

Economics Analysis on Forage Industry Development in Hebei Province

【作者】 杨伟坤

【导师】 王慧军; 张义珍;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 上世纪80年代以来,河北省畜牧业发展迅速,肉、蛋、奶等畜产品产量在全国位居前列,然而作为畜牧业发展的物质基础的饲草产业才刚刚起步,科技水平和生产方式明显滞后于畜牧业的发展,满足不了现代畜牧业的巨大需求,至今尚未形成一个完整的产业体系。随着畜牧业发展和农业结构调整的推进,优质饲草的短缺日益成为河北省优质高效畜牧业发展的瓶颈,高效饲草产业体系的建立成为优质高效畜牧业发展的必要条件。在此背景下,研究如何促进河北省饲草产业的顺利发展则显得十分迫切和必要。 本文采用经济学、制度经济学和产业经济学理论,运用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,从经济学层面对河北省饲草产业发展问题进行深入研究,就河北省饲草的供给和需求,饲草产业发展的动因,饲草产业的发展模式及区域布局,草业产业化经营及支撑体系的构建等问题进行分析论证,并提出具有可操作性的对策建议,以期对河北省乃至全国同类地区具有指导和借鉴意义。本研究对于填补国内在这一领域研究的不足,具有非常重要的现实意义和理论价值。全文按照背景分析、基础研究、应用研究及对策研究的基本思路和逻辑顺序展开。 第一部分包括第一章和第二章,作为背景分析。其中第一章导论主要阐述本研究的选题背景、研究意义、国内外研究综述、基本概念与范围的界定、研究思路、方法、内容框架和创新点。第二章是饲草产业发展概况分析。首先阐述国内外饲草产业发展概况及其发展趋势,其次分析河北省饲草产业发展概况及存在问题,最后总结河北省饲草产业发展趋势。 第二部分包括第三章、第四章和第五章,作为基础研究。第三章从理论分析的角度,阐述新增长理论、新制度经济学相关理论、产业布局理论以及草业系统工程理论,上述理论不仅为本研究提供了理论基础和指导,而且在研究方法上也给予了具体的技术支持。第四章是河北省饲草供给与需求分析。首先对饲草供给与需求进行定性和定量分析,其次对河北省饲草市场需求进行预测分析。同时指出优质饲草的严重短缺日益成为限制畜牧业发展的主要因素,发展优质高效人工饲草地是饲草产业发展的重点和方向。最后,对河北省饲草供给与需求的影响因素进行分析,指出这些因素共同综合地影响和决定着饲草供给与需求的变动和饲草产业结构的变动及发展。第五章是河北省饲草产业发展的动因分析。指出生产推动和需求拉动是河北省饲草产业兴起和发展的根本动因,优化传统农业的产业结构,发展草业势在必行。 第三部分包括第六章和第七章,作为应用研究。第六章是河北省饲草业的发展模式与区域布局研究。首先对四个主要发展模式进行具体分析,然后对饲草产业进行了

【Abstract】 Livestock industry in Hebei province had been developed rapidly since 1980, and the livestock product yield such as meat, egg and milk and so on was situated at the forefront in the nation. However, forage industry which is the material base of livestock industry has just started and its technical level and production method lagged behind livestock industry distinctively, and could not meet the needs of modem livestock industry, a complete industrial system didn’t form until now. With the development of livestock industry and the adjustment of the agricultural structure, the high quality forage shortage has become the bottleneck of the livestock industry development in Hebei, therefore, the establishment of effective forage industry is an essential condition of effective and high livestock industry development. Based on the foregoing factors it is very essential to study how to develop forage industry smoothly in Hebei province.The theories of economics, institutional economics and industrial economics and the methods of the qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to study the forage industry development questions of Hebei province. At the same time, the questions of supply and demand, the development motive force, the development pattern and area distribution of Hebei province were analyzed, and the maneuverability countermeasures and advices were also put forward in order to guide the forage industry development in Hebei province and other similar areas. The study had practical significance and theoretical importance for the nation’s forage industry development. The full article was divided into four major parts according to the logical order as the following, the background analysis, the basic research, the applied research and the policy choice.The first part presented the background analysis which included Chapters 1 and 2. The background and significance of this research, summary of domestic and foreign research, the basic concepts and the study scope limitation, the research concept, the method and the content frame and the innovation spot were illuminated in Chapter 1. The survey analyzing forage industry development was discussed in Chapter 2. Firstly, it illuminated the development of the forage industry and its development tendency domestically and overseas, then it analyzed the development survey and existing question of forage industry in Hebei province, finally it summarized the development tendency of forage industry in Hebei province.The second part was the fundamental research, which included Chapters 3, 4 and 5.From the perspective of theoretical analysis, Chapter 3 illuminated the new growth theory, the new system economic correlation theory, the industrial distribution theory, the forage industry systems engineering. These theories not only provided the rationale and the instruction for this research, but also gave the concrete technical support in the research technique. Chapter 4 presented the analysis of forage grass supplies and demands in Hebei province. The forage grass supplies and demands were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative analyses, and the forage grass market demand was also forecasted. At the same time in this chapter, it was pointed out that the serious shortage of high quality forage grass became the limiting factor of livestock industry development, the development of effective and high quality artificial forage grass was the keystone and important aspect of forage industry development. Finally, it analyzed the influencing factors of forage grass supplies and demands in Hebei province, pointed out that these factors comprehensively affected and determine the forage grass supplies and the demands changes and the forage industry structure changes and development. Chapter 5 discussed the motive force analysis of forage industry development in Hebei province, it pointed out that the production impetus and the demand force were the basic motive forces of the emergence and development of forage industry in Hebei province. So optimizing the traditional agriculture industrial structure and developing grass industry were imperative under the situation.The third part consist the applied research, which included Chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 6 presented the research of the development pattern and the region distribution of forage grass industry in Hebei province. Firstly, it carried on the analysis of four main development patterns, secondly, it carried on the regional distribution and the pattern choice of the forage grass industry, the purpose was to carry on the forage grass production in the most suitable region, and form a concentration production area in the most suitable region to speed up the grass industry industrial production development advancement in order to realize the region resources optimum disposition. Chapter 7 discussed the business analysis of pratacultural industrialization in Hebei province. Firstly, it elaborated the production rationale of pratacultural industrialization, secondly, it limited the connotation and essential factors constitution of pratacultural industrialization, and pointed out that to limit the pratacultural industrialization, the relation of grass industry and livestock chains industry seemed to be comprehensive. Thirdly, it analyzed the necessity and the organizational running pattern of the pratacultural industrialization management of Hebei province, and carried on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the prataculturalindustrialization operation scheme achievements, established the performance evaluation target system of pratacultural industrialization management organization. The establishment and the development of grass industry cooperative economy organization (grass industry cooperative society, grass industry association, guild, etc.) were the inevitable choice to the higher development of the pratacultural industrialization management organization of Hebei province. Finally, combining with the analysis of Cangzhou alfalfa industrial production, the emerging problems and its reasons in the development advancement of pratacultural industrialization were analyzed.The fourth part was the countermeasures of the research including Chapters 8 and 9. Firstly, the influencing factors of pratacultural industrialization (PI) were analyzed using game theory in Chapter 8. Next, the way of thinking how to set up the supporting system of PI was put forward, the supporting system mainly consisted policy information, science and technology, circulation of market, logistics, capital, et. al. Finally, the paper summarized the basic, principal and way of development and the countermeasures on how to develop pratacultural industrialization (PI) healthily in Hebei province in Chapter 9.


