

A Study on Patent Conflict of Laws

【作者】 费艳颖

【导师】 屈广清;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 专利权法律冲突是指两个或两个以上不同法域的专利法律对专利法律关系的规定各不相同,却又竞相适用于该专利法律关系之上,从而造成在法律适用上冲突的现象。随着全球经济、科技一体化进程的加快,涉外专利权纠纷层出不穷,应当突破专利权地域性理论上的窠臼,建立和完善专利权法律冲突立法,否则,大量涉外专利权纠纷将难以得到有效的司法解决。 本文运用综合研究、实证研究和比较研究的方法,分析了专利权地域性产生的本质根源及对专利权法律冲突产生的影响,指出国与国之间的密切互动使得建立和完善专利权法律冲突立法以解决跨国专利权纠纷成为现实的需要。文章提出了专利权法律冲突的解决方案,在鉴别分析他国已有制度的基础上,对我国专利权法律冲突的相关立法提出了建议。 本文共分6章,第1章以专利权法律冲突产生的理论和制度障碍为视角,对专利权及专利制度的基本问题进行了论述,具体内容包括专利权的性质、内容、基本特征以及专利制度的正当性。 第2章论述了法律冲突产生的本质、历史、条件及解决方法。 第3章梳理了专利权法律冲突的各种学说,分析了专利权地域性形成的原因,阐明突破专利权地域性的理论依据,指出专利权地域性的消失带有必然性,现阶段部分国家已经突破了专利权的地域性,并且在涉外案件的管辖制度上进行了创新,用以解决国际交往密切所带来的跨国专利权纠纷。 第4章从统一实体法的角度探寻了专利权法律冲突解决的可能性,包括《保护工业产权巴黎公约》等在内的专利权国际条约和在一些地区开展的统一专利权运动促进了专利制度的趋同。 第5章论述了专利权法律冲突的冲突法解决方法,分析了各国立法中的专利权冲突规则,指出了其存在的缺陷,并对专利权冲突规则的确立进行了图景分析。 第6章通过个案研究指出我国现有专利权法律冲突立法的缺陷与不足,论述了其未来完善的模式,并就具体制度的建立提出了立法建议。

【Abstract】 The patent conflict of laws is refer to that the regulations of the patent laws from two or more than two law regions are different while they are both applicable which gives rise to the conflict of application of laws. With the whole world economy, science and technology integration course being accelerated, foreign-concerning disputes on patent rights are emerging in an endless stream. It is necessary to break through the restriction on the regional theory of patent rights establish and perfect private international law which includes the conflict law of patent rights, otherwise, the big amount of foreign-concerning disputes of patent rights will not be solved effectively in a judiciary way.The article analyzed the essential root of the regional characteristic of patent rights and the influence to the conflicts of patent rights by the means of comprehensive research, practical research and contrastive research and pointed out that the close interaction between countries has made the establishing and perfecting the regulations of patent conflict law which is used to solve the transnational disputes of patent rights becomes an actual need. The article also put forward the methods of resolving the disputes of patent rights and raised some suggestions about relative legislation about patent conflict of laws in China.This article is constituent of six chapters. Chapter One discussed the fundamental issues of the patent rights and the rules of patent rights, which based on the angle of the theories and rule obstacles of the conflicts of laws of patent rights. The detailed content included the nature, content, characteristic of the patent rights and the justifiability of the patent legal system.Chapter Two elaborated the nature, history, conditions and settlement of the conflict of laws.Chapter Three compiled various theories about the patent conflict of, analyzed the formation cause of the patent’s regional characteristic, clarified the theoretical foundation of breaking through the regional characteristic of patent and pointed out thenecessity of the vanishment of the regional characteristic of patent. Nowadays some countries have already broken through the regional characteristic of patent rights and innovated in the jurisdiction of the foreign-concerning cases in order to solve the transnational disputes of patent rights that are brought by the close international contactChapter Four probed the possibility of the settlement of conflicts of laws of patent rights. The international treaties including the <Paris Convention on Protection of Industrial Property> and the movement of the uniformizing of patent rights have greatly improved the unity of the patent law system.Chapter Five elaborated the settlement of the conflicts of laws of patent rights with analyzing the regulations of conflicts of patent rights in existing legislations of various countries. After pointing out the defections existent conflicts of patent rights , the chapter analyzed the prospect of establishing future regulations of conflicts of patent rights.Chapter Six pointed out the defection and insufficiency of the existing regulations about patent conflict of laws in the form of individual cases. There are also discussions about the prefect mode in the future and suggestions of the establishment of the specific legal system.

  • 【分类号】D997.1;D923.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】907
  • 攻读期成果

