

The Research of Wing Moving and Control System for Micro Flying Robot with Flapping Wings

【作者】 周建华

【导师】 颜景平;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 微型拍翅式飞行机器人是一种仿生飞行的飞行器,其在军事上和民用上均具有广阔的应用前景,它已成为目前国际上的研究热点之一。本文作为“仿生飞行机器人及其关键技术研究”课题的一部分,主要围绕拍翅运动模型及控制系统展开了相应的研究。参照固定翼飞机建立坐标系的方法,建立了一组适用于微型拍翅式飞行机器人的坐标系统,定义了坐标系之间的关系参数,导出了坐标系之间的变换矩阵。研究了微型拍翅式飞行机器人的拍翅运动形式,提出了适用于刚性结构翅和柔性结构翅的两种拍翅模型。对这两种拍翅模型产生的气动力和气动力矩进行理论分析和计算,分析了多个运动参数对气动力和气动力矩的影响,比较了这两个模型的各自特点。结果表明:采用刚性结构翅的拍翅式飞行机器人,具有平飞飞行和驻飞飞行两种飞行方式,分别适用于飞行机器人的平飞飞行的驻飞飞行,这两种飞行方式的组合应用,能使拍翅式飞行机器人的飞行机动性大大提高;采用柔性结构翅的拍翅式飞行机器人,适用于前飞和驻飞,翅的柔性变形能够提高气动效率和飞行稳定性。进一步对柔性结构翅,提出了柔性翅产生气动力的翅后缘“鱼尾效应”机理,指出柔性翅的制作材料和翅弦刚度是影响柔性翅性能的关键。分别计算了两种拍翅模型下,左右翅拍动所产生的气动力和气动力矩,通过对两种拍翅模型的运动学和动力学的分析,导出了微型拍翅式飞行机器人机体的运动微分方程。设计了一个采用压电双晶片(PZT)驱动的两自由度的双摇杆拍翅机构,该机构可以驱动刚性翅实现两自由度的拍翅运动,具有:结构简单、重量轻、动作可靠、拍动幅度大、驱动容易和控制方便等特点,适用于微型拍翅式飞行机器人的拍翅系统。同时指出由于目前PZT的驱动电压较高,在现阶段难以实现独立飞行。设计了一个电机驱动的曲柄摇杆机构,驱动柔性结构翅,利用该机构制作出大比例飞行样机,指出该机构微型化比较困难。对微型拍翅式飞行机器人的飞行控制系统,提出分层控制的方法,将飞行机器人的控制系统分为三个相对独立的控制层:轨迹规划控制层、位置控制层和姿态控制层。重点研究了位置控制层和姿态控制层的控制系统设计。设计了一种以周期平均气动力和气动力矩代替瞬时气动力和气动力矩的控制方法,即在每个拍动周期结束后,检测系统状态参数,根据状态误差调整拍翅参数。对于不同的飞行拍翅模型,分别提出了与其相适应的位置和姿态控制方法,对控制系统进行了解耦分析,确定了各控制通道的控制参数。探讨了神经网络在驻飞飞行的姿态控制系统中的应用,最后采用MATLAB软件对控制系统进行了仿真分析。利用自行研制的气动力测量实验平台,对刚性结构翅和柔性结构翅的拍翅模型进行了气动力实验,实验结果验证了微型翅气动力的理论分析。研制出了柔性翅的大比例拍翅式飞行机器人试验样机,分析了样机的结构,确定了样机各部分的制作材料,最后成功地进行了样机的试飞飞行。

【Abstract】 The micro flying robot with flapping wings is a bionic flying vehicle, which would find its extensive application for military and civilian purposes. At present, it has become a very active area of research in the world. Being a part of“Bionic flying robot and its key technologies”research, the moving models of wing and control system are studied in this paper. The major content and contribution of this paper are summarized as follows.A set of coordinate systems for the micro flying robot with flapping wings are established. The relationships and corresponding parameters of coordinate systems are defined, and the transformation matrixes between the coordinates transforms are derived.Aiming at researching the moving forms of flapping wings for micro flying robot, this paper proposes two kinds of flapping model for the rigid wings and the flexible wings, analyzes and calculates the aerodynamic forces and aerodynamic moments for the two flapping models. Further analyzed is the influence of parameters of movement for the aerodynamic forces and moments. Moreover, the features of these two models are compared respectively. Flapping robot with rigid wings has two flight modes, the horizontal flight and hovering flight, which may enhanced flight mobility if they work together. Flapping robot with flexible wings is suitable for forward and hovering flight, and the flexible wings enhance the aerodynamic efficiency and the flight stability. Also proposed is the mechanism of“fish tail effect”, which produces the aerodynamic force in wing back edge, for the flexible structure wing. Meanwhile, this paper points out that the manufacture material and the wing string rigidity of flexible wing are the key technology that has positive impact upon the flexible wing performance.The aerodynamic forces and moments which produced by two flapping wings are calculated for two flapping models. By the analysis of kinematics and dynamics for two kinds of flapping models, the paper exports the moving differential equations for body of micro flapping robot. Based on the equations, the position and attitude of micro flying robot with flapping wings can be controlled.For the rigid structure wing, a double rocker mechanism typical of two DOFs(Degree Of Freedom) is designed, which is actuated by two PZTs. The mechanism can actuate the rigid wing to realize two DOFs movements. This mechanism has many characteristics, simple instructure, light in weight, reliable in movement, large in range, easy in drive and convenience in control. Because the PZT’s voltage is high, independent flight is still difficulty at present. For the flexible structure wing, a motor-driven crank rocker mechanism is designed, which can be used in manufacturing the grand flying robot. However, this mechanism microminiaturization is difficult.For flying control system of micro flapping robot, the multilevel control system is proposed. It decomposes the global control system into three independent control systems, trajectory planner control system, position control system and attitude control system. For the position and the attitude control system, a method of average aerodynamic forces and moment is designed. At the end of each wing beat, the controller schedules the desired parameters of flapping wing according to state feedback errors. Further proposed is the position and the attitude control method separately, and also defined is the control parameter and decouple control system for different flapping model. Application of artificial neural network for micro flying robot in hovering flight is discussed. Finally, the control systems are simulated and analyzed by the MATLAB.The aerodynamic forces experiments for rigid and flexible wing are tested on the aerodynamic force measure equipment which is designed and developed by ourselves. The experimental result has confirmed the aerodynamic forces as put in theoretical analysis of micro flapping wing. A large-scale test model of micro flying robot with flapping wings is designed and developed. Its structure and material are clarified, The test flight has been successful.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期

