

The Method of Design

【作者】 卢虎

【导师】 凌继尧;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 艺术学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 从市场营销学的视角看,艺术设计是一种创造产品和价值的方式,离不开对市场的深刻了解。现代艺术设计肩负着双重使命:提高经济效益、提升大众的审美水准。在经济全球化及中国入世的时代大背景下,与市场营销的结合使得艺术设计焕发了生机。以营销学的理论研究艺术设计应采取归纳与演绎相结合、理论与实证相结合以及系统分析的方法。首先,从市场营销的目的出发,艺术设计要了解顾客需求的一些基本特征,通过对功能与成本关系的把握提高顾客的价值,而在体验经济的背景下,艺术设计通过对服务的设计可以给顾客带来体验。更进一步,设计师要了解产品的宏观和微观环境,进行市场调研,使艺术设计有的放矢,由于顾客需求的不明确性,通过反馈设计可弥补市场调研的局限。而营销学对顾客心理的研究更侧重于消费心理,对顾客消费心理的了解开拓了艺术设计的视界。在现代激烈的竞争环境下,艺术设计必须服从于企业的竞争战略,处于不同竞争地位企业的艺术设计应当有不同的设计思路。而现代科技催生的大规模定制的出现使得顾客也参与到艺术设计中来,借助网络,顾客使产品最后定型。对市场的细分给设计师提供了详尽的战略地图,设计师可以根据市场的空白有针对性地设计。此外,面对越分越细的市场,很少有企业只为一个细分市场服务,设计师往往需要设计一个系列的产品,以产品线增强企业的竞争优势。而在消费者基本需要已满足的基础上,当代艺术设计的研究范围拓展到农业和服务业中,人与人之间和谐、审美关系的构建有待于艺术设计的进一步发展。

【Abstract】 From the view of the marketing science, design is a method of creating products and value. Its practical purport roots the popularity among the people. Design undertakes two missions. One is to develop the economy. The other is to upgrade the aesthetic level. Design must pay more attention to the research of market. With the economy-globalization and China’s entry into WTO, design is developing rapidly when combined with the market.To research design from the view of marketing, induction and deduction, demonstration and system analysis theories should be considered. For the purpose of marketing, design must know the need of the customers. Designers must know the microcosmic environment of the products. Marketing pays more attention to the mentality of the consumption of the people, which develop the view of design.Through the Internet, more customers join in the design of the products and decide the fashion. Facing the detailed market, designers usually are required to design series of the products to promote the competition of an enterprise.When the customers are satisfied with the aesthetic need, the research of the design expands to many fields, such as agriculture and service industry. Harmony between human beings and the aesthetic relationship needs the progress of design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期

