

Study on Western Modern Aesthetic Consciousness and Styles of Interior Design

【作者】 吕品秀

【导师】 罗小未;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究西方19世纪下半叶以来、不同历史阶段的审美意识,及与之相关的室内设计风格的变化与特征,以期通过分析、总结出审美意识与室内设计风格的演变规律及发展趋势,能对我国室内设计的理论与实践发展有所借鉴。 21世纪的今天,随着经济、科技的全球化发展,西方的设计思潮不断涌入,对我国室内设计造成了很大的冲击,逐渐形成了表面上百花齐放,实质上杂糅并置的现状。这一局面的形成主要由于过于关注表面风格特征、忽视内在美学基础而造成的。因此,我们研究西方室内设计的演变不能仅仅从风格到风格,更应该关注其背后动因。因为,任何一种室内设计风格的形成都是社会、经济、科学技术等外在因素综合作用的结果,更是人们主观审美意识这一内在动力的客观物态化体现。 本文正是从审美意识入手,将19世纪英国工业革命至今划分为5个历史阶段:19世纪下半叶审美意识领域的复古思潮和当时的“新技术”倾向;19世纪末到一战的变革阶段;两次世界大战之间的现代主义美学;二战后到20世纪60年代末的反叛阶段;20世纪60年代至今的多元化与多样化。每一历史阶段,分别按照社会政治、经济、科学技术背景,审美意识及相关艺术领域的发展,室内设计风格的结构进行深入研究。采用了微观与宏观相结合的方法,辩证地分析了社会人群的审美意识与室内设计风格之间的互为因果关系,归纳其演变规律及发展趋势。最后,结合对我国室内设计现状的分析,指出研究现代西方审美意识与室内设计风格对我国室内设计发展的现实意义。

【Abstract】 This article is a study of the aesthetic consciousness and the changing of styles of interior design in the Western world since the middle of 19th century. By diachronic and synchronic research, both the evolution course and trajectory, also the mutual influence between them were explored, hoping that it will be a beneficial reference to the study and practice of interior design in China.With the growing globalization of economy and technology, different trends of Western design concepts are poured into our market. Usually, due to our over concern to the visible form of styles rather than to their inherent evolvement and aesthetic meaning, it became a negative impact to our interior design and formed the present situation of unequal development. It is important to know that any style is not only the comprehensive effect of its social, economical, cultural, technological background and so on, but also the materialistic form of aesthetic consciousness with the characteristic of epoch and region. For this reason it is necessary to implore the causes rather than the form while we study the interior design of the West.The content of this study starts from the British industrial revolution in 19th century to the present can be divided into five periods: from 1850s to 1900s was the aesthetic tendency of Classical Revival, Romanticism, Eclecticism and the impact of the 19th century new technology; from 1900s to the end of the first world war was the time in search of new styles; between the two world wars was the prevalence of modern aesthetics; from the second world war to 1960s was the "revision" stage; then from 1960s to the present is the development of pluralistic diversity. By using macro-micro method, the author has not only dialectically analyzed the cause and effect between aesthetic consciousness and styles of interior design, but also concluded the courses of evolvement and development. Finally with the analysis of the present stage of interior design in China, the author emphasizes the significance of relationship on aesthetic consciousness and styles of interior design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU-86;TU238.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2448
  • 攻读期成果

