

Entrepreneurship Development Research

【作者】 陈钦虹

【导师】 邱华炳; 吴碧英;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 财政学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 作为世界上人口最多的、也是人口就业压力最大的国家,如何在解决十几亿人口的吃饭问题之后,为占世界1/4的劳动力创造就业机会,是中国经济发展的首要任务之一。在当前以创造就业为中心的经济增长模式中,要解决就业岗位这个“瓶颈”问题,把人口众多这个劣势转变为优势,“创业”是一种非常有效的手段,通过指导和扶持一人或多人创业成功,带动一群人创业,创造就业岗位,从而促进就业。2005年8月直销法的出台,意味着一个新兴行业的产生,本文在系统地研究创业发展相关理论的基础上,从个人、直销企业和政府三个角度,分析个人创业发展中存在的问题,剖析影响创业发展因素,对直销业发展进行可持续发展分析,通过理论研究和实证分析,在个人创业发展中构筑起个人、直销企业和政府的三赢模式。在满足个人的创业发展需求、直销企业的战略发展需求的同时,国家通过鼓励创业,以创业拉动经济增长、从而促进就业,使社会经济稳步发展。论文包括九章:第一章绪论,通过对个人、直销企业和政府在创业发展中的背景及困惑分析,提出个人创业发展研究的必要性和现实性;第二章作为个人创业发展研究的理论支持,对创业发展及直销研究的有关经济理论进行梳理和分析;第三章是直销业可持续发展分析,分析了如何促进直销业的可持续发展;第四章是个人创业发展因素分析,揭示了这些因素在个人创业发展中的重要性;第五章、第六章和第七章是对个人、直销企业和政府在个人创业发展中的角色和任务进行阐述,为构筑三赢模式进行铺垫;第八章是实证分析个人发展与直销业创业机会的匹配对个人创业发展的影响,以及直销业通过创业提供给社会的就业机会;第九章是在个人创业中构筑个人、直销企业和政府的三赢模式,以和谐创业为基础,构筑三赢模式,建立三赢模式的支持体系,培育有中国特色的直销市场,以促进三赢模式的实现,并对未来个人创业发展的进一步研究进行阐述。本文的主要创新点:①对个人创业发展的有关理论进行系统性的概括和提炼,认为基于创业机会的研究框架将成为未来的研究焦点,而直销业的核心是机会,本文从个人创业的角度,对直销业进行研究。利用直销业给一部分人创业的机会,从而促进就业。②运用生产消费行为理论,家里黄金理论,提出“消费经营者”的概念。认为流通渠道的变革,给予个人创业的机会,同时导致财富的再分配,将出现

【Abstract】 China, with the greatest number of population in the world, is under the greatest pressure of employment. One of the most important tasks in China is to create employment opportunities after China had solved the problem of famine. To solve the problem of employment, entrepreneurship is very effective. It can change inferior positions of population into predominance in the economic increasing mode focusing on the employment. Entrepreneurship creates employment opportunities through coaching people and driving more people to go to entrepreneurships. Since the Law on Direct Selling was promulgated in August 2005 and direct selling has turned into a new economic trade. This paper reviews present theories on entrepreneurship, analysis the entrepreneurship development problems from the viewpoints of individuals, organizations and governments. Based on both theoretical and empirical study, this paper provides resolution to realize trial benefits. The government promotes the economic development and advances employment through entrepreneurship encouragement, which satisfies the need of the individuals’entrepreneurship development and the organization’s strategic development at the same time.This dissertation consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1, an introduction, shows the necessity of entrepreneurship development research by analyzing the puzzles on development of individuals, organizations and governments. Chapter 2 is a review of the present theories on entrepreneurship development, and provides theoretical support for the whole research. Chapter 3 analyses the sustainable development in direct selling. Chapter 4 discusses the key factors, and their importance of entrepreneurship development. Chapter 5, 6 and 7 set forth the role for individuals, organization and government in the entrepreneurship development. Chapter 8 empirically analyzes the effects of individual development and the opportunity of direct selling on entrepreneurship development, and analyzes the employment opportunities, which the direct selling offers to the society. Chapter 9 constructs the trial-beneficial developing pattern for Individuals, organizations and government based on harmonious entrepreneurship, and cultivates the Chinese direct selling market so as to realize trial-beneficial developing pattern, and discusses the futuretendency for entrepreneurship development. The main innovations:①Systematically reviews the main present theories and topics on entrepreneurship development. The research focuses on the entrepreneurial opportunities in the future. The core of the direct selling is the opportunity. This paper analyses the direct selling from the point of view of the entrepreneurship. In practice, direct selling can provide entrepreneurial opportunities, which can promote employment.②This paper introduces the concept of“consumed proprietor”by using the theory of Pro Summer Power and Household Gold. The change of circulating channel presents the entrepreneurial opportunities and reallocates the fortune, and results in the appearance of new millionaire. This paper uses the mode of Franchise for reference in the management of direct selling, considering that this can depress the risk of entrepreneurship in direct selling. It is good for the development of the trade. At the same time, this mode popularizes the education of marketing. It will improve the entrepreneurial ability of the individuals through imparting the management system to the direct seller.③This paper analyses the entrepreneurship development from the viewpoints of individual, direct selling organization and governments. It also empirically studies the effects of both individuals’entrepreneurship development and the entrepreneurial opportunities in direct selling, analyses the employment which the trade provides to the society so as to establish the foundation for trial-beneficial pattern. Based on harmonious entrepreneurship, direct selling can establish the Chinese direct selling market and provides practical resolutions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】3013

