

Research on the Urban Fabric of Ningbo Based on GIS

【作者】 邱枫

【导师】 伍江;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对城市肌理的概念和理论进行了系统的梳理。城市肌理作为城市形态、尤其是城市空间形态的表征,是城市的各种组成要素通过结构关系形成整体后,在空间上所呈现出的宏观表面组织动态的“肌理”效果,是城市空间形态在“逻辑的内涵”的内在作用机制下“表现的外延”的一种直观的表现形式。城市肌理由基本形和结构框架构成,具有具象实体和抽象形态的双重属性,本文初步拟出一套描述城市肌理的定性定量指标。城市肌理的组织规律具有两个层面,即图形规律(显性)和生成机制规律(隐性),城市肌理的生成机制的社会性、内发性、综合性正是其区别于一般肌理的关键之处。 GIS的运用不仅是研究手段的革新,也是研究方法论和思维方式的革新。本文分析了GIS在城市肌理研究中应用的范围和局限性,城市肌理要素信息与GIS空间数据的对应关系,并对GIS的空间分析方法在城市肌理研究中的运用原理作了探讨,建立了在城市肌理研究中GIS应用的工作流程和工作框架。 以上述研究作为认识论基础,本文对宁波老城城市肌理进行了实证研究。由于不同尺度下人的关注重点和认知结构会发生变化,为了方便研究和论述,分别从城市级和分区级两个尺度层次对宁波老城的城市肌理进行研究。从宁波独特的区位条件、地理环境和历史人文的特点上总结出宁波具有“双构性”的整体城市特色,简要回顾了宁波城市空间发展简史,以此为城市级肌理形成、演变的宏观背景,总结了作为宁波老城城市级肌理骨骼构架的街道水网的整体格局,归纳出其发展演变的特征——从双格网蜕变成单格网,街道网的密度经历了由疏到密再由密到疏的发展过程,而水系在宁波城市肌理演变中起着独特的、决定性的作用。在宁波老城分区级肌理的研究中,着重通过土地使用分区格局和宁波传统聚居模式的演变,勾勒出宁波分区级肌理的概貌。 考虑到资料收集和人力、时间投入的局限性,本文选择在分区级肌理这一尺度层次上,以孝闻街区为个案片区作GIS量化分析的实证研究。将街区的现实状态经过模型抽象,转化为能够被GIS系统模式的的数据库,在此基础上,进行城市肌理特征及指标的运算和分析,以获得对城市肌理现状的认知和解读。无论是在旧城的肌理织补或是新区的肌理创造方面,GIS的分析成果都具有重要的应用价值,帮助建立起新加入元素应遵循的指标框架,以及融合或新建后的整体拟实现状态的指标控制系统。

【Abstract】 This dissertation has systemically discussed on the concept and theory of urban fabric, which is as form of city, especially the expression of special form shape of city. After the elements of city are integrated into urban fabric through the structural relationship, they express themselves as the macrocosmic and dynamic "fabric" from special aspect. The fabric is a superficial urban shape of "extension of expression" under its mechanism of intension of logic. With double attributes of concrete entity and abstract shape, urban fabric is made up of basic forms and structural framework. Here a series of indices are put forward to describe the urban fabric. The organizing rule of urban fabric has two levers, which are graphic rules (implicit) and developing mechanism rule(explicit).It is the social,endogenous and integrated developing mechanism that distinguishes the urban fabric from the other fabrics.Application of GIS is not only the innovation of study method, but also the innovation of methodology and thoughtway. Its Work Flow, main functions, corresponding relationships between elements information of urban fabric and spatial data of GIS as well as the spatial analyzing methods in the study of urban fabric are discussed.Based on the above-mentioned theory, an empirical case study on urban fabric of Ningbo old city is carried out. Since the focus and perceivable structure could be changed under the different scales, we study the urban fabric of Ningbo old city from two levers, which are whole city area lever and subarea lever. Based on the analyses of location, geographical environment as well as historical and cultural characteristics, this dissertation summarizes the "double structure" identity of Ningbo. With the retrospect of urban spatial developing history, the entire pattern of streets and river networks has been summarized, which are transformed from double-grid to single-grid. While the street network are transformed from scanty to dense, the water system maintain its special and essential function. In the study of this lever, the general picture of urban fabric zoning is outlined and different fabric of Ningbo old city is marked out through the analyses of land use zoning and evolvement of traditional settlement patterns.On the subarea lever however, only one probe case—Xiaowen block has been chosen due to the time pressure and limited data. The reality of the block istransformed into GIS database through modeling. And its fabric feature and indices are computed and analyzed, so as to cognize and interpret the actuality of urban fabric. No matter for the fabric mending in the old city or for and fabric building in the new area, the fruit of GIS analyses has its essential applying value. It helps to built up an index framework which the newly added elements should follow and the regulatory index system which reflects the whole virtual reality after rebuilding.

【关键词】 城市肌理GIS宁波老城特征演变
【Key words】 Urban fabricold city of Ningbofeatureevolvement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984;P208
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2179
  • 攻读期成果

