanation of Peirce’s semiology systeme and Kant’s transcendental category diagram. Based on above analysis, this dissertation further puts forward a model of an integrated tree of language. By discussing the dialectic relationships between language and freedom, meta-language and language, this dissertation explains Cassirer’s cultural philosophyin a more restricted way, and reconstructs Kant’s transcendental philosophy in a sense of linguistics.In addition, with connection to the significance of language conversion toward modern philosophy, this dissertation discloses the weakness of architectural language study that lack criticism and reflection in half century, and points out that the resulted relativism would finally make the architecture as a major lose its significance. As the result of language reflection, the dissertation suggests differentiating language of architecture and language of architectonics: the former represents the content level, i.e. the concrete architectural styles and architectural works (corresponding to diction), while the latter represents the formal level, i.e. the general formula system similar to the functional language (corresponding to language). And the connections between these two levels also require another logical meta-language. Based on above study, this dissertation describes the characters of architectural meta-language qualitatively, and brings forward own conception of possible forms of meta-language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期

